Incisions and Scaring

Surgery leaves scars. While most breast augmentation incisions do heal well, a rate of 6-7% of unfavorable scaring has been reported for primary augmentation patients in FDA clinical trials.

The extent of the scaring can be determined by many factors. These include the patients ethnicity, smoking, tissue quality, suture material, wound tension, tissue trauma from surgery and the individuals tendency toward favorable wound healing.

The type of incision also affects the amount and visibility of scaring. The type of planned incision should be discussed with your surgeon prior to the procedure.

The most common incision for silicone gel implants is the inframammary incision. This affords maximum access for precise dissection and placement of an implant. The incision is placed below the breast in the infra-mammary fold. This incision can leave slightly more visible scars in smaller breasts which dont drape over the IMF.

Transaxillary incisions are placed in the armpit. This allows the implants to be placed without visible scars on the breasts. Its also more likely to consistently achieve symmetry of the inferior implant position.

Periareolar incisions are placed along the areolar border. The incision is usually placed around the inferior half of the areolas circumference. Because of the incision length required, silicone gel implants can be hard to place using this method. These scars are often less visible in women with lighter areolar pigment since they occur on the edge of the areola. There is a higher chance of capsular contracture with this incision.

3 Tips On How To Avoid Gray Hair

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage–at least it seems that way. If you’ve been thinking you need to know more about it, here’s your opportunity.

If you want to know when you will turn gray, unrivaled thing you can do is look at your parents. How introductory in your life you’ll gray will depend quite a reaction on genetic factors. Graying is a natural part of aging and happens when the cells in the hair shaft stop making pigment. That lack of pigment will make the hair lose most of it’s color and turn gray. But the good news is that while you may not be able to stop from getting gray you can slow down the process and learn how to avoid gray hair for a while.

Here are some tips you can take that can slow down the mention of your gray hair:

1. I don’t want to sound like a nag, but if you don’t want gray hair early in life, give up the cigarettes. It has been scientifically proven that smoking will maturate your complete body, inside and out, and that aging includes making your hair go gray. If you are serious about preventing gray hair for as long as humanly possible, the first thing you have to do is stop smoking, you’ll look younger everywhere not just your hair.

2. Another thing that has been proven to age you, everywhere, is aggravation. We do live in a especial stressful society, we’re told that every time we turn on the t. v. But what you’re not told is that there are a lot of things you can do to relax. It really depends on the person, some people will find reading a excellent book relaxing while others find it more enjoyable to go on a nice long run. Whatever enterprise for you try to fit in some relaxing activity at least routine, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

Many people leave think they are just too busy to fit in something relaxing, but for midpoint everyone that’s just not true. No matter how busy you are you can probably find a few minutes to de – stress. It’s really just a matter of priorities. Instead of getting stressed out reading the paper or watching the nightly news, why not relax by doing some activity you actually drink in? Pretend like your life depends on it.

3. Are you getting enough metal in your diet? The breakdown that causes gray hair can be found when your body isn’t getting enough copper. The good news is that there are many things you can do to get more copper into your diet. You can take a supplement, or you can eat foods that have a lot of copper according to thanks to lima beans, spinach, yams, and meat.

Away we don’t have to just go with the flow when it comes to getting older. As a matter of fact many of us obtain found that instead of aging gracefully we’d rather just age slowly! There is a new attitude of youth and health in our society. We no longer think of ourselves as old as soon as we cross the 40 year old threshold, as a matter of fact, many don’t think of themselves at old at 50 and over! So if you’re young at heart and want to look your age, you will be happy to learn how to avoid gray hair. These simple lifestyle changes can pay dividends in many aspects of your life, so enjoy!

Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what’s important about beauty.