Is Chiropractic Care Safe?

Regardless of the cause, if you suffer from pain and discomfort, you might hear that chiropractic care can get you relief. You may have heard this suggestion from someone you know or read it online. Yes, chiropractic care is ideal for treating all pain related issues. Instead of masking the pain with prescribed medications, chiropractors go directly to the source and treat the problem. They usually do so with chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic massages, and chiropractic realignments.

As nice as it is to know that chiropractic care can translate into pain relief, you may have some concerns. Chiropractic adjustments and alignments sound like difficult procedures. Truthfully, they arent if preformed by a trained and licensed chiropractor. Still, you may have concerns. You may wonder if chiropractic care is safe. Is it? Yes. Why? Continue reading on to find out!

Chiropractic care is natural, not artificial. As previously stated, most primary care physicians recommend rest and medication for pain relief. Rest is natural, but prescribed and over-the-counter pain relievers are not. They have many side effects and risks. You want to treat pain, not create a new set of problems to deal with. Since chiropractors provide treatment and therapy with the hands, it is natural treatment. As you already know, natural is less risky and safe.

No medications are prescribed. As mentioned above, chiropractors do not prescribe medication. Yes, they cannot legally, but most would avoid doing so anyways. If additional help is needed, they turn to natural remedies and supplements, but even that is rare. Remember, therapy and treatment is provided by the hands. Since there are no medications, you do not need to worry about the risk. There is no wondering if it is safe to take your medication and drive. There is no wondering if your medicine will make you drowsy and fall asleep at work. There is no worrying that your new medication with interact with your others. No medication automatically translates into safer care.

Chiropractic care has no side effects, only positive effects. Over-the-counter and prescribed pain relievers are not all that has side effects. Surgery has them too. A therapeutic massage and manual manipulation of a joint or the spine has little to no risk. And, since this therapy is once again provided by the hands, there are no side effects.

Care is non-invasive. When seeking treatment and relief of pain, chiropractors will diagnose a problem and treat it. Occasionally, the pain may result from a fracture or a more serious medical complication. If surgery is needed, you will be referred to a qualified surgeon, but this is rare. Most can treat you with their hands, training, experience, and nothing more. Since chiropractic care is non-invasive, there are fewer risks. It is safe. There is no cutting of the skin or the drawing of blood. It is safe because there are no risks of complications, further injury, or infection.

Chiropractic care has less recovery time. In fact, there may be none! This is because you will not need surgery or dangerous pain medication. Within a few sessions, your pain and be treated and it will subside, possibly permanently. Almost all procedures are performed in an office, not a hospital. You are free to leave afterwards. After a spinal or neck adjustment you may need a small amount of therapy and you may need to reduce strenuous activity, but it is much better than being stuck in a hospital bed for days or weeks.

In conclusion, chiropractic care is safe. Not only that, but it is ideal for individuals of all ages, including the old, the young, and pregnant women.


Word Count 603

A Guide In Coping With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

People who have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome are both blessed and cursed. For the most parts, they are relieved by an explanation regarding the sudden plunge in their health. However, they are also cursed by the fact that there is nothing much they can do about it because the cure for CFS is yet to be discovered. Nonetheless, there are medications, therapies and self-care techniques that a person can undergo which can help substantially in relieving the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Here are some suggestions.

Handle your sickness and do not let it handle you Chronic disorders and illnesses often demand a lot from patients in order for them to control the symptoms. However, the best course of action is to always take the hand in controlling the disorder. If you have spent months or years suffering from this syndrome, it is likely that you have developed a sense of helpless and defeat against the disorder. But this must not be the case. Gain back control and know how to handle the disorder.

Look for simple but effective solutions Not all CFS treatment may work for you. This is because while there is a general clinical definition of the disorder, there are various levels of severity whereby it occurs. So if you think your prescribed medications are not doing you much good, pass and try to look elsewhere for symptoms relief. There is a host of treatment and therapies you can use which oftentimes go beyond conventional medicine.

Try to look for those. Consult herbalists and alternative medicine therapists and seek treatments that will help your disorder. Ask your doctor about supplements instead of antibiotics and pain relievers. Go to a psychologist and ask whether there are therapies you can undergo to facilitate better coping with your illness. Dont be limited by pharmacological treatments, experiment on various options and pick some that provide you the most benefits.

Take lessons from each day With chronic fatigue, you are lucky if you don’t feel sick for one day. So for the most parts, you can take note of your symptoms and your responses to treatments and therapies. It is important to keep a journal of your daily experience as this can help guide you on how to better manage your disorder.

Take charge of your healthcare Take an active role in facilitating the delivery of healthcare services for yourself. If what your doctor gives you does not work, find someone else. Dont be afraid to get second or third opinion from doctors who are expert in immune system dysfunction. If you dont respond well to conventional medicine, find other treatments.

Move your body For most patients, the idea of doing some physical activities is not only impossible but unthinkable. Nonetheless, recent studies have shown that minor physical activities pick up one’s energy and health so try undergoing exercise programs. Try graded exercise therapy, for example. According to recent studies, this therapy improves the physical energy and capacity of an individual with chronic fatigue syndrome.

While it is of course hard for the first few months, first few years even, it is always worth the effort. Eventually, with a little activity done each day, the body will regain the strength and vigor that once were available prior to the onset of chronic fatigue.

Arthritis Pain Relief and Supplements: What You Need to

Arthritis Pain Relief and Supplements: What You Need to Know

Do you suffer from arthritis or know someone who does? For arthritis sufferers, pain becomes a fixture in their life. Over-the-counter medications do provide relief, but it short lived. As soon as the medication wears off, the pain returns. There is hope though. For many, that hope comes in the form of natural and dietary supplements. Just a sample of the supplements that can provide relieve include devils claw, ginger, stinging nettle, flax, and ASU.

You now know that some herbal and dietary supplements can provide arthritis relief. Your first thought may be to run to the drug store. Wait! Before you make your purchase, there a number of things you should know about these supplements.

Some herbal, dietary, and natural supplements counteract with over-the-counter and prescribed medications. For that reason, medical advice is strongly advised. Talk to a medical professional. This should be a primary care physician or at least a pharmacist. The goal of supplements is to relieve arthritis pain and discomfort, not create other complications. If you are worried about discouragement, dont ask if a supplement will work. Instead, ask if it is safe to take with your medications.

Remember there is no cure. You can treat arthritis, but it cannot be cured. For that reason, stay away from any supplements with the claim. You will waste your money. These supplements can reduce the pain, inflammations, sleep difficulties, and decreased mobility associated with arthritis, but that is it. Plenty of products outright state this; do not opt for one that that lies.

These herbal supplements are not worth putting your health at risk. As previously stated, some supplements counteract with over-the-counter and prescribed medication. If you are in severe pain, you may be willing to make the switch. You may stop taking your diabetes medication to take devils claw, and so forth. This is not recommended. Never stop taking prescribed medication. Once again, speak to a healthcare professional. Many supplements provide relief and are safe to take. Your doctor can advise you on which supplements are best.

A world of information is available online. Almost fifty herbal, natural, and dietary supplements can aid in arthritis relief. Some treat joint inflammation and swelling, while others treat sleep difficultly, decreased mobility, cartilage damage, and pain. Which is right for you? An online internet search will tell. Read reviews to see what people have to say. Look for both positive and negative reviews. It is rare for a product to receive rave reviews, but be cautious of telltale signs, such as scam, waste of money, or too many side effects.

Speaking of the side effects, know what they are. Then, make an informed decision. Arthritis sufferers should examine the risk to determine if they are worth it. For example, cats claw is a supplement used to reduce inflammation. Possible side effects include headaches, vomiting, and dizziness. If your job requires you to be on your feet all day, the dizziness may be too much to handle. Look for an arthritis-helping supplement that has little to no side effects.

You can and should find the best deals. In terms of supplements, the best deal isnt always the lowest price. Aim for the best quality for the lowest price. This is where the above mentioned research comes in handy. Look for specific brand names with positive feedback. When buying online, compare the size with prize and include the cost of shipping.

You must follow all directions. Herbal supplements are typically safe to use, when taken as directed. Different brands use similar extracts, but those amounts vary. Consult with your primary care physician or the bottle to get an exact dosage. Despite the common belief, more will do no good. In fact, it may cause complications.

Finally, if you take herbal supplements on a daily basis, write down and tape to your refrigerator. Also, inform those close to you. In the event you need medical care and cannot speak for yourself, responding personnel must know all medications you are taking, including supplements.


Word Count 669