Arthritis cure

Arthritis cure
Robert Kokoska

Arthritis comes in different forms such as rheumatoid,
osteoarthritis or others. This condition affects many people
around the globe with 1 in 100 getting affected. People within
the age bracket of 30 – 50 are most likely to get this
condition. Unfortunately a cure for this condition has still not
been found. The current medication only provides temporary
relief. Therefore an arthritis patient needs to use medication
on a regular basis to get pain relief.

Arthritis involves pain, swelling and inflammation of the
joints. This pain can get worse during flare-ups. The aim is of
this article is to offer the reader several approaches that can
help provide pain relief in the short and long term.

Short term pain relief methods will involve
managing flare-ups and reducing pain. Medications are commonly
used to control pain and reduce inflammation. Some examples of
possible medications include aspirin, ibuprofen and other
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications NSAIDs.

Moist heat and coolness are other very common short term
pain relief methods often employed by arthritis patients. Your
physician will inform you about whether to choose hot or cold
methods to improve the position.

Moist heat can be obtained through warm baths and showers on the
joints which can provide temporary pain relief. Coolness can be
supplied by using ice or cold items such as vegetables wrapped
in a towel and placed on the inflamed spot. This can help in
cooling down the flaring effect and can provide relief for 10 –
15 minutes.

Joint immobilization is important in cases where the
joints are deeply affected by arthritis and putting more
pressure on the joints can be harmful. This method involves
using devices to aid in moving around such as crutches or
walking canes. This will help in avoiding putting much pressure
on the joints.

Massage is another popular method, used for a whole range
of purposes including arthritis treatment. Massaging can help
increase blood flow. This can also help bring additional warmth
to muscles.

Long term pain relief methods are employed when
the extent of the damage caused by arthritis is very deep and
management of the disease in the long term is essential.

Similar to short term relief, there are medications for long
term relief as well. NSAIDs such as aspiring and ibuprofen can
be used to decrease inflammation and pain in the joints.

Disease-modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) such as
methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine can be used to slow down the
effect of the disease and correcting abnormalities in the body
caused by it.

Corticosteroids are another way to control flare-ups in
the joints. They are more powerful then NSAIDs and therefore
contains strong side effects if used for an extended period of
time. These include weight gain, easy bruising and making the
body more vulnerable to infection.

Also, in the long term it is essential to lose some weight.
Simply put it, more weight will put more pressure on the joints
causing more pain.

Exercise can help reduce some body weight and therefore
reducing the overall pressure exerted on the inflamed joints. As
mentioned earlier, exercises are vital to improving the
flexibility and mobility of the joints. Patients can choose from
a whole range of exercises available to them such as swimming,
walking, jogging and other low impact exercises. However
patients will need to establish their condition and take part in
exercises that is least physically imposing.

In extreme cases where the damage caused to joints is
irreparable or very deep, it is advisable to undergo a
surgery. Patients with pediatric arthritis and other
rheumatic diseases can undergo either a repair or replace
surgery. A repair surgery will involves correcting a deformity
and removing fragments in the joints. If the joints are damaged
beyond repair, then the joints can be replaced with artificial

It is important to see a physician before carrying out any of
the methods. The physician will provide specific approaches that
will be best suited to the condition of the patient. To improve
the effectiveness of the medication, it is important to be
constant with each method and establish a good routine.
Additionally, you must contact your doctor or physician on a
regular basis to keep him/her fully informed.

About the author:
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Alternative Treatments For Arthritis Pain Relief

Alternative Treatments For Arthritis Pain Relief
Priya Shah

Copyright 2005 Priya ShahNatural, herbal remedies can help arthritis sufferers who have tried traditional pain medications without success. Many natural remedies and supplements have been found to actually reduce cartilage deterioration and even rebuild a patient’s lost cartilage. Many people are also seeking natural remedies because of the increasing cost of prescription medication. Conventional over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can be very helpful in decreasing joint pain, but they do produce side effects and can cause problems in long-term users.Before adding any supplements to your daily routine, check with your healthcare advisor, as supplements can cause adverse reactions and may not be right for your situation. Before discontinuing a prescription medication, consult a physician. However, with a doctor’s approval, there are many natural solutions, which may aid in managing arthritis. Acupuncture – This is a popular alternative to medication for pain relief. Although the pain-relieving effects may be temporary, these sessions can be very beneficial for those who find that drugs or supplements are insufficient or have unacceptable side effects Aromatherapy – Aromatherapy focuses on using pleasurable aromatic botanical oils by either massaging them into the skin, adding them to the bath water, inhaling them directly or diffusing their scents into the surrounding environment. The oils have been known to affect moods, help with relaxation, lessen or end fatigue and anxiety, and help the brain and nervous system via olfactory nerves stimulation when inhaled. It is another holistic treatment used by some arthritic sufferers for pain relief and stress management.Cayenne Cream – Cayenne peppers contain an substance called capsaicin which is responsible for their spicy effect. This also causes a burning sensation when it comes in contact with skin, and inhibits the body’s production of substance P which is heavily involved the relaying signals of pain to the brain. You may need to apply the cayenne cream to painful areas two to three times per day for at least one week before you find relief.Chondroitin – The most popular dietary supplements for arthritis sufferers are chondroitin, fish oil and glucosamine. Chondroitin can draw fluid into the cartilage, improving shock-absorbing ability and weight control, as more weight equals more joint pressure. Fish Oil – Fish oils help with controlling inflammation in the body and may provide relief when arthritis is caused by an immune system dysfunction as in lupus. A vegetarian alternative to fish oil is flax seed or borage oil. More information can be found at http://www.omega3fats.comGlucosamine – Recent studies have shown that the cartilage-building substance called glucosamine is effective for the long-term relief of osteoarthritis pain. In some people, glucosamine appears to even slow the deterioration of joints over time and reinforce joint cartilage. Whether or not it can actually reverse the disease is still unclear. GlutathioneGlutathione – Glutathione is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties and can be safely boosted by consuming its precursors available in the supplements, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) or undenatured whey protein. You can find out more about it here http://www.1whey2health.comMagnets – Although magnets that are worn as jewelry or placed on bed linens have been reported by some to be effective pain relievers, results are still preliminary; doctors claim that these magnets are not strong enough. MSM – Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane is an organic sulfur supplement that appears to slow down the degeneration but is not yet proven and approved. It is used in the reduction of inflammation and can be used in conjunction with glucosamine, in some instances.Nettle leaf – Nettles can reduce a patient’s need for NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) by up to 70 percent.Vitamin B – It is an effective pain reliever. It works best on the knee and can help stop degeneration that is caused by free-radical molecules, not only in the joints but in other areas of the body as well. Vitamin E – This antioxidant is used primarily for osteoarthritis.Ginger – Ginger is an antioxidant that acts as an inflammatory with no major side effects.These are merely a few examples of what an arthritis sufferer can use when seeking pain relief from natural remedies. Due to the lack of scientific study and testing on many of these alternate treatments, there is no proof of their effectiveness. Nothing can cure osteoarthritis, but nutritional supplements, the application of heat or cold to affected joints, exercise, and weight loss can improve the function and flexibility of your joints, and perhaps even slow the progress of the disease.For a comprehensive report on arthritis, visit Arthritis Remedies About the Author
Priya Shah is the editor of
The Glutathione Report andHealth Naturale. This article may be reprinted as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

5 Tips for Dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

5 Tips for Dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain
John Mancini

Do you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and have had to quit
taking your prescription pain medication because of harmful side
effects? Are you looking for natural alternatives to help you
deal with the pain that you face doing everyday tasks? If the
answers to these questions are yes, then the following tips for
relieving rheumatoid arthritis are just what you have been
waiting for.

1- The most important thing that anyone can do for their bodies
is to exercise. This includes those who suffer from rheumatoid
arthritis as well. However, not every exercise is suitable for
sufferers of arthritis pain. The exercises that are done need to
be good for the muscle, while not being damaging for the joints.
A great exercise for those who are living with rheumatoid
arthritis, in fact for everyone, is walking. Walking is a good
low impact activity that does not put unneeded pressure on the
joints. Other alternatives to walking are biking or walking in a

2- The topic of exercising as a way to relieve the pain of
arthritis leads into another tip. It is very important to
incorporate balancing exercises into your daily routine. For
example, water aerobics and Tai Chi are two types of balancing
exercises. The reason for these types of activities is that
balancing is a very effective way of strengthening without undue
pressure on the joints. However, if the joints do begin to hurt,
the activity should be stopped. If the pain continues more than
a couple of days, it would be wise to consult your physician.

3- If you are suffering from the pain of rheumatoid arthritis,
it is a good idea to concentrate on your overall body weight. If
this is an issue for you, speak with your doctor about ways that
are suitable for you to take it off. When you are dealing with
any type of arthritis pain, the extra weight makes it worse.
Consider this; there is about 30 pound of force placed on the
knees for each ten pounds of weight that is being carried.
Therefore, the ability to lose ten pounds will effectively
result in 30 pounds of force being lifted from the knee.

4- Some rheumatoid arthritis sufferers find that applying hot or
cold compresses can help to alleviate some of the pain that is
associated with their condition. When using this method of pain
relief, there is a simple rule to remember, ice reduces pain
while the heat will loosen the joints and boost blood flow.

5- This next tip, while not an actual treatment option, is very
important to your emotional well-being. Educate yourself
regarding your condition, this will improve your attitude as
well as eliminate the element of surprise. Many people are
afraid to ask questions when they are faced with a debilitating
illness, they just wait for the bad stuff to start happening and
many end up depressed. Don’t be one of those people, ask your
doctor, ask friends, do research, learn as much as you can about
rheumatoid arthritis so that you can better deal with it.

About the author:
John Mancini has been writing about Rheumatoid Arthritis online
and offline for a long time. Visit or to read more about matters like
arthritis drugs and arthritis pain relief.

5 Tips for Arthritis Pain Relief

5 Tips for Arthritis Pain Relief
John Mancini

For millions of people through out the world arthritis pain is
something that they live with everyday. Most of them are on some
type of prescription drug regimen to control the pain. However,
drugs alone are often times not enough to keep the arthritis
pain at bay. Therefore, there are a growing number of people
that are seeking alternative arthritis pain relief. If you have
considered some non-traditional treatment methods, but are
unsure of how they work, the following tips will help to answer
your questions.

1- There are multiple pain medications available for people who
suffer from arthritis pain. They consist of over the counter
remedies such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen to the stronger
prescription drugs such as Vioxx and Celebrex. The problem with
the stronger drugs is that they often come with undesirable or
even dangerous side effects. While the over the counter
alternatives are safer, they often need to have other remedies
used as well to achieve arthritis pain relief.

2- Exercise is a great option at your disposal when looking for
natural alternatives for your arthritis pain relief. Walking is
especially good; it is easy to do and does not put too much
unneeded pressure on the joints. Other forms of exercises that
are especially good for arthritis sufferers are balancing types
of movements, such as Tia Chi and water walking. While these
activities can help build muscle strength, they may cause some
discomfort in the joints. If this happens, stop the exercise, if
the pain persists more than a couple of days speak with your

3- Losing weight is another great way to find some relief from
your arthritis pain. This is because it has been found that just
ten extra pounds adds thirty pounds of stress to the knees.
Therefore, losing extra weight will be very effective for
arthritis pain relief.

4- Researching and using any product that will make your daily
life easier, will also indirectly help ease the pain associated
with arthritis. For example, using a shower seat will allow you
to shower without much of the pain that can result from extended
period of time standing.

5- Visit your physician when you first feel that you are having
arthritis pain. Together, the both of you will be able to devise
a treatment regimen that is right for you and for your
particular situation. Be sure to keep in contact with your
doctor, this is the only way to ensure that your treatment
methods will change as the pain becomes stronger.

About the author:
John Mancini has been writing about Rheumatoid Arthritis online
and offline for a long time. Visit
or to read more about matters like
osteoarthritis and arthritis treatment.