Caring for The Skin with Vitamin C

Vitamins are essential in keeping the skin healthy. In fact, there are a lot of beauty and skin care products in the market that use these natural vitamins and minerals as their ingredients. Vitamin C, is said to be one of the vitamins that is very beneficial in helping the skin regenerate.

In order to be used on the skin, Vitamin C is transformed to L-ascorbic acid. This form, however, is pretty unstable and is in fact so hard to be used in cosmetics. This is perhaps the reason why there is only a few cosmetic products that carry Vitamin C when compared to other vitamins like A and E. Still, chemists are trying to find ways as this form is found to stimulate collagen synthesis on the skin. Unlike other vitamins, it is also able stay in the skin for as long as three days as well as prevents a reaction called UV immunosuppression, often seen in 90 percent of cancer patients in the country.

In looking for Vitamin C in products, make sure that it contains a stable L-ascorbic form and a low pH level. Highly concentrated products are also recommended. Remember that just because a product advertises Vitamin C on it front level, it does not mean that it contains the kind or the form (L-ascorbic acid) that your skin can use.

Vitamin C as shield from the sun

Vitamin C, as mentioned above, serves as a good shield from the sun, which harms the skin by drying it up and causing wrinkles and lines to show up. Vitamin C does this by neutralizing the reactive oxygen or free radicals, which is often caused by the interaction of sunlight, skin tissues and of course the cell membrane. But though it revents the absorption of light, it should not be used to replace sunscreen. Skin care experts still recommend the use of sunscreen for maximum sun protection. Still, vitamin C can be combined with sunscreens for more coverage and longer protection because once this gets into the skin, it cannot be easily washed or rubbed off.

Vitamin C as an anti-oxidant

Vitamin C is known to play a crucial role in the oxidation process. It prevents free radicals from destroying the skin. Free radicals are caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun and its reaction with oxygen.

Vitamin C stimulates Collagen

The vitamin helps synthesize collagen, a component of the skin that is essential in slowing down the aging process of the skin. L-ascorbic acid signals the collagen genes to begin creating new collagen

5 Big Reasons to Relieve and Prevent Thyroid Disorder

In today’s world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.
5 Big Reasons to Relieve and Prevent Thyroid Disorder

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Medical studies have been done to determine what causes thyroid disorder. This article shines light on many new factors that are responsible for the causation of thyroid disorder. Learn the most important means you can do to glut and prevent thyroid disorder. It is probably not what you think.

thyroid disorder, ph balance, alkaline diet, alkaline body, acidic frame, acidic foods, alkaline foods

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Reason 1

The thyroid regulates the rate of energy production drag the bodys cells. Thyroid commotion reduces the bodys metabolism and makes you feel sluggish.

Reason 2

Thyroid disorder also increases your wager of degenerative diseases such because heart disease, cancer and arthritis and your stake of widespread infection. In severe cases, the energy level in the bodys cells cannot even sustain a basic level of metabolism, creating a life – threatening situation.

Reason 3

One major problem with thyroid disorder is that its often missed in diagnostic tests. Even if tests show that you take on not obtain a thyroid disorder, you might still be at risk. If your body is ever acidic, your venture of thyroid disorder increases.

Reason 4

Thus, even if you havent been diagnosed with thyroid bother, its important to check your bodys overall pH level and take dietary and other steps to reduce the acid level in your body.

Reason 5

You will not only reduce your chances of hike thyroid disorder or making an existing thyroid disorder even worse. You will improve your health overall again reduce your vulnerability to degenerative disorder.


Accumulation of acids influence your body, due to insufficient digestion of food, food allergies and consumption of acid – forming substances, can cause thyroid disorder. Acid – related causes of thyroid disorder also include exposure to heavy metals and toxic chemicals in the water supply and in highly processed food. When your bodys acid level rises too high, your thyroid function will be depressed and your metabolism will slow.

Lack of digestive enzymes, also caused by over – consumption of processed foods, further causes your thyroid disorder. Your bodys ability to neutralize acids is further moneyless. As you get older, the greater toxins you’re exposed to, the more likely you will develop a thyroid disorder if you haven’t already.


Salt away a thyroid disorder, your bodys cells also organs will not metabolize as fast as they should. The certainty of excess harsh only makes the problem worse. Your cells and organs will become overgrown screen acid that they need to eliminate, but your thyroid disorder will reduce their ability to deal with these acids. The acid, in turn, will perpetuate or worsen your thyroid disorder.

For example, a sluggish thyroid reinforces the digestive problems that effect acid to accumulate in your body. Because a thyroid disorder slows your cellular metabolism, it reduces your bodys ability to eliminate acid waste. The more acid – forming substances you consume, the more this cycle repeats.

Thyroid disorder also reduces your immune system game, leading to chronic infection. With the accumulation of acid in your body, infection will spread briskly, further reducing your bodys ability to neutralize acids.

As with other organs, the thyroid needs glucose and oxygen to function. When acid waste accumulates in the bloodstream, these vital substances cannot get through. Without striking oxygen and glucose, thyroid function is poverty-stricken. The resulting thyroid disorder further reduces the bodys ability to clear the bloodstream of these acids that prevent the oxygen and glucose from getting through.


Because thyroid discover causes so many other degenerative diseases, a thyroid that functions properly can restore health in since many other areas of your body. When you neutralize the acids in your body and eliminate acid – forming substances from your cuisine, you give your thyroid a chance to heal. Improved thyroid vocation entrust, in turn, assist your other body organs function properly.

To neutralize acids and restore your bodys pH balance, you need to reduce or eliminate consumption of acidic foods and other acidic substances. Adding more alkaline foods and minerals to your diet can help restore thyroid disorder. As your acid level falls, you’ll good buy that your thyroid function will increase. Your bodys metabolism will increment as a payoff, and you’ll be able to drown acids even further. The end result will be restored health, higher energy, and a decreased risk of thyroid disorder.

You can’t predict when knowing something extra about alternative medicine will come in handy. If you learned anything new about alternative medicine in this article, you should file the article where you can find it again.

Balancing Ph-ion and Detox to Cleanse the Body

Grow, glow, and go. These are three food types which a person should eat every day in certain amounts in order to eat a healthy and nutritious diet. This is the subject matter in one of the many lessons in science in the elementary grade which increases the awareness of children to eating a healthy and balanced diet.

From the very start, man has been used to eating different food products, as well as beverages. And without actually knowing it, these food products and beverages contain harmful chemicals. Although the body has its own way of removing unwanted toxins in the body, sometimes a build up of these harmful chemicals or acids are inevitable. And this is because of the enormous amount of chemicals or acids found in the body.

Different fluids are found inside the human body. The cells inside the body are often affected by the ph level. The ph level is the measurement of acid-alkaline in the body. The body has its own way of managing the so-called ph level; and when it is unable to do such thing properly, the imbalance affects the whole body.

If you experience stress, tiredness, excess weight, fatigue, aches, pains, poor digestion, and other serious disorders, the ph level inside your body may be too acidic.

The three things that might contribute more to the body to become overly acidic are ingesting acids, creation of acids, and improper acid elimination.

Ingesting foods which are considered acidifying foods as dairy, processed sugar, meat, alcohol, coffee, etc. overloads the ability of your body to neutralize all the acids.

Acidifying toxins are created by microforms and pathogens inside the body. If the body is too acidic, yeasts, microforms, and bad bacteria proliferate. These live organisms create even more toxins, and add up to the already acidic environment.

Some acids are strong, while some are weak. Acid build up occurs when the body systems which eliminate the acids are not functioning properly, and is compromised. Many systems in the body buffer acids which includes mineral reserves, breath, and fat.

Acids are considered toxins, and these toxins need to be removed through detoxification. You have to aid your body in the detoxification process especially when it is not functioning well.

If you want to obtain a well-balanced ph, you must have a proper diet and nutrition. It is wise to follow a detox plan which can greatly help you the detox process. A diet consisting of foods high in alkaline, proper supplementation, and hydrating the body properly can aid the body in detox.

There are also alkalizing products available in stores which augment the ph balance. A well-maintained and balanced ph level will prevent acid build up in the body. If you think that, youre one the many people who has already formed an acid build up or are very acidic, start a detox program now.

A detox program will not only help your body in the detox process, but will also help in balancing the ph level inside the body.

Your body needs detoxification, and that can only be achieved through self discipline and determination. Changing certain things in your life will benefit you and your body more.

Remember, you must keep a balanced ph-ion. You will instantly know that you have an acid build up if you are too acidic, and that is the right time to consult your doctor for proper detoxification.