Pre Diabetes

Type II Diabetes has become somewhat of an epidemic of late. More and more people are being diagnosed with this potentially life threatening condition. Type II Diabetes usually sets on later in life, although more younger people are being diagnosed every day with this disease.

According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 54 million people in the United States have pre diabetes. Pre diabetes is a condition in which the blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be considered Type II diabetes. Although pre diabetes is not a full fledged disease, it can also cause complications in the heart and blood circulation if left untreated.

The good news about pre diabetes is that with proper nutrition and the care of a physician, you can avoid being diagnosed with Type II diabetes. The condition can reverse itself, but it does take work on the part of the individual, as well as compliance with the orders directed by your physician.

Obesity is also an epidemic in the United States and many in the medical community believe that this is contributory to the corresponding diabetic epidemic. It is the general consensus of the medical community that obesity is a precursor to Type II diabetes. Therefore, those who have pre diabetes can stave off the disease by making some healthy life choices that will eliminate their need for medication or insulin in later years.

One way to reverse the effects of pre diabetes is to maintain a healthy weight. This can be easily accomplished through diet and exercise. For those who feel that it is too much trouble to manage their weight or complain that they do not have the time to exercise, they need to realize that the time they spend exercising now can eliminate their time spent on dialysis. While not all people with diabetes experience kidney failure, many do. And when the kidneys fail, these patients must spend many hours each week, hooked up to a machine that functions as their kidneys.

Those who complain that they do not want to watch their diet can be reminded that it is easier to watch their diet than to inject themselves with insulin or monitor their blood glucose levels several times a day. Those who feel that foods that are rich in carbohydrates are less expensive than healthier alternatives can be reminded of the cost of medications and doctor visits for those who refuse to take control of their condition right away.

While some people are pre disposed to diabetes through genetic factors, others acquire this disease by eating too many bad carbohydrates, being inactive and not maintaining a healthy weight. If you have been told that you have pre diabetes, do not fret. You can reverse this condition. Begin an exercise regime, even if it only entails walking. Take a look at the Glycemic Index that explains which foods diabetics should avoid and follow these suggestions.

See your doctor about being put on a weight loss program and make certain that he or she continues to monitor your blood glucose levels. Pre diabetes does not have to turn into Type II diabetes. By developing a healthier lifestyle, you can reverse this condition and lead a longer, healthier life.

Hypoglycemia Information To Help You Understand

If you think you have hypoglycemia then take heart and keep reading. When you are finished reading this article you will have all the hypoglycemia information you need to help you understand your condition. Understanding what you are dealing with and why are the first steps toward controlling your hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia happens when the concentration of sugar, or glucose, in your blood drops to a level your body isn’t used to. Normal values for blood sugar is 70mg/dl to 110mg/dl. If you fall below 70mg/dl and it happens often then you could be hypoglycemic. Anyone can have a glycemic episode once in a while but if you are consistently having symptoms then you and your doctor should discuss adding the diagnosis to your medical chart and starting treatment.

Hypoglycemia may be a precursor to diabetes and the sooner you begin treatment the better off you will be in the long run. Symptoms of mild hypoglycemia include weakness, headache, dizziness, sweating and blurry vision. Some good hypoglycemia information is that these symptoms can be controlled by eating food as soon as you feel them coming on.

Sever hypoglycemia symptoms include heart palpitations and arrhythmia, mental confusion, unusual behavior, convulsions, loss of consciousness and even death if left untreated. Like I said anyone can suffer a hypoglycemic episode, even if they do not have diabetes. Situations which may contribute to having a hypoglycemic episode include eating a meal high in sugar and having your body react by dumping insulin into your system in response to your meal, skipping a meal, not eating or not eating enough when you are supposed to when you feel hungry, exercising too much and drinking too much alcohol can also cause blood sugar levels to drop.

So, how do you prevent or treat you hypoglycemia? Try treating and controlling symptoms by eating small meals throughout the day and limiting carbohydrates. Your doctor may want you to start checking your blood sugar at least daily to get a baseline on where your blood sugars are and what to do about the possibilities of diabetes. Exercise in moderation and do not ever skip meals. Make sure your meals are always balanced without too many carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates convert to simple sugars in your body almost immediately and your pancreas responds in kind and pumps insulin into your system to help manage the blood sugar spike. If you eat too many carbohydrates then the insulin pumped into your system will be a significant amount and will make your blood sugar drop like a stone in a pond. This is where the danger comes in.

If you are already diabetic your doctor should follow you closely until your blood sugars are under control and you get used to the treatment regimen. You may be able to control your diabetes with diet only, if not you will need to get used to giving yourself insulin shots at least daily, sometimes more often.

Hypoglycemia can be a serious medical condition so if it happens more than once talk to your doctor immediately and get hypoglycemia information and learn how to manage your symptoms.