Do Essential Oils Really Work?

Creighton University Medical Center School of Medicine is out to determine if alternative therapies actually work. Aromatherapy has long been recognized for the treatment of minor ailments as well as the promotion of emotional stability. But how does it actually work? The Medical Center reports that while there is widespread use, there is still not much scientific evidence to support claims of the ability to treat these ailments.

What studies have been done? The school has tested the lavender, chamomile, marigold and peppermint essential oils in several studies to see if there was a reduction in the perception of pain. Placebo tests were also performed in these studies as well. The results showed that there positive effects through the use of the essential oils although they were not conclusive. Does that mean that essential oils do not work? Absolutely not! What the studies do show is that there are positive physiological effects when aromatherapy was used as a complementary form of treatment.

The use of aromatherapy is rooted in our history with its use dating back some one thousand years. The Egyptians used essential oils for embalming the dead, but they also used them as medicines, for perfumes and as cosmetics. Throughout the centuries following the use of essential oils in medical treatments were refined through the use of improved distillation equipment and additional studies of plants. While the term “aromatherapy” is new, the practice of using essential oils as medicines is not.

We do know that aromatherapy combines uses the sense of smell to regulate emotional behaviors. We know that certain essential oils are known to induce feelings of peace, harmony, reduce stress, anger or fatigue as well as other emotional facets. Essential oils can also reduce anxiety or feelings of loneliness. There is an essential oil that can aid in the treatment of just about every negative emotion and enhance the positive ones as well. But how it all works has still not been proven.

We also know that essential oils used as a topical treatment have been known to exhibit anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic responses. Topical treatments are normally diluted mixes of essential oils with carrier oils such as apricot kernel oil or almond sweet oil. Essential oils have been used in the treatment of acne, athlete’s foot, eczema and other skin ailments. Essential oils have also been noted to reduce scarring tissue and stretch marks. Citrus oils have also been used to treat insect bites as well as act as insect repellant. There are so many uses!

While there still might be little evidence to support or validate the scientific processes of healing or emotional balance that take place within the body, we are still seeing positive responses! We are still seeing and experiencing the benefits of what aromatherapy can do when we add this to our regimen. Whether or not the use of essential oils is right for you, only you can decide. Take some time to consult with your doctor or aroma therapist and see how you can add nature’s benefits to your life!

Eczema Treatment and Prevention of Symptoms Aggravation

It is hard to imagine life with eczema. Constant itching, inflammation and discomfort are what people suffering from this dreaded skin disease have to go through on a daily basis. This is why they try every eczema treatment they could get their hands on. Although there is no cure to it, the signs and symptoms of eczema can be managed.

Most cases of eczema begin to appear early in life. It is a chronic inflammatory response of the skin, usually having flare-ups and remissions. The appearance or features may vary from one person to another, also greatly depending on the parts of the body where they appear. The psychological impact on the person suffering from eczema is significant having to live through the feeling of embarrassment and the effects it has on daily activities.

There are many things that can be tried to relieve the symptoms of eczema, including medications prescribed by doctors and some tried and tested natural remedies. Of course the results greatly depend on the kind and severity of the eczema. If you are suffering from this skin disease, let us discuss some of the things which you can do to lessen the inflammation, itching and other forms of discomforts.

First things first: Always pay attention to what aggravates the condition. Finding out the causes that worsens the condition and avoiding being exposed to them can do a lot more for eczema than any treatment available.

Is it because of an allergic reaction to certain foods? Commonly, consuming milk, eggs, wheat and peanuts contribute to the itching of eczematous skin. Its best to avoid eating foods that only makes the itching worse. Is it because of contact with certain chemicals and household products? Many people who suffer from eczema need to stay away from certain stuff such as cosmetics, perfumes, pesticides, detergents and many others. Ingredients such as alcohol, astringent and fragrance may trigger or worsen the case; thats why you should make it a habit to read labels prior to using a particular product.

Is it because of extremes in temperature and humidity? Maintaining a stable temperature and humidity all year long may be complicated, but you need all the help you can get. For instance, if you are using air conditioner, make sure you moisturize your skin or use a humidifier to prevent excessive skin drying, causing itchiness.

It is best to take baths than showers because the spraying water can irritate the eczematous skin and make it itchy. Use lukewarm water and never hot water. Hot water kills skin cells faster and makes the skin drier. The drier the skin, the more skin scaling and itchiness you will experience. Bath and essential oils may also be added onto the water. Rosemary and chamomile essential oils are effective anti-inflammatory and anti-itching remedies when added to bath water. Also, pat dry with a towel and never rub.

Researches have shown that making your life free of stress and having a positive outlook may help keep the symptoms of eczema at bay. While it is extremely difficult to stay relaxed each time your skin condition flares up and think about other peoples perception of you, you should always try to manage stress effectively.

If you know what triggers the symptoms of your eczema, then you can do a lot to avoid it and experience less of the nasty outcome of being exposed to them. Eczema treatment is far more effective when you know how to do away with contributing factors.

What Really Causes a Yeast Infection?

Yeast: A Necessary Fungus

Yes, you read that correctly. Yeast is necessary for our bodies, and is always present in a small concentration. However, too much of this fungus will lead to an infection. It is important to understand what causes a yeast infection in order to avoid this painful condition in the future.

Shut Down Yeasts Habitat

Yeast lives in warm, damp areas of the body. If you want to really slice your chances of getting a yeast infection, you should make sure you always wear clean, dry underwear. Tight panties made of synthetic materials are the absolute worst choice if you want to avoid yeast infections. Instead, wear cotton; it breathes much better. You should wear clean panties each day.

Women who do not control their diabetes well enough are more likely to get this condition. This is directly related to the sugar in the urine. Even if you do not have diabetes, it is a good idea to cut back on your sugar intake.

Scented toilet paper, tampons, and feminine deodorant sprays can also cause yeast infections. After exercising or swimming, it is a good idea to change out of the wet or sweaty clothing.

Dont Kill the Yeast-Fighters

This is the tricky part. If you take antibiotics for another kind of infection, you will kill not only the offending bacteria, but the bacteria that would ordinarily get rid of much of the yeast. If you use some types of soap, such as the antibacterial kind, you may be killing these good germs in your quest to deodorize. Do not use soap on your vaginal area; the dyes and perfumes can really mess up your pH balance and harm the sensitive tissues. Clothing detergents can cause the same kind of problem, so choose your detergent with care. Do not use douches, as they get rid of the good bacteria. Every time you use antibiotics or antibacterial deodorants, you are clearing the way for yeast to take over and cause an infection.

Other Causes

HIV can also allow yeast infections to occur because it weakens the immune system. If a womans vagina is injured, a yeast infection may follow. Taking steroids can also heighten your risk of getting this irritating condition.

A woman who has taken chemotherapy can also get a yeast infection. Immunosuppressive drugs are sometimes useful, but they will contribute to your chances of getting a yeast infection. Drugs that belong to the cortisone family will also put you at a greater risk of getting a yeast infection.

Women who are pregnant or on their period are also more likely to get a yeast infection than they are at other times. Whether you wear pads or tampons during your period, you should change them frequently. Stress and sickness can also have a marked impact on your chances of getting this infection.

While some of the factors that can cause a yeast infection cannot be prevented, many of them can be eradicated or reduced.