Sun Skin Damage -Sunscreen And Lots Of It

There has long been cautions and warnings about how prolonged exposure to the sun can cause sun skin damage. But who wants to stay inside on a nice, warm , sunny, summer day? Not too many!

So what is the answer? Sunscreen and lots of it.

Did you know, though, that most people don’t use sun screen correctly? They go out and they put it all over their bodies one time and think they will be protected all day.

Some sunscreens may be able to protect you for an extended period of time but you should always reapply it every few hours. Some wash off in the water if you add swimming to your summer day and some are affected by sweat.

Always read the label and follow the directions closely to avoid sun skin damage, especially when children are involved.

Let’s talk about the sun’s rays for a minute. There are two main types that affect your skin: UVA and UVB

UVA rays are the ones that can cause age spots and other skin discolorations. You may not even realize that this is skin damage, but it is, and was caused by the sun shining on unprotected skin when you were younger.

UVB rays are the ones that cause you to get a sunburn. If you notice that your skin is red and painful after a day out in the sun, you have damaged your skin. The redness will fade after a few days but you will notice that after a week or two your skin will begin to “peel”. This is usually not a painful process but you will not like the way it looks.

Always use sunscreen! Even on cloudy days the sun’s rays can affect your skin. They pass right through the clouds so do not be fooled into thinking that you are safe.

Too many sunburns and/or prolonged exposure to the sun without being protected can lead to a more serious condition like skin cancer and premature aging of the skin.

Sunscreen comes in several different levels and you can find them everywhere this time of year. The lowest protection factor is 4 on up to at least 50 maybe even higher. Sun tan oils are different and do not provide any protection from the suns rays.

Tanning booths or beds are no better than lying in the sun. In fact, they can be even more harmful and can cause eye damage, accelerated premature aging, immune system suppression and they can even cause allergic reactions as well as skin damage.

To avoid sun skin damage, you should stay out of the sun from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. These are the hours of the day are when the rays of the sun are most damaging. If you cannot avoid the sun at these times then you should at least try to limit the time that your skin is exposed by finding a nice shady spot to sit in and/or protecting yourself by wearing sunscreen.

Deafness Problems Can Be Prevented

Deafness problems occur when there is damage in the inner ear. How bad or severe it is caries and there are many factors. Fortunately, it can be prevented and here are a few tips you should know.

First, you should know that hearing loss may be caused by prolonged exposure to loud noise or even a loud explosion. As many as 10 million Americans have this problem.

You could get it from a concert, while partying at the disco or from a gun shot fired close to where you are. As a result, the hair cells in the inner ear of the cochlea may suffer permanent damage and the best way to prevent it from happening is to stay away from such places.

Our ears produce ear wax. This is why it should be cleaned regularly otherwise it will cover it entirely making it possible for you to hear. If you dont take immediate action, you will have to use medication or undergo surgery.

If you happen to work in a loud environment like a construction site or in the airport, you should wear an ear protector. Some examples include earplugs, earmuffs and canal caps that are sold in drugstores and hardware stores. The ideal one is something you are comfortable with using. Just make sure that this is in good condition at all times and replaced when needed.

The same goes when you decide to fire a few shots at the firing range because the weapon will produce a loud bang that has also been known to cause deafness problems.

Some diseases have been known to cause deafness problems and a very good example is meningitis. The good news is that this disease can be prevented by practicing proper hygiene, getting immunization shots and keeping your body healthy.

Certain drugs especially ototoxic are known to cause permanent hearing loss. You should consult with your doctor about this and ask him or her to recommend something else that is safer for you to use.

If you listen to music using a headset or earplugs, never set it at a high volume because this could also cause deafness problems. The same goes when you watch television or listen to the radio at home or in the car.

Deafness problems may be caused a lot of things. It could be genetic, due to an illness, age and noise. While some can be prevented, there is no way to prevent it if it is caused by age or genetics. The good news is that there are ways to treat it like a cochlear implant or with the help of hearing aids.

Early detection of hearing problems helps so it does not get any worse. If you have trouble understanding what people say in a crowded room, need to turn the volume higher, have people repeat what they say or be unable to hear pitched sounds, then you could already have a problem. Go and have yourself checked out by a professional so he or she can let you undergo a hearing test.

Now that you know what causes deafness problems, dont keep it to yourself and spread the word around. A friend or family member that does not take steps to prevent it will most likely suffer from it sooner than you think.