Swine Flu: The New Pandemic

Everyone’s all abuzz with panic nowadays it seems. That’s mostly because after SARS and bird flu, another new strain of virus has managed to rear its head. The H1N1 influenza virus, more popularly known as the swine flu, exploded on to the global scene last April via a large-scale infection in Mexico City.

I think everyone’s seen the images on CNN a thousand time. Surgical-masked Mexicans crowding the hospitals with worrisome shots of full hospital beds.The Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization raised their alert levels in hopes of catching and cutting off the infection at the bud, but it seems that cases have been reported all over the world. It seems that the current fatalities from disease are from Mexico but everyone is just expecting for the other shoe to drop.

To understand all of this panic, ypou need to have a little background. Influenza, or more popularly known as the flu, is probably one of the most infectious diseases out there. Airborne and highly contagious, it could spread like wildfire all across the world. Now you’re asking what’s the matter with a few people getting a bit of sniffles? That’s because this isn’t your ordinary flu.

A lot of the flu viruses we are exposed to have been in the human system for hundreds of years. We’ve managed to build an immunity to these strains. The big problem that’s got everyone running scared is the idea that a flu strain has crossed species. This is what happened with the bird flu and now, with the swine flu. The pigs and birds have also built up resistances to these diseases, however, since humans are not used to them, these strains of flu have a very large potential of being fatal.

The last time a large-scale flu epidemic raged around the world, electricity was just coming into vogue and cars were all Model Ts. The Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918 literally set the bar for every modern disease in terms of casualties. Fifty to a hundred million people worldwide died over a period of two years from 1918 to 1920 as the disease spread worldwide. Following on the heels of the Great War, it was a one-two punch that killed an entire generation of young men and women. What everyone’s afraid of is this: the 1918 epidemic was a subtype of the H1N1 flu virus, the same virus that seems to have crossed over and become a real threat to humans.

This is why the CDC is keeping a close watch on Mexico and hoping all of the subsidiary cases worldwide aren’t indications of the beginning of some worldwide epidemic. The good news about this is that the disease is treatable. Medicine and vaccine production alerts have been sent out by the CDC and most pharmaceutical companies have started churning out oseltamivir and zanamivir.

The problem with that is the demand may outstrip the supply depending on the swine flu’s virulence. More common antiviral drugs are also available but they’re not exactly definitive cures. They serve to weaken the symptoms and give you a fighting chance and prevent some of the worse flu symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting.

So as the world waits and watches the situation in Mexico, it would be a good idea to take a few precautions. Regular hand washes and vitamins can help make sure you avoid the initial infection of the swine flu. Avoiding pork’s not needed though. Swine flu can’t be transmitted through food. Remember to just a take a few preventive measures and you can come through clean and healthy.

Drugs as a Treatment for Alzheimers

As more and more individuals are diagnosed with the debilitating Alzheimers disease, more and more information are coming up as scientists and researchers continue to find out more about this enigmatic type of dementia. Despite this however, a lot of questions remain unanswered. These unanswered questions are hampering experts from finding out the cause of the disease as well as the cure.

What is known for a fact is that individuals begin to become susceptible to the disease at the age of 65 and above. It is also known that Alzheimers disease attack the brain and causes an abnormality there, which in turn causes the loss of normal functions in the body.

When a person has Alzheimers, he or she will have an abnormal deposit of brain protein that destroys the brain’s neurons, nerves and neurotransmitters. An autopsy of the brain of the person who suffered from Alzheimers will show a decrease of brain size and a smoother surface.

If experts can absolutely conclude on the causes of Alzheimers then perhaps an Alzheimers drug as a vaccine can be administered to individuals to be able to inhibit the ailment from happening. The statistics on Alzheimers cases are starting to raise much concern because care for individuals with this disease can rake up a lot of money that may in turn put a dent on a country’s health care system funds because of the alarming number of cases of individuals with Alzheimers.

Intensive care and costs are entailed for individuals who suffer from this because although at the onset and mild stage of the disease, only a slight short term memory loss is perceived, eventually the sufferer will lose more and more cognitive abilities. The person will begin to forget things more and more and will even begin to lose recognition of people and things that are a close part of his or life. There will also be marked instances of uncontrollable changes in behavior.

As the disease advances, the Alzheimers sufferer will begin to lose more and more motor skills and the ability to function independently from another. They will then have to be cared for by qualified caregivers who will have to take care of getting them fed and mobile when needed.

Aside from this though, the most imperative need for concrete answers in terms of Alzheimers drug treatments lies in the fact that this disease is irreversible and inexorably progresses into death. At present, Alzheimers disease has no known cure and Alzheimers drug treatments give only slight symptomatic relief for some patients but in no way can it buy an individual more time.

This claim has been debated however by pharmaceutical companies. For more information about Alzheimers drug treatments: what has been observed to work and what hasn’t; check out literature on The American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry’s official statement.

There is no reason to lose hope however because involved sectors are doing all they can to be able to conquer this disease. As more and more breakthroughs on the subject arise, there is no doubt that perhaps in the near future, an Alzheimers drug will be found successful in treating and curing this disease. In the meantime, friends, loved ones and caregivers of individuals with Alzheimers need to stay abreast of the latest news and breakthroughs in the field of Alzheimers research.