Pressure Points To Relieve Headaches-Temples Most Obvious

Having headaches isn’t any fun. When you have one the only thing you can think about is getting rid of it. Most people will either ride it out and hope the pain passes, or they will pop a few pills that promise to relieve the pain. However, a few people find that using pressure points to relieve headaches is a much better option for easing the pain.

There are pressure points located all over the body, and each one can help ease different ailments. Luckily, some of these pressure points will be able to treat your headaches. Some of the pressure points are quite obvious, while a few of them may end up surprising you. But where they are located is less important than the fact that they work. To be fair, not every single headache will go away instantly using these points, but they will almost always bring a noticeable level of relief.

Chances are you are already familiar with one of the pressure points, but didn’t even know it. We are talking about the temples. Now, you have to be careful to not apply too much pressure here, so just use your fingers to make a gentle circular massage motion. Keep doing this for a minute or so and you should find that your head is feeling better.

Another set of pressure points on the head can be found on the inside of your eyebrows right next to your nose. You should be able to apply more firm pressure here (though you always need to be careful to not overdo it on any pressure point). Use your thumbs to make smaller, then larger circles until you start to notice the pain lessening.

You can find another series of pressure points on the head along the front of your hairline, near the top of your forehead. Start at level that is even with the horizontal plane of your eyes (but close to the ears) then gently massage along the hairline until your fingers meet at the middle of your head (a few inches above your nose). However, the head is not the only place where there are pressure points to relieve headaches.

More points can be found at the midpoint between your head and the outside of your shoulders. These muscles typically store up a lot of tension, and releasing that tension with a massage can help bring headache relief.

Moving down to your forearms, you can find more pressure points on the inside of your arm just above the elbow joint. You can locate more points by moving diagonally toward your bicep. Alternating between both spots should make an improvement in your level of pain.

These are a few of the pressure points to relieve headaches, but there are several more. Sure, you can always take an aspirin or medication if you must, but trying natural remedies first may bring just as much relief without having to add chemicals to your body.