Seeking Chiropractic Care: What You Need to Know

Do you suffer from pain, discomfort, or have difficulty moving? Whether that pain is caused by arthritis, an injury, or if you dont know the cause, you may consider chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is a natural way to seek pain relief. With proper treatment, that relief will be long-term and long-lasting. However, if this is your first time seeking chiropractic care, you may have many questions. Continue reading on to get your answers.

Question: What types of conditions can chiropractors treat?

Answer: A wide range. Many are actually surprised to hear that chiropractors treat more than just back pain. This is a common misconception. In actuality, they treat a wide range of medical conditions that result in pain, discomfort, and decreased mobility. They typically treat neuromusculosketal complaints and joint pains in the entire body.

Question: What types of treatments are offered in chiropractic care?

Answer: Many. Although many procedures are performed, two are common. They are adjustments and therapeutic massages. One mistake that many make is believing that they can perform these procedures at home; it is very risky. A chiropractic adjustment is a fine practice that only a few know how to master. Yes, only the hands are used, but precision force is required. The hands manipulate joints to enhance function, improve mobility, and reduce pain. These joints are important to mobility. One wrong move and a person can land themselves in a world of pain.

Question: Is chiropractic care safe?

Answer: Yes. Many are surprised to learn just how safe chiropractic care is. It is actually a lot safer than most traditional forms of medicine. Chiropractors do not prescribe medication. They cannot, but most would not anyways. This is because they believe in natural relief. They also aim for more than just temporary relief, but a permanent solution to the problem. Most primary care physicians mask pain with over-the-counter or prescribed pain pills. This temporarily stops pain, but it will return. On the other hand, chiropractors target the source of the pain and fix it. So, not only is chiropractic care safe, but you get better, longer lasting results.

Question: Do you need a referral before seeing a chiropractor?

Answer: You shouldnt. Many insurance providers do require referrals for specialists, such as surgeons. Although chiropractors do have a specialty, which is natural manual therapy, they are not legally classified as specialists. All states classify them as contact physicians. This means your insurance provider should not require you to have a referral. In fact, chiropractors provide referrals. In cases that they cannot treat, such as a neck fracture, the patient is referred to a qualified surgeon.

Question: Does chiropractic care hurt?

Answer: It shouldnt. If you opt for a certified chiropractor who performs all procedures correctly it should not hurt. The only exception is with a therapeutic massage. If you suffer from arthritis, your joints already hurt. The first couple of touches may result in some discomfort, but that will soon disappear. As for adjustments, they should not hurt. Although chiropractors advise against cracking our knuckles, we have all done it. It is similar. You may hear a popping sound, but will feel no pain.

Question: How do I find a chiropractor?

Answer: You have many options. It is easier to turn to your local phone book. In the yellow pages or the business directory, look under the headings of physicians, or chiropractic care. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) allows you to search for doctors of chiropractic (D.C.) on their website, located at

Question: Does insurance cover chiropractic care?

Answer: It depends on your insurance company and the coverage plan you selected. A growing number of insurance providers are extending coverage for chiropractic care. Some are doing so at the suggestion of employers and employees. Those in physically demanding professions, such as construction and mail delivery, can benefit from having easy and affordable access to care.

Question: What about those who do not have health insurance?

Answer: If you do not have health insurance, do not avoid seeking chiropractic care. Instead, find a care provider who is willing to work with you. Some will develop affordable payment plans. Some chiropractors also accept credit cards as payment. Although the costs increase with late fees and interest rates, it may be your only way to seek relief.


Word Count 717

Is Chiropractic Care Safe?

Regardless of the cause, if you suffer from pain and discomfort, you might hear that chiropractic care can get you relief. You may have heard this suggestion from someone you know or read it online. Yes, chiropractic care is ideal for treating all pain related issues. Instead of masking the pain with prescribed medications, chiropractors go directly to the source and treat the problem. They usually do so with chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic massages, and chiropractic realignments.

As nice as it is to know that chiropractic care can translate into pain relief, you may have some concerns. Chiropractic adjustments and alignments sound like difficult procedures. Truthfully, they arent if preformed by a trained and licensed chiropractor. Still, you may have concerns. You may wonder if chiropractic care is safe. Is it? Yes. Why? Continue reading on to find out!

Chiropractic care is natural, not artificial. As previously stated, most primary care physicians recommend rest and medication for pain relief. Rest is natural, but prescribed and over-the-counter pain relievers are not. They have many side effects and risks. You want to treat pain, not create a new set of problems to deal with. Since chiropractors provide treatment and therapy with the hands, it is natural treatment. As you already know, natural is less risky and safe.

No medications are prescribed. As mentioned above, chiropractors do not prescribe medication. Yes, they cannot legally, but most would avoid doing so anyways. If additional help is needed, they turn to natural remedies and supplements, but even that is rare. Remember, therapy and treatment is provided by the hands. Since there are no medications, you do not need to worry about the risk. There is no wondering if it is safe to take your medication and drive. There is no wondering if your medicine will make you drowsy and fall asleep at work. There is no worrying that your new medication with interact with your others. No medication automatically translates into safer care.

Chiropractic care has no side effects, only positive effects. Over-the-counter and prescribed pain relievers are not all that has side effects. Surgery has them too. A therapeutic massage and manual manipulation of a joint or the spine has little to no risk. And, since this therapy is once again provided by the hands, there are no side effects.

Care is non-invasive. When seeking treatment and relief of pain, chiropractors will diagnose a problem and treat it. Occasionally, the pain may result from a fracture or a more serious medical complication. If surgery is needed, you will be referred to a qualified surgeon, but this is rare. Most can treat you with their hands, training, experience, and nothing more. Since chiropractic care is non-invasive, there are fewer risks. It is safe. There is no cutting of the skin or the drawing of blood. It is safe because there are no risks of complications, further injury, or infection.

Chiropractic care has less recovery time. In fact, there may be none! This is because you will not need surgery or dangerous pain medication. Within a few sessions, your pain and be treated and it will subside, possibly permanently. Almost all procedures are performed in an office, not a hospital. You are free to leave afterwards. After a spinal or neck adjustment you may need a small amount of therapy and you may need to reduce strenuous activity, but it is much better than being stuck in a hospital bed for days or weeks.

In conclusion, chiropractic care is safe. Not only that, but it is ideal for individuals of all ages, including the old, the young, and pregnant women.


Word Count 603

How to Seek Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident

Were you in a car accident? Did you visit your primary care physician or the hospital? Were you sent home with a prescribed pain reliever? If so, you may have a mild form of whiplash or just a sore body. Yes, pain may subside overtime, but dont you want immediate relief? Also, dont you want to know if there is a more serious problem instead of waiting for it to explode at a later date? After a car accident, victims should never take risks. They should schedule an appointment with a licensed chiropractor.

Why should you seek chiropractic care after a car accident? For starters, chiropractors do not just try to hide the problem of pain with medication. They do not use it. Instead, they rely on manual therapy. For pain that will subside overtime, therapeutic massages are best. For spinal or joint injuries, adjustments are best. Whatever the treatment, manual therapy is used. It involves the hands. To make a proper diagnosis after a serious car accident, an MRI, sonogram, or x-ray may be used.

Another reason why you should seek chiropractic care after a car accident is to prevent later complications. Not all injuries result in pain. Some are just minor enough that there is no pain. That does not mean something didnt happen to the body, your muscles, joints, or spine. Chiropractors will examine the body and they can determine if anything is even slightly wrong or out of place. Treatment will ensure. Primary care physicians tend to wait until pain is a symptom before taking action.

You now know the benefits of seeking chiropractic care after a car accident, so what should you do? Schedule an appointment. You may first want to speak with your car insurance provider or the at-fault driver. Most car insurance claims cover medical treatment sought because of an accident. You do not need to wait. Most insurance providers extend coverage to chiropractic care. They are legally classified as contact physicians by the federal government. All insurance companies should accept the treatment and diagnosis of a chiropractor, if not keep on pushing.

Since you should not wait for approval to see a chiropractor, familiarize yourself with your local options. You can do so by using your local phone book or the internet. When using the internet, perform a standard internet search with the phrase chiropractor, and your city and state. You will be linked to the websites of local providers in your area. You can use these to examine rates, get a feel for the professional, and see pictures of their office. Once you find a chiropractor you like, schedule an appointment.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to get an immediate appointment. This is because chiropractic care is increasing in popularity; there is a high demand. Some have a waiting list. When making your appointment, state you were in a serious car accident. Some schedulers may be willing to squeeze you in or contact you in the event of a late cancellation.

If seeking care immediately following a car accident, you may need to wait to file a claim. If the chiropractor requires immediate payment, pay or give your health insurance information. The rest can be worked out later. For now, it is important to seek treatment for any pain or discomfort you are feeling. Care should always come first.


Word Count 558

How to Find a Chiropractor

Do you suffer from painful recurring headaches, arthritis, were you in a car accident, or are you just experiencing pain and discomfort? Most Americans head to their medicine cabinet or their primary care physician. These provide you with temporary relief, but dont you want more? If so, schedule an appointment with a local chiropractor.

What makes chiropractors better than over-the-counter pain relievers and primary care physicians? They believe in natural medical care. A chiropractor may use x-rays and MRIs to diagnose a problem, especially after a car accident. The treatment, however, is hands on, literally. It is known as manual therapy. Chiropractors commonly perform alignments and adjustments. Precision force is used with the hands to thrust joints into their proper position. For most, this results in a reduction or elimination in pain, as well as increased mobility.

If you like the sound of chiropractic care, you may be ready to schedule an appointment. First, you need to familiarize yourself with chiropractors in and around your area. How?

Your local phone book. In the back of your phone book, you will find the yellow pages or the business directory section. Chiropractors may be listed under the headings of physicians, or chiropractic care. Your phone book will give you the names, addresses, and phone numbers of chiropractors.

A standard internet search. When performing a standard internet search, search with your city and state. You will be linked to a number of websites. Some of those are directories, where many chiropractors are listed. These websites are similar to phone books; they provide you with just the names, address, and telephone numbers of local care providers. What you want to look for is chiropractor websites. In addition to getting the contact information, you should get in-depth information about the provider, such as specialties, background, and see pictures of the office.

An online business directory. Many websites serve as online business directories. From, select Local, from the main heading. Enter in your city and state and the phrase chiropractor. You will see local listings for nearby chiropractors. Most only include your specific city, but you can expand the search to nearby communities. Some online business directories link to you to provider websites, if they exist. Many also enable ratings and reviews.

From your insurance provider. If you are covered by health insurance, see if chiropractic care is covered. Although some still classify this natural form of healthcare as alterative medicine, many are now embracing the benefits. There is a good chance your insurance provider extends coverage for care. When calling to ask, inquire about providers in their network or known providers that accept your insurance. Your insurance company can provide you with names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Recommendations from those you know. Since many Americans, insurance providers, and employers are now embracing chiropractic care and realizing the many benefits, its popularity continues to increase. You may know someone who has seen or uses the services of a chiropractor. Ask those that you know, such as friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Ask for the name, address, and phone number. Be sure to ask for feedback too.

As you can see, there are many ways to find chiropractic care providers in or around your community. Once you familiarize yourself with your options, the next step is to choose a care provider. When doing so, consider reputation, feedback, costs, and the wait until you can get a first appointment.


Word Count 572