Suffering from Osteoarthritis? Acupuncture to the Rescue

Suffering from Osteoarthritis? Acupuncture to the Rescue
C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Keeping in tune with our commitment to providing the latest, medical breakthroughs, I recently had the rare pleasure of speaking with Professor Jorge Vas Ruiz , (Subdirector of the Master University of Acupuncture, ACMAS Huangdi located in Sevilla, Spain) regarding acupuncture’s effectiveness on osteoarthritis of the knee. For over 8 years, Professor Ruiz and his team of elite professors have investigated the effectiveness of Acupuncture treatment. In the past two years, his work focused on a trial of 40 patients whereby acupuncture and relative therapies were applied. The discoveries were that Acupuncture Techniques relatively proceeded to exceedingly heighten internal healing organisms. Professor Ruiz writes, “The art of traditional Chinese Medicine categorized Osteoarthritis as ‘Bi Syndromes,’ Blockages in Qi energy circulation, which results in ill health. From Ancient Widsom, analgesic properties were founded through points of acupuncture. Numerous studies have demonstrated which nervous system neurotransmitters and natural antigens respond to the stimulus of Acupuncture; and how the analgesic effectiveness of acupuncture fine tunes the peptide pathways and allows natural opiote substances into the undefined gray areas. In the case of Osteoarthritis, acupuncture has effectively reduced and alleviated pain improving mobility of the joints, and finally, increasing the quality of life and overall wellbeing. Recognizing which treatment is greater for the majority as opposed to surgery, our Investigation demonstrated that acupuncture is a good treatment for arthritis of the knee. Normally, 10-12 repetitive treatments are a necessary process depending on seriousness. Normally, patients did not require treatment past 6 months. Dr. Ruiz further explained that, “…Leading trials from patients affected by chonic neck pain were completed just a month ago and should have published results shortly. Another trial centered on acupuncture’s effectiveness on shoulder pain involving 500 patients is set to begin in one month as well.” In closing, Professor Ruiz elaborated that, “Overall, the process of osteoarthritis responds well to acupuncture. Depending on one’s initial stage of arthritis, this medical treatment can effectively help with pain and inflammation.” Professor Jorge Vas Ruiz is the Subdirector for, ACMAS Huangdi a practicing and teaching university of Acupuncture and traditional Chinese Medicine. His research has been featured on several medical media journals, including the British Medical Journal.____________________________________________________________________________ To read this and other articles like this one, go to today! 12/2004 Suffering from Osteoarthritis? Acupuncture to the Rescue Report by, C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. LadyCamelot Public Relations’ Director & Staff Writer About the Author
12/2004 Suffering from Osteoarthritis? Acupuncture to the Rescue Report by, C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. LadyCamelot Public Relations’ Director & Staff Writer

Remain Active with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Yoga Guide

Remain Active with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Yoga Guide
ARA Content

(ARA) – More and more people are performing the age-old practice of Yoga. Yoga can stretch you, it can relax you and now it may help people with arthritis. According to the American Yoga Association (AYA), Yoga may help people with arthritis deal with pain and stiffness, improve range of motion and increase strength for daily activities.
One of the most common forms of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which affects approximately two million Americans, of which more than 75 percent are women. RA is a chronic, autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissue lining the joints, leading to pain, deformity and disability that may be permanent. Now available is a first-of-its kind online Yoga guide specifically for people with RA, developed by the AYA, in collaboration with the Arthritis Foundation and support from
For thousands of years people have used Yoga to build flexibility and strength, improve concentration, relieve stress and increase energy. Today the benefits of Yoga may extend to people with RA. According to a pilot study published in the British Journal of Rheumatology, people with RA who participated in a Yoga program over a three-month period experienced greater handgrip strength compared to those who did not practice Yoga.
“People with RA may benefit from low-impact exercises like Yoga to help improve overall health and fitness without further damaging or hurting the joints,” said Dr. Cheryl Lambing, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California Los Angeles. “Physical activity may optimize both physical and mental health and plays a vital role in disease management.”
The unique Yoga guide, Remain Active with RA, encompasses traditional Yoga poses including range-of-motion, muscle strengthening, and endurance exercises – the three major forms of exercise typically prescribed for people with RA. Each exercise contains detailed photographs and instructions indicating the proper way to perform each movement, with variation of exercises based on disease severity. It is important for people with RA to speak to their physician before embarking on any new exercise program.
“With my rheumatoid arthritis, I never thought I would be able to do an exercise like Yoga,” said Lynn McKenzie-Collins, Ph.D. “I am now reassured that there is a Yoga guide tailored for people with my disease that may help my pain and stiffness.”
The Remain Active with RA Yoga Guide is offered free exclusively at and can be accessed when visitors to the site register. RAacademy is a disease web site, sponsored by Aventis Pharmaceuticals that provides RA-related news and information to people with the disease and their families. In addition to the Yoga guide, the site features self-care tools and tips for living with RA.
About The Author
Courtesy of ARA Content,; e-mail: [email protected]

Bad Study Habits

If you are in high school or college, you know that you will not get the best grades if you have bad study habits. Unless you are a naturally gifted student, it takes some effort to get the grade point average you need to continue in your academic career. Even if you are gifted, bad habits can hurt your scores.

Of course, the worst of the bad habits of studying is not studying at all. Some people plan to go through school without cracking open a book. It is rare for this to be an adequate response to academia. Most people need to study.

Some people do not go to class. This is another bad habit. The teacher or professor may give you information that if not in any of the literature. To get it, it is best to go to class. You might be able to get it second hand from someone who did go to class, but there is nothing like hearing it for yourself.

Sometimes students go to class, but they go unprepared. Some do not buy the proper literature or lab materials. They try to get by with sharing or looking on others’ work. This is a bad habit, as they will not get the personal experience that they would with their own literature and materials.

You can buy the right literature and lab materials, but if you do not have the right equipment and supplies. You will suffer if you do not have the right supplies to go along with it. If you make it a habit to show up without paper, pen, pencil, or even a laptop computer if needed, you will not be able to do your work.

There are certain physical bad habits that make studying harder. Studying without eating is like trying to drive a car without fuel-it does not work very well. Studying without sleep is unproductive. Studying with a hangover is very distracting.

Many students will go to class to be entertained. This seems almost reasonable because many professors have great senses of humor. However serious learning should be taking place as well. If you find yourself not taking notes, you will know you are slipping into bad habits. If you get to class and you have not read the assignment, you will be ill prepared.

Cramming for tests is a time honored tradition. Yet, if you want to retain the material beyond the end of the semester, it is a bad habit to start. Doing daily work will help you to understand the material that is being put into your brain. It will help you assimilate it in a way that will help you to remember it in the long haul.

If you are a motivated student, your bad habits may be just as unproductive, in the short run at least. You may find yourself straying in your research. You find your subjects fascinating, but you find other information interesting as well. Before you know it, you have spent hours on the internet researching something you do not need for your school work at all. It may increase your knowledge overall, but it will not help today.

You can rid yourself of your bad habits when you are studying or preparing to study. Some people choose not to. However, you might find it beneficial.

How Serious Is Swine Flu?

The United Kingdom has become the latest country to confirm cases of the swine flu. At the same time, the World Health Organization has raised its alert level from 3 to 4. With 150 people already killed in Mexico, the WHO revealed that the influenza virus has the sustainability for human-to-human transmission and can cause community level outbreaks.

One can recall a similar outbreak known as bird flu which was more risky than H1N1 virus. According to Professor Neil Ferguson of the World Health Organization, H1N1 is nothing when compared to other similar outbreaks such as SARS or the 1918 Spanish flu.

According to the professor, the evidence is clear that the United Kingdom is headed for a swine influenza pandemic in the coming months. However, it would be difficult to determine the extent of the epidemic since this is usually the time of the year when flu is prominent in the United Kingdom.

It is likewise almost sure that if the H1N1 outbreak disappears in the coming weeks, there might still be an outbreak of the virus in the autumn. If the situation indeed transforms into an epidemic, then 30% – 40% of the general population might become susceptible to infection. Professor Ferguson believes that any outbreak might become longer since the summer season in the United Kingdom is fast approaching.

On the other hand, Sir Liam Donaldson, who is concurrent Chief Medical Officer for England, believes that this new strain of H1N1 virus is something which people has natural immunity and has not received any vaccination yet. For this reason, one becomes susceptible to infection and spread to other people.
However, there is no sufficient information about the virus yet and H1N1 is still a subject of studies by major laboratories in the world. Once there is sufficient information about the virus, only then can it be possible to make improved predictions about individuals who are at higher risk and likely to have serious complications.

At present, the situation in Mexico is creating confusion and it is hard to make a firm a conclusion about what is likely to happen. In any case, there is a need to be ready for any untoward incidents that may happen.

Professor John Oxford, meanwhile, believes that the H1N1 outbreak is not as alarming as the H5N1 bird flu virus. He believes that the country can provide the basic H1N1 immunity for the population. The outbreaks outside of Mexico have not resulted to deaths which is an indication that the virus is not that aggressive.

Aside from that, the summer months is fast approaching so it is less probable for the H1N1 virus to cause an outbreak as well. In any case, the United Kingdom has enough antiviral medicines to treat half of the population.

With this in mind, there is no cause for worry about the H1N1 virus, as it appears that it would cause an outbreak that would be felt all over the world and increase mortality rates.

The outbreak of H1N1 began in Mexico City and as of today has resulted to the death of 42 people and more than 800 confirmed cases of swine flu infection. Although it has now spread in 22 countries, it is believed that this new virus outbreak would not be result to a pandemic and is milder than similar virus infections.