Help for Arthritis

Help for Arthritis

Arthritis tortures and disables more Americans than any other
chronic disease. No wonder there is such a call for arthritis help.

Unfortunately, “quack” remedies are common. Their acceptance
depends on the fact that, for some unknown reason, the pain of
arthritis tends to flare up and then subside. Frequently the
symptoms subside while the patient is taking a particular
“miracle cure” and the
arthritis sufferer believes he or she is
cured. However, it is not uncommon for the symptoms to return,
worse than ever. The fact is, virtually any new treatment,
effective or not, often seems to help at first, simply because
the sufferer wants it to so desperately. By determining when
symptoms pop up, it may be possible to manage some of the
suffering. Pain in a joint may be felt during or after use, or
after a period of inactivity. Discomfort may signal a change in
the weather or be felt during it.

There’s no cure for arthritis but available treatments can
relieve pain and help one remain active. Treatment should begin
at the first signs of the illness. Rest and easy exercise such
as swimming can ease stress on the joints.

Over the counter medications may help to ease the pain and
improve joint functioning. A physician should be consulted early
in the disease to establish a plan of dealing with it.

Perhaps the first point to consider is the importance of
reducing excess weight. Excess weight puts a serious burden on
already inflamed or damaged joints. The sufferer can ease the
load by using a cane to take weight off the arthritic hip or
knee. Crutches or a walker can be helpful around the house.

Moist heat is helpful in reducing pain and increasing ease of
movement. A simple hot bath or shower can be effective in easing
early-morning stiffness. Local heat can do much to relieve
discomfort and stiffness. Heat lamps can be used to apply heat
to one or two stiff, aching joints. An electric heating pad is
good for a large area such as the back or a hip. Twenty minutes
is an adequate time period.

In severe cases, surgical procedures may be necessary;
artificial joints may be implanted to replace those damaged
beyond repair.

Attitude can be a major factor in helping deal with this
frustrating ailment. It is important not to concentrate on the
disease but rather expand your horizons away from your body. Do
interesting things; try meditation and relaxation techniques.
Don’t concentrate on your disease. You are not your disease, but
a person who happens to have arthritis.

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About the author:

Acupuncture and Extreme Cases

What are some extreme cases where acupuncture is useful? Let us talk about a few particularly interesting ones. The first is using acupuncture on a person in a coma. Many times people in comas only receive minimal care. When my father was in a long term care hospital, I often walked by two rooms where the occupants were in comas, one I knew had been that way for at least several months. After treating any conditions that the doctors were aware of, there was little else to do for these patients. The one that was there for months never had any visitors as far as I could see, and the hospital was maintaining him until at some time he might come out of his coma. The practice of acupuncture can help a person in a coma in the following ways: clear the physical senses, calm the spirit, clear the brain, strengthen the heart, and eliminate phlegm. Without getting too specific, these areas are regulated by different organs of the body and the energy from those organs, and insertion of needles at correct points will redirect that energy.

Depending on the patient, sometimes the needles might be twirled gently. Western medicine distinguishes comatose patients based on their originating symptom (brain tumor, car accident, etc), but the practice of acupuncture groups the patients by their set of common symptoms. The use of acupuncture for these patients will improve their overall well being, and in some cases the patients revive after a time, though it is not possible medically to determine why they revive.

A second use of acupuncture is for someone that is prone to simple fainting. As a caution, a physician should determine if the cause is serious heart trouble. If not, there are standard acupuncture regimes which will regulate energy to allow the blood to freely recirculate through the entire body, including the head. It is also interesting to note that a number of times this physical symptom can be accompanied by a social problem such as overwork, or an emotional problem such as internally rebelling from a situation that the patient wanted to be released from. Acupuncture can restore harmony to both the physical and emotional components of the patient.

Another application of acupuncture is for patients in emergency situations. It would be best to have an actual acupuncture practitioner at the scene, but anyone can use these simple techniques. If someone has lost consciousness, apply a strong pressure with your fingernail in the groove between the nose and mouth, about one third of the way down from the nose. This is a simple acupuncture point that may well awaken the patient. Chest-related emergencies can be helped with the acupuncture point on the underside of the forearm, between the two tendons, and about two thumb widths back from the last wrist crease. This may help for people experiencing palpitations, hiccups, stomach pain, and lung problems. Press firmly.

These just list a few unusual applications where acupuncture would be useful. There are also acupuncture regimens for people that have gone into shock, a drowning victim that is now breathing but still unconscious, acupuncture support for patients with broken limbs, etc. I hope this has expanded your view on many additional uses for acupuncture.

Have You Looked Into Natural Arthritis Treatments?

Have You Looked Into Natural Arthritis Treatments?
Mike Herman

There are 100 different forms of arthritis identified by the
AMA, and there are almost as many natural arthritis treatments
for those who desire to treat arthritis naturally.

The name arthritis means “joint inflammation” – and this can
come from wear and tear as in osteoarthritis, or from immune
deficiencies as in rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis affects approximately 3 million Americans in different
degrees of severity and there are a number of ways to treat the

Natural arthritis treatments are treatments which come 100% from
the environment, and they are virtually free of side effects
unless you happen to be allergic to the particular plant.

Check with your physician whenever trying a new product, just to
be safe.

Natural arthritis treatments include plants, minerals and

Within the past 20 years, natural remedies have become more
widespread as the public discovers alternatives to prescription

For many years people have treated arthritis, as well as many
other diseases, with natural remedies and ingredients found in
the house.

Some natural arthritis treatments that are easily obtained and
have been proven to work both recently and over the years.

You can try one or all of them until you reach the results that
you desire. There is no hazard in mixing natural arthritis

* Alternate cold packs for 20-minute intervals.

* Soak affected joint in Epsom salts and warm water for 20

* Take antioxidants – Vitamin C and E, lipoic-acid to improve
immune system and circulation and to fight free radicals that

* Take Omega – 3’s to support cardiovascular system and

* Use glucosamine and chondriton to promote joint and cartilage

* Shark cartilage has also been associated with cartilage

* Exercise keeps joints loose and improves circulation.

* Get plenty of rest for joints to recover.

* Herbs to reduce pain are cat’s claw, ginger, cinnamon,

* Herbs to promote rest and calm are valerian root and

More remedies can be found on the Internet for treating
arthritis with natural treatments.

About the author:
Discover treatment options and see how you DON’T have to give up
and just ‘live with pain and discomfort ‘find some Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Infectious Mononucleosis

Also known as mononucleosis or mono Pfeiffer’s disease or glandular fever, infectious mononucleosis can be identified by inflamed lymph glands and constant fatigue. The disease is named so as the amount of mononuclear leukocytes which belong to white cells increase in number. The cause of the disease is EBV (Epstein – Barr virus) or in some cases cytomegalovirus. Both these viruses belong to the family of herpes simplex. According to statistic majority of the adults in the United States are exposed to the virus Epstein Barr, a very widespread virus. Although the virus does not show any visible affects in children but it does in adolescents which can lead to infectious mononucleosis in nearly fifty percent of cases of exposure to the virus.

The other virus called cytomegalovirus which also belongs to the family of herpes simplex causes the cells to become enlarged. According to statistics, about eighty percent of adolescents infected with this virus generally dont see any further symptoms. Although EBV has potential to develop infectious mononucleosis in adolescents the virus could make throat and blood cells its home for the lifetime. The virus has the capability to bounce back and reactive from time to time but the consolation is that it would reactivate without symptoms.

The condition usually lasts for 1-2 months. The symptoms may vary from one adolescent to other but may include inflamed lymph glands in areas such as groin, neck and armpits, fever, continuous fatigue, enlarged spleen, sore throat as a result of tonsillitis that can make things difficult to swallow and last but not the least minor liver damage that can lead to short-term jaundice. Some adolescents may also experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, petechial hemorrhage, muscle ache, headache, depression, loss of appetite, skin rash, weakness, dizziness, enlarged prostrate, dry cough, swelled genitals and puffy and swollen eyes. Some parents are puzzled by the symptoms of mononucleosis as it may be similar to other medical conditions. It is safe to consult a doctor in such cases.

The viruses are usually transmitted to other people through saliva (the reason why it is also called kissing disease), blood, sharing drinks and sharing utensils. The symptoms usually lasts for 4-6 weeks and do not cross 4 months. The disease is diagnosable but requires a though medical history of the adolescent. The diagnosis also involves physical examination of the adolescent and is based on symptoms reported to the physician. The diagnosis is further supported by laboratory test like blood test, antibody test and test to count white blood cells.

A rest of about a month is generally advised and normal activities can be resumed after acute symptoms disappear. Also care should be taken to avoid physical activities which are heavy in nature and also activities or sports involving physical contacts should also be avoided. Care must also be taken to avoid eating sweet things in excess for few months.


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