Mayo MedAir Puts Safety First

The Mayo Clinic is well known for their top-notch medical standards and quality. People from all over the world enlist the services of the Mayo Clinic when medical situations arise that need specialized care. Like the Mayo Clinic, Mayo MedAir puts the patient and safety first. Any patient that requires air ambulance transport will be properly monitored, comfortable, and safe during the flight.

Mayo MedAir is a member of the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services. Although no federal standards exist in the industry, air ambulance companies certified by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services are known to meet or exceed minimum standards. Such standards include competency and safety requirements. Standards in education, administration, communication, and maintenance are also considered. Mayo MedAir is the only CAMTS certified air ambulance company in the state of Minnesota, and one of few companies around the globe to make this level of commitment.

Mayo MedAir flights are known for their safety record. Each air ambulance has two pilots on board. The pilots are required to have numerous hours of experienced flight time. Several hours of flight time in high-traffic areas are a requirement for Mayo MedAir pilots. Unlike some other air ambulance companies, Mayo MedAir does not send out a single pilot on a medical mission. The pilots at Mayo MedAir are dedicated to medical missions. They are not pulled away from other positions to man a flight in an emergency.

The medical staff that accompanies the patient are a team of no fewer than two members. Each medical team is highly trained to tackle any condition the patient may have or an emergency that arises during transport. In specialized cases, the Mayo MedAir medical team may consist of more members that can directly deal with the specific medical needs of the patient. This fact is especially important in cases involving the need for NICU services or a respiratory therapist, for instance. Each member of the team works at the Mayo Clinic and is specially trained for critical care.

The medical team has a medical director above them that oversees their work. This position is filled by a Mayo Clinic physician trained in emergency care. The medical director is responsible for the actions of the medical team during the flight and transport, so the quality standards and safety record remains high. The care of the patient becomes top priority.

Safety of the patient is of utmost importance to Mayo MedAir. For this reason, each air ambulance carries standard equipment that allows the patient to receive proper treatment during transit. In addition to specialized medical tools and equipment, the air ambulance has the technology to stay in contact with physicians on the ground during the entire flight. Whether communication is via phone, email, or text message, the medical team and hospital are aware of all circumstances during transit.

It is clear to see that Mayo MedAir is committed to patient safety. This air ambulance service is dedicated to quality service. Every aspect of safety and patient care has been considered.

Cholesterol in Adolescents

Parts of adolescents body are filled with a waxy stuff identified as cholesterol. It helps to produce vitamin D, cell membranes and certain hormones. Blood cholesterol comes from two different sources, liver within the body and food. The adolescents liver produces enough cholesterol to carry out proper functioning.

The blood acts as the carrier of cholesterol and transports it to different parts of the body. They are transported in round particle form known as lipoproteins. There are two types of lipoproteins called the low density lipoproteins or LDL and high density lipoproteins or HDL. Low density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol is commonly known as bad cholesterol. It helps in the building up of plaque in arteries and this condition is known as atherosclerosis. The LDL level must be low in the blood and if it is high it must be decreased. Healthy weight must be maintained and exercise should be done regularly. Food items which have high contents of calories, dietary cholesterol and saturated fat must be avoided.

High density lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol. It is actually a kind of fat in blood which helps to remove bad cholesterol from the body and stops the build up of plaque in the arteries. The more the HDL cholesterol in the blood the better it is. The HDL can be raised by at least twenty minutes of exercising daily, decreasing body mass and keeping away from food with saturated fat. Some adolescents need to take medications in order to increase HDL. In such cases, increasing HDL can be a complicated procedure and the physician can make a therapeutic plan to increase HDL in the blood stream.

Cholesterol screening helps to determine the cholesterol and fat levels in the blood. Children and adolescents with normal cholesterol level is a thing of the past. Because of the changing lifestyle and junk food trend, even they have a high risk to develop high levels of cholesterol which also increases the risk of developing heart diseases which can affect the blood vessels and the coronary arteries. The main cause of this change is obesity, junk food high in fat, fast food diets, sedentary lifestyle and high cholesterol level in family history. Keeping the blood cholesterol levels at normal is a good way of avoiding high blood pressure and coronary artery diseases.

The blood cholesterol level can vary from individual to individual. Healthy levels of LDL is less than one hundred and thirty milligrams, HDL is greater than thirty five milligrams. If the HDL is less than thirty five milligrams then the adolescent is at a higher risk of developing heart diseases. And LDL more than one hundred and thirty milligrams is dangerous. But a high level of LDL cholesterol is a problem in many citizens of America. And there is an expected increase in number, the figure is unknown, of adolescents who have a family history of high cholesterol levels.

An adolescent or a child who has a parent having high levels of blood cholesterol and family history of heart diseases at an early age, should take cholesterol test from the age of two. Adolescents who are obese also should have lipid test along with cholesterol test. The lipid test shows levels of kinds of fats in blood such as triglycerides, LDL and HDL.


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Bextra and Vioxx — Tips for Arthritis Relief Without Them

Bextra and Vioxx — Tips for Arthritis Relief Without Them
Charles Essmeier

The recent withdrawal of Vioxx and Bextra from the marketplace, due to concerns over unwanted side effects, has many arthritis sufferers concerned. These drugs, which belong to a powerful class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors, are quite effective at fighting the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Unfortunately, they have been linked to increased risk of strokes and heart attacks. Their manufacturers have voluntarily withdrawn them from the market. There are still alternative medications available, such as Celebrex, and traditional medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Aspirin and ibuprofen may not be suitable for everyone, as they can cause stomach discomfort in some people. While a good anti-inflammatory can certainly provide more comfort for arthritis pain, there are some non-medicinal steps that patients can take that may provide some relief from their pain.

  • Get plenty of rest. Your body works best when its well-rested, and its a well-known fact that most Americans fail to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night.
  • Exercise. Joints and muscles work best when theyre well toned, and that is true for arthritis sufferers as well as the public at large. Not all exercises will be appropriate, however. A patient with arthritic knees will probably not benefit from playing basketball or tennis. Low impact exercise like walking or water aerobics may help, however. Patients with arthritis are advised to discuss exercise options with their physician.
  • Watch your weight. Arthritic joints work best when they arent overly burdened. If you are overweight, you are making a bad situation worse by forcing your joints to work harder than they otherwise might. A loss of just a few pounds could make a huge difference, especially if you suffer from arthritic knees.
  • These tips are certainly not intended to be a substitute for medication, but with a chronic condition like arthritis, every little bit that you can do to ease the stress on your aching joints can provide a bit more relief. About the Author
    Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to the withdrawn drug Bextra and, a site devoted to structured settlements.

    Home Remedies to Whiten Teeth

    Do you have the luxury of time yet short on money to have a smile makeover? If so, a do-it-yourself teeth whitening remedy is an appropriate choice.

    Notice that the word appropriate is used here instead of best choice. Of course we should realize that both professional whitening systems and home remedy teeth whitening system are typically used to achieve the healthy smile result. It is only the patients lifestyle that makes sense which fits as the appropriate solution.

    The following provides an appraisal on teeth whitening system that you can do at the comforts of their time and place. Amount of money to be spent on home remedies are also considered.

    NOTE: You should always consult your dentist or even a physician before trying out any of the following home-made teeth whitening remedy.

    Can I make my own whitening solution inexpensively?

    Believe it or not, you can save your precious money on costly teeth bleaching items! By allotting the necessary time for doing the suggested tips, you can rest assured that you can have a white and bright set of teeth for free. You can have bright set of teeth with stuff that are normally in your kitchen or medicine chest.

    Do I have these things in my house?

    Of course, all you need to look for are plain household itemsbaking soda, hydrogen peroxide, cups, bowls, and spoons.

    What are the steps to create my own whitening paste?

    To make a paste, mix two or three teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and two teaspoons of baking soda together. Place the mixture in a small bowl. The thickness of the paste should be consistent as the typical thickness of toothpaste. For extra taste, a bit of flavorful mint or just a little scoop of toothpaste can be combined with the home-made paste.

    Now, how is this home-made mixture used?

    Use a toothbrush and leave the mixture on your teeth for at a couple of minutes. You should avoid swallowing the paste. If this happens, just drink lots of water.

    What do I do after brushing the paste on my teeth?

    You need to brush again using usual toothpaste to rid off the bitter taste of the hydrogen peroxide. Smokers, coffee drinkers and even grandparents may use this remedy to minimize the heavy stain on their teeth.

    When I have a sensitive oral condition, could I use this paste?

    If in case, you have gingivitis, cavities, open sores, or other gum problems, the paste may make your gums look pale for a short time. Remember that you should contact a doctor or even a physician before trying out this remedy.

    How frequent can I apply the paste on my teeth?

    At least once a week. You should avoid brushing your teeth with this paste more than that.

    To summarize, here are some characteristics of do-it-yourself home-made teeth whitening systems:

    The patient must be capable of performing and following the abovementioned instructions.
    The person must allocate time to perform the do-it-yourself whitening remedies.
    Inclination should stay as it can take more than a week before expected results are achieved.
    Home-made remedies relatively cost less than professional teeth whitening solutions.

    Hope this article puts a brighter smile upon your face!