A Proven Remedy for Yeast Infections

Yeast Infections Are Not Impossible to Kill

There is a remedy for yeast infections, which is great news for the 3 out of 4 women who will develop one eventually. There are several different types of remedies that you can easily use at home. Natural remedies are generally less expensive and just as effective as prescription drugs, and they rarely carry the same types of side affects.

Using Boric Acid

Boric acid can be used to help treat yeast infections. This is due to its antiseptic and antifungal qualities. Because a yeast infection is basically a fungus run amok, this makes boric acid a perfect tool for restoring the balance of your system. Boric acid has been shown to be just as useful as a prescription strength drug in killing off the yeast infection. This remedy is usually taken as a vaginal suppository, which means it is placed directly in the vagina rather than being taken by mouth and traveling through the bloodstream.

You can find boric acid at compounding companies that deal in natural remedies. Do be careful when using boric acid; it is known to be toxic if taken by mouth. Keep it away from open wounds or cuts, and use it only as directed. In some cases, boric acid appears to cause the vaginal area to burn or become irritated.

What Are Probiotics, and Do They Work?

Probiotics are a very good remedy for yeast infections. They are simply live bacteria that will naturally kill off the excess yeast and restore the balance of your body. The most popular and useful of the probiotics is Lactobacillus. Several forms of this nice bacterium can be used to treat yeast infections naturally.

If you want to use Lactobacilli to treat your yeast infection, you have the option of using it as an oral supplement or as a vaginal suppository. Acidophilus, a member of the Lactobacilli family, is the key ingredient that makes yogurt work! With this in mind, it makes sense to eat plenty of yogurt when battling a raging yeast infection.

Tea Tree Oil and Other Treatment Options

This oil is taken from the tea tree and has apparently helped with yeast infections. However, tea tree oil is too strong to use without first diluting it a good deal. There is some debate about the safety and value of tea tree oil when used in this fashion.

Garlic cloves are well-known warriors in the fight against yeast infections. They can even be used as suppositories, provided the cloves are first wrapped in something soft and porous before being inserted. If you need immediate relief, try using yogurt as a topical cream. Simply soak a tampon in unflavored yogurt that contains active cultures and insert it as usual. If you dont wish to use a tampon, you can simply wipe the yogurt on with a finger. According to folk wisdom, honey can be used in much the same way and can provide relief on contact.


As you can see there are several ways to treat reoccurring yeast infections. However, if the problem continues, you should see your Doctor, to be evaluated for possible other health problems which may contribute to the yeast infections. A proven remedy for yeast infections need not be complicated nor expensive.

Suffer from Arthritis?

Suffer from Arthritis?
Ronald H. Pope

Arthritis pain relief, naturally
without prescription drugs.

The prescription drug of choice is, unfortunately, still Celebrex. Like its now market removed cousin, Vioxx, this blockbuster painkiller has been the subject of repeated FDA warnings that patient use can cause bleeding ulcers and heighten the risk of heart attacks – See article by Rita Rubin USA TODAY A better Life April 15, 2002.

Arthritis sufferers should be made aware that there are alternatives to the high cost of prescription drugs being prescribed by medical doctors. One such alternative is a natural remedy medically tested by a doctor, a remedy that does not cause the user to suffer from any side effects such as bleeding ulcer, or an increased risk of heart attack by elevated blood pressure such as the dangerous drugs being prescribed. The formula is especially effective for osteoarthritis of the knees.

One of the things that the doctor discovered in his case studies was that pain from arthritis decreased, and mobility of the joints involved improved, sometimes greatly, starting two to six weeks after the patient began to take the formula. Generally, the improvement continues until the formula is stopped. Then the whole problem starts to return, generally, in the same two to six weeks. In summary, the treatment is an effective control, not a cure. There is no cure known for arthritis at this juncture.

If you are interested in learning more about this exciting new ‘old’ remedy resurrected from the research papers in the Library of Congress or any another natural over the counter remedies for arthritis pain relief that actually do work, please email [email protected]

About the author:

Ronald H. Pope is President of Pope Estates Arizona Inc. Business Brokers & Commercial Realtors in Scottsdale, Arizona http://www.popemakesdeals.com

Impact Of Bad Chloesterol

In this article I will give you some ideas of the potential health risks and the impact of bad cholesterol on your body. I will also provide you with some easy, real world ideas of how to lower your levels and improve your health.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that forms your cell membranes as well as production of certain hormones and the creation of bile, so you do need cholesterol in your body.

But, many of us get too much cholesterol and the impact of bad cholesterol is really starting to show up in the case of higher instances of heart disease, diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases.

When too much cholesterol builds up in your arteries it is called plaque. This plaque buildup will then block blood flow. It is similar to what happens in the pipes in your home if you have hard water.

Over time you will get a buildup in the pipes and it can become so thick that the water either can’t flow or the flow is slowed down to almost nothing.

This clogging of the arteries deprives your vital organs, such as your brain and heart, of the blood it needs and the consequences can be life threatening – you can have a heart attack or a stroke.

Another problem with a high buildup of plaque is atherosclerosis which is a hardening of the arteries. If your arteries become too built up with plaque, the artery itself can become brittle and eventually burst which can lead to blood clots.

OK, now that you know how dangerous it can be to have too high of a cholesterol level, what can you do about it?

Well, this part is actually pretty easy. There are many things that can be done that will help you get your levels back into a normal balance.

The first thing you need to do is talk to your doctor to get suggestions. Many doctors will prescribe a prescription medication to help control your cholesterol levels.

But, if you don’t want to have to deal with all the side effects, not to mention the cost, of taking prescription drugs, ask your doctor what other things you can do.

In some cases your levels may be so high that you need to get them lowered as soon as you can so medication may be the best choice.

Other times, though, you may have levels that are only borderline or mildly elevated and if that is the case you may be able to make the needed changes with some simple lifestyle changes.

It really can be as simple as eating more lean protein, vegetables and fruit and cutting way back on any fast food and food that is high in fat.

Add some consistent exercise into the mix and you may just find that you are able to control your levels naturally, without having to add any prescription medications to your daily routine.

So, if you are concerned with the impact of bad cholesterol now is the time to act. After you have spoken with your doctor work with him to establish the best course of action for you and your needs.

Relieve Leg Cramps-Hydration Key For Prevention

Having cramps in your legs is never a pleasurable experience, but it’s even worse when those leg cramps strike when you are trying to sleep. They can wake you up out of a sound sleep and keep you up for hours. It’s not as common, but leg cramps can also strike during the day, making walking uncomfortable. Regardless of when they happen, there are things you can do to relieve leg cramps.

You can go most of your life without feeling leg cramps, but then they start to become a problem as you get older. You cant get into a time machine and get younger, so you need to take action and do what you can to treat your leg cramps.

Your first line of defense is to make sure that you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. This keeps everything in your body moving along. Aim for eight glasses of water per day, but you don’t have to obsess over it. Just do your best to make sure you’re getting a lot of water. Symptoms of dehydration include thirst and cramping, so it makes sense that staying hydrated will help to relieve leg cramps.

Many people have found that taking calcium supplements helps. A few researchers have found a link between leg cramps and calcium deficiency. Try drinking a glass of milk shortly before bedtime and see if that helps; if not, then a supplement may be the answer.

If you are on any kind of prescription then you should check the label carefully to see what the potential side effects are. There are medications that can cause muscle cramps, and some medicines can lower the level of potassium, magnesium or calcium in your body. Dehydration is also a possible side effect of a few prescription drugs. Be sure to discuss any of your concerns with your doctor or pharmacist.

A lot of times leg cramps are caused by a lack of activity, or from not going through their full range of motion. Doing stretches is one way to solve this problem. One stretch to help relieve leg cramps is to stand about two to three feet from wall and put your hands on the wall. Start doing a push-up like motion, but keep your feet completely flat on the floor. If it feels like it is stretching too much, then move a bit closer to the wall; if you can’t feel any stretching, then move back a bit. Be careful to not overdo it.

If, despite all of your best efforts, you end up needing to relieve leg cramps at night, then try this little trick: place your finger directly on your upper lip and then press gently. This is a pressure point that is connected to your leg, and can bring enough relief to get you to drift back asleep. Chances are the other remedies will work just fine, but it’s always good to have another trick up your sleeve just in case.