Asthma in Adolescents

Most of the teenagers who have asthma are also allergic to many things. The asthma can get severe even if the people with asthma are exposed to allergens of low grade. Allergies play an important role in asthma cased which are undiagnosed. Other factors that also trigger childhood asthma include upper respiratory infections like colds, second hand smoke, and certain climate conditions like cold air and due to emotional physical expressions like laughing, crying or yelling. However, it is not the end of the road for asthmatics as they can live active and healthy if they manage asthma properly by avoiding asthma triggers, regular intake of prescribed medications, being alert of the warnings and be aware of the ways to deal with an asthma attack.

There is a great consensus among the parents whether their children would outgrow asthma as they grow up. But the truth is it depends from child to child. While some children experience improvement in their teens others see asthma becoming even more severe. But almost half of the children who have asthma outgrow asthma as they grow although some symptoms may come back later.

Many parents have questions like whether their children can take part in sport activities. The answer is both yes and no. Some kids may get an asthma attack when they participate in exercises like running. But with proper management a teenager suffering from asthma can actively participate in sports. Special aerobic exercises can improve airway function. This strengthens the breathing muscles. Some of the ways that one can participate in sports is to follow the regimen of stretching the muscles prior to and after exercising, nose-breathe instead of breathing through the mouth and make sure that humidified air passes through the airways. Also parents should make sure that the adolescent has taken all prescribed medication supposed to be taken before they begin exercising. Carrying a reliever is a must for asthmatic teens which would come handy if asthma attack occurs. Asthmatic teenagers should make sure that they wear something over their mouth and nose to stop cold air from entering.

It is not easy for adolescent teens to attend school when they have asthma but it is not difficult also at the same time if proper coordination is made among the teenager, doctor, family and school employees. It is a good idea to consult teachers, nurses and other pertaining employees of the school and let them know that the teenager has asthma and may have special requirements. Also, let the school management know on medications the teenager regularly takes and how to help the teenager when an attack occurs. The school staff should be asked to treat the teen normally once the attack subsides. The physical education coach should also be informed about the condition so that he/she can let the kid stretch the muscles before any exercises or to deal with asthma attack induced due to exercises. Also, before admitting the teenager to a new school care must be taken to check the quality of air, irritants and allergens if any present in the school. The school staff should take considerations to avoid symptoms which could hamper the energy level kids. Also asthmatic teens should be assured from time to time that they are no different from others and asthma in any way does not slow them down, They need this emotional confidence otherwise they may have personality problems.


Word Count 570

How to Deal with Eczema

Eczema treatment is possible but before we mention what these are, we should know what it is first.

Eczema is a dry skin condition that happens commonly among children. There are different degrees by which someone is affected and the only good news is that it is not contagious.

When you do have it, your skin will not only look dry but also itchy and red. In severe cases, there may be bleeding, crusting and weeping.

So how do we treat eczema? The first thing you have to do to prevent it from getting worse is not to scratch it because constant scratching causes the skin to bleed and split making it vulnerable to infection. Should this happen to you, there are oral and topical antibiotics available that can kill the bacteria.

Since this is easier said than done, you should apply creams and lotions over the affected area to keep the skin moist. The best time to apply it to the skin is after bathing so the moisture from the bath is still locked into the skin.

Another option is to apply cold compress. If this still does not work, then you can go to the drug store and apply nonprescription corticosteroid creams and ointments that are designed to reduce inflammation.

If the nonprescription corticosteroid creams and ointments are not effective, then it is time to try those that are prescribed by the doctor. You should know that there are some side effects and to prevent this from happening, you must limit the length of treatment time and the locations where this will be applied. Instead of topical prescribed medication, the doctor may even give you oral corticosteroids.

The creams and ointments mentioned will not be able to help if you have severe itching. For that, doctors will recommend sedative antihistamines that are available in both prescription and over-the-counter varieties. Since drowsiness is a common side effect, this is usually given during the evening so you will be able to get a good nights sleep.

For those who want to use something else, they can try tar treatments and phototherapy. The only problem with tar treatments is the fact that it is messy.

The last resort for eczema treatment if nothing seems to work is a drug called cyclosporine A. This is designed to modify the bodys immune response at a price because it is known to have serious side effects.

But for people who are suffering from atopic dermatitis which is another form of eczema, there are two topical medications to choose from that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These are namely tacrolimus and pimecrolimus which belong to a class of drugs called calcineurin inhibitors which work by modulating the immune response. The best part is that there are no side effects even during long term use.

Can eczema be prevented? The answer is yes. If you have children, make sure they are wearing breathable clothes like those made of cotton, use mild soaps when they bathe, keep their room clean from dust mites and avoid sudden temperature changes.

Eczema can happen at any age. Studies have shown that there are 15 million people in this country who have one form or another. The good news is that there is eczema treatment available. If over the counter creams, ointments and medications dont work, consult with your dermatologist so something stronger can be given.

Arthritis Pain Relief and Supplements: What You Need to

Arthritis Pain Relief and Supplements: What You Need to Know

Do you suffer from arthritis or know someone who does? For arthritis sufferers, pain becomes a fixture in their life. Over-the-counter medications do provide relief, but it short lived. As soon as the medication wears off, the pain returns. There is hope though. For many, that hope comes in the form of natural and dietary supplements. Just a sample of the supplements that can provide relieve include devils claw, ginger, stinging nettle, flax, and ASU.

You now know that some herbal and dietary supplements can provide arthritis relief. Your first thought may be to run to the drug store. Wait! Before you make your purchase, there a number of things you should know about these supplements.

Some herbal, dietary, and natural supplements counteract with over-the-counter and prescribed medications. For that reason, medical advice is strongly advised. Talk to a medical professional. This should be a primary care physician or at least a pharmacist. The goal of supplements is to relieve arthritis pain and discomfort, not create other complications. If you are worried about discouragement, dont ask if a supplement will work. Instead, ask if it is safe to take with your medications.

Remember there is no cure. You can treat arthritis, but it cannot be cured. For that reason, stay away from any supplements with the claim. You will waste your money. These supplements can reduce the pain, inflammations, sleep difficulties, and decreased mobility associated with arthritis, but that is it. Plenty of products outright state this; do not opt for one that that lies.

These herbal supplements are not worth putting your health at risk. As previously stated, some supplements counteract with over-the-counter and prescribed medication. If you are in severe pain, you may be willing to make the switch. You may stop taking your diabetes medication to take devils claw, and so forth. This is not recommended. Never stop taking prescribed medication. Once again, speak to a healthcare professional. Many supplements provide relief and are safe to take. Your doctor can advise you on which supplements are best.

A world of information is available online. Almost fifty herbal, natural, and dietary supplements can aid in arthritis relief. Some treat joint inflammation and swelling, while others treat sleep difficultly, decreased mobility, cartilage damage, and pain. Which is right for you? An online internet search will tell. Read reviews to see what people have to say. Look for both positive and negative reviews. It is rare for a product to receive rave reviews, but be cautious of telltale signs, such as scam, waste of money, or too many side effects.

Speaking of the side effects, know what they are. Then, make an informed decision. Arthritis sufferers should examine the risk to determine if they are worth it. For example, cats claw is a supplement used to reduce inflammation. Possible side effects include headaches, vomiting, and dizziness. If your job requires you to be on your feet all day, the dizziness may be too much to handle. Look for an arthritis-helping supplement that has little to no side effects.

You can and should find the best deals. In terms of supplements, the best deal isnt always the lowest price. Aim for the best quality for the lowest price. This is where the above mentioned research comes in handy. Look for specific brand names with positive feedback. When buying online, compare the size with prize and include the cost of shipping.

You must follow all directions. Herbal supplements are typically safe to use, when taken as directed. Different brands use similar extracts, but those amounts vary. Consult with your primary care physician or the bottle to get an exact dosage. Despite the common belief, more will do no good. In fact, it may cause complications.

Finally, if you take herbal supplements on a daily basis, write down and tape to your refrigerator. Also, inform those close to you. In the event you need medical care and cannot speak for yourself, responding personnel must know all medications you are taking, including supplements.


Word Count 669