Essential Oils for a Good Nights Sleep

Having a fully restful nights sleep is important for your body and mind. By limiting your sleep, you can ultimately do damage to your body and cause it to lose energy rapidly. Stress levels will also rise with improper sleep, which makes dealing with the days confrontations and people interactions more difficult. Using essential oils through aromatherapy can help you maintain levels of peace, remove the days stress, and help you sleep soundly for the ultimate refreshing morning.

A busy worker whether youre an employee or the business owner will have you building stress throughout the day. Stress can seriously inhibit a good nights sleep. The unsettled sleep will increase chances for increased stress and can ultimately hurt your immune system making you susceptible to disease and illnesses. Essential oils used in aromatherapy can help you relax and sleep more soundly throughout the night. Having a good nights sleep is analogous to recharging your bodys batteries to make it most efficient for the next day. Poor sleeping habits can inefficiently relieve stress leaving it to damage your body and mind.

Some people feel that a quantity of sleep is important. It isnt the amount of sleep that you need that is important, but the amount of highly effective sleep that is most important. Getting six to seven hours of sleep is important for your body to replenish the energy levels that it has lost from the days activities. However, sleeping a quality 6 hours of sleep is highly more beneficial than sleeping a poor, restless ten hours of sleep.

Essential oils used in aromatherapy can help you fully relax to facilitate your ability to fall into a deep sleeping whereby qualifying your sleep as fully effective for your bodys energy replenishment. You will notice the difference the next morning when you wake up and feel totally revitalized from the previous day. Not only will you feel replenished on the outside, your mind and body will be completely healthier from a quality nights sleep.

There are several essential oils that can help you have a good nights sleep. The most relaxing of all of the essential oils are Bergamot, Sage, and Sandalwood. Although each has beneficial effects separately, combining all three has the best effect on your mind and body.


Bergamot is a peel from an exotic fruit that smells like the popular citrus scent you get from other fruits. The potent citrus smell makes you feel refreshed and it calms your emotions to give you the euphoric feeling of a calm spirit. You can also blend bergamot with other oils to produce an uplifting feeling with a relaxing state that helps you sleep better.

Clary Sage

Clary sage is a popular essential oil to relax your spirit and it helps get rid of the restlessness from stress and an overactive emotional state. As with some other essential oils, it is distilled from the leaf of a plant that is known to relax you simply from its aromatic smell. It brings you a feeling of well being and within twenty four hours will make you feel like you can conquer the world.

Sandalwood Agmark

The Sandalwood Agmark essential oil will soothe you so that you no longer feel as if the stress of the world is on your shoulders. It helps you ultimately relax and keeps your emotions at bay so that you can sleep throughout the night. The fragrance of the Sandalwood is great for the mind since it is the main factor for stressfully restless nights.

Although each of these bring a distinct benefit, they are most beneficial used together. You can purchase the essential oils separately, but if you really want to have the most relaxing night of your life use them in combination. The combination of the oils will guarantee you a good nights sleep and give you the most refreshed feeling in the morning.


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The Power Of Colors During Stress Management

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about stress to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from stress experts.

Association of Stress and Colors

Stress has become interwoven note people’s lives that most have accepted it as a natural part of life. Meanwhile, for some others, intrinsic has become rather of an epidemic. There are several reasons why people develop stress and while you cannot control where it is drawing near from, you can always exhibit proper stress management techniques to combat their effects in your life.

Recent research studies have shown the link between personality traits and impact of stress in one’s life. This has prompted researchers to look into what other factors could induce the way people view stress in their life. A just out color system is just one of the results to this ongoing research effort. But how true is it that color can actually impact your ability to cope with stress more effectively?

Color Therapy

The idea of using color as a stress management procedure is indeed new and offers a another interesting approach in battling stress in one’s life. Indeed, the little choices of color that must would refer to as trivial can actually impact your ability to handle or awning with stress.

This is not just a myth as this claim has been well supported with scientific evidence and study. Color therapy though is not yet officially accepted as a legitimate approach to stress management but is still largely accurate as a complementary or alternative approach to healing. One reason for this is that colors affect your five basic senses to deliver a holistic impact to one’s health condition. Therefore, you need to choose the colors you surround yourself with thoroughly to facilitate in enjoying stress relief results.

Calming Effects of Color

Different colors have been known to close an overall calming effect due to its ability to elicit psychological and emotional responses in the body. There are several colors there are but for this purpose, you will learn about the results of basic colors when it comes to your personal stress management efforts:

* Red This color creates a stimulating and exciting effect into your system, which is therefore not recommended if you are looking to achieve effective stress management. However, it is ideal for awakening if you had recently suffered from an emotional slump.

* Blue This color is known to create a calming and soothing effect such that it is ideal for use in stress management. Surround yourself with this color to facilitate in creating a cooling and pacific effect to both mind and body.

* Green This color inspires a restful experience such that it is really effective in overcoming anxiety as you can enjoy more emotional harmony.

* Yellow This color inspires a cheerful and sunny attitude, double that it is recommended for stress relief due to its ability to put you into a positive state.

* Snowy This color symbolizes clarity, and that is a particular quality that you need to have or develop in times of stress.

* Orange This single too, like red, is not ideal for relieving stress and must therefore be avoided. On the other hand, honest helps to provide a burst of energy whenever you are feeling down.

Final Recommendations

Now that you know what the altered meanings of color is, you can now make a better choice about which colors to surround yourself with ( and which colors to avoid ) if you want to enjoy benefits of proper stress management. Whether it be in your choice of clothes, or in the prevailing colors of your surroundings, it is important to know that you can now have subjection over these elements and use them to your advantage.
Now you can understand why there’s a growing interest in stress. When people start looking for more information about stress, you’ll be in a position to meet their needs.

Get better sleep the natural way

Some people are really born to have a hard time to get better sleep. While there are those who were able to develop this problem because of unhealthy practice. Either way, the problem still lies that one is having a hard time lulling into that good slumber.

The best way to go about it is that first, one needs to address the problem of sleeping. These include knowing the reasons why that person is having a hard time sleeping. The focus areas should include the personal issues, status at work, health conditions, and sleeping environment.

1. Personal issues. The may include stress factors that affect the overall emotional state of a person. If one if stressed by personal issues, it will be harder for him or her to get better sleep because that person is thinking too much. If it’s possible to address these problems and problems immediately, it would really help a person to get better sleep. If not, one should seek help from professionals so he or she can cope with the issues and will have better chance of getting sleep at night.

2. Status at work. Studies show that more and more people are having a hard time sleeping because of their status in work. With the overall global crisis that the world experiences now, it is only common for people to worry about their security. If you think that this is one factor that won’t let you get better sleep at night, then now is the right time to face it and be prepared for the worse. If you are prepared that no matter what happens, you will still have your job or you are confident that you can easily find one, then you will have peace of mind and will lead you to sleep better at night.

3. Health conditions. Some people are able to develop sleeping disorders without them knowing. These sleeping disorders are usually caused and triggered by so many factors. If you are having hard time sleeping and you think that the reasons are something that you can no longer control, then it is best to seek professional help.

4. Sleeping environment. This is also among the things that affect the overall sleeping state of a person. If you have bad sleeping environment, then the tendency of your body is to resist sleeping.

The natural way

In the market today, there are so many products and even medication that promise to help one get better sleep. But, these artificial substitutes may have a side effect. To avoid further complications, it is best to try sleeping techniques the natural way. Some may include routines that will only help you get better sleep but help improve your overall health as well.

The first thing that you could do is to develop and practice good sleep hygiene. These include eating the right foods that can help you sleep better and avoid those that affect sleeping patterns. It also includes having regular exercise and avoiding napping in the afternoon so you will sleep well at night. You may also want to develop a routine that will help you sleep better such as doing relaxing activities before your bedtime such as taking a warm bath, reading, or writing in your personal journal.

To get better sleep, you can also try soundproofing your room to avoid unnecessary noises, adjusting the lights so you will be more comfortable, getting into a comfortable sleeping position and practicing deep breathing to relax your senses.

The Relationship Of Gilbert’s Disease And Jaundice

Unpopular diseases such as Gilberts disease can be alarming once you are diagnosed with it because you will never know what will happen to you. Upon hearing that you are or you might be suffering from it, it can be hard to accept it because you dont know what to do.

To ease the burden that people with Gilberts disease, doctors try to explain everything about the condition in laymans terms. And one of the easiest ways to understand it is if it is compared to more common diseases that have similarities in it like jaundice.

What Gilberts disease is all about

Gilberts disease was first described by a French gastroenterologist names Augustin Nicolas Gilbert in 1901. Gilberts disease is an asymptomatic (no external symptoms) condition affecting the liver. The condition affect an enzyme in the body called urodine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase or UGT (abbreviation). UGT aids the liver in breaking down bilirubin which is found also in the blood stream.

Bilirubin is the waste product of the hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is found in the red blood cells that carry oxygen to other cells in the body to complete the cycle of respiration. After the red blood cells successfully brought the oxygen to the other parts of the body, the blood produces bilirubin. The liver cells then collect all the bilirubin produced by the blood, transfer it to the liver to be broken down into the gut, and turned to bile.

This is where UGT or urodine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase comes in, it helps the liver cells process the bilirubin in to bile. Gilberts disease affects the production of UGT, this is because it fluctuates the production of UGT in the body. The fluctuating levels of UGT greatly affect the levels of bilirubin retained in the blood. Bilirubin is orangey- yellow in color, which in turn causes a patient to have jaundiced skin.

What is jaundice?

Jaundice is the condition of the blood that has external manifestations. The two most common manifestation of Jaundice is the yellowing of the skin and in the white of the eyes. Jaundice if one of the most common symptoms or manifestations of different liver diseases and sometimes it may be the cause of some discomfort among patients. The heightened bilirubin stores in the body and in the bloodstream causes jaundice but it usually has no serious effects and it can occur in people more than once in their entire lifetime. Mild jaundice is not always caused by diseases of the liver there are times when it may happen under conditions of over exertion, long term stress, intense fasting, and other bodily infections, but the condition is otherwise shows no external manifestations.

It happens when there is a flaw in the liver that averts from removing bilirubin from the blood, to be converted to glucuronic acid (conjugated) or excreted in bile in this case if the person has Gilberts disease.

Lastly, when there is obstruction of the bile ducts that reduces the stream of bile and bilirubin from the liver into the guts. The decreased conjugation, emission, or gush of bile that can result in jaundice refers to cholestasis: however, cholestasis does not always effect in jaundice.

Jaundice or cholestasis, by themselves, causes just a few problems (excluding the conditions of newborns, and jaundice in this case in newborns is different from most other types of jaundice.) Jaundice can make the skin and the whites of the eyes look sclera yellow. As well, stool can turn out to be light in color, even clay-colored because of the lack of bilirubin that usually gives stool its brown color. The urine may become dark or brownish in color. This takes place when the bilirubin that is building up in the blood starts to be excreted from the body in the urine.

Other than those scenarios there is not much to worry about if you have Gilberts disease, you may experience a jaundiced appearance but you can still enjoy a healthy life.