
Teen Pregnancy Prevention

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Since the early 1990s, teen pregnancies across America declined dramatically. However, it is a teen pregnancy fact that 34% of teenage girls in America still get pregnant before they turn the age of 20. This means that America has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world. As does England; in which one in every five births in the country is from a teenager. These are shocking statistics and adults and teenagers alike should be active in teen pregnancy prevention.

baby,babies,pregnancy,teen pregnancy prevention,preventing pregnancies

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Since the early 1990s, teen pregnancies across America declined dramatically. However, it is a teen pregnancy fact that 34% of teenage girls in America still get pregnant before they turn the age of 20. This means that America has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world. As does England; in which one in every five births in the country is from a teenager. These are shocking statistics and adults and teenagers alike should be active in teen pregnancy prevention.

Talking about sex and pregnancy
When a child reaches the age of about 13, parents should be active in approaching their child about their thoughts and ideas of sex and the possible consequences of the act. Although it can initially be embarrassing for both parties, it will pay off in the long run as education and knowledge is the best way to prevent teen pregnancy. Talk to your child about the sexually transmitted diseases and the risk of pregnancy as well as pregnancy prevent methods such as abstinence and contraception.

The safest path towards teen pregnancy prevention is abstinence. Not having sexual intercourse will mean that you will never have to worry about catching any diseases or unwanted pregnancies which will ultimately change your entire life. Though there will undoubtedly be a lot of peer pressure to have sex, abstaining from sex now will only mean that you will be 100% ready when you do decide to take that step.

The two most popular forms of teen pregnancy prevention come in the form of the condom and the pill. The condom is a rubber latex glove that is placed over the penis during sex to prevent semen from entering the vagina. The condom will not only protect you from possible diseases that can be transmitted through the semen but also from teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy facts suggest that there are also a large number of teens now taking the birth control pill, and this number is increasing yearly. The birth control pill is taken every day and releases hormones in the body to stop your body from ovulating. If you dont ovulate, then no egg will be released and therefore there will be no egg for the sperm to fertilize. If it is taken every day, the pill is very reliable in terms of pregnancy prevention. However, the pill does not stop you from catching sexually transmitted diseases and infections so you must still be careful.

The media often portrays teens regularly having sex. But you dont need to buy into this. The media isnt real and it is perfectly normal to wait until you are ready or for the right person to come along before having sex. The only 100% way to prevent teen pregnancy from occurring is to not have sex at all.

Theories of Dual Diagnosis Prevalence

Are you looking for some inside information on diagnosis? Here’s an up-to-date report from diagnosis experts who should know.

Individuality is the barrier that makes people different. The way a person thinks, feels and acts are the things that make someone one. Some may choose how they conscious; some will uncolored go with the flow. Others may enjoy necessary will others may not even behold the slightest fun underneath it. Some people take drugs in regulation to have a haven of escape from too much stress also pressure. For other tribe, peer pressure, work pressure and boredom can trigger the illness. It is easy to generate something bad than something good because you never really have to prove yourself. This is where dual diagnosis comes in.


There are multiple theories to explicate why an individual who tends to experience severe mental disorder are very powerfully vulnerable to substance abuse. On the other hand, there are also certain explanations why co – sense of these behaviors is prevalent. Complications will be further explained through the following theories:

1. Theory of Self – medication

In this mindset, it suggests that when an individual who suffers from a severe mental illness starts to use several forms and kinds of drugs in order to relieve specific symptoms. Dealing with psychotic medication side effects are also dealt with. Meaning, substances are not primarily chosen in a random case but with good purpose.

Although, with the dependence of the secluded to the medications in regulation to alleviate the symptoms of his or her mental illness, it impression that the person can no longer continue life without having that medication. Example, nicotine is a stimulant which deals with sedation that is caused by increased doses of anti – psychotic drugs.

Although, this research is not entirely accepted because of the evidences that certain individuals use drugs the same way that person who doesnt show any sign of mental illness do.

2. Theory of multiple risk factors According to Mueser, qualified are several factors in the environment which needs attention and can cause co – existing disorders. Some of which is:

Living a life where drugs is highly available again the person can sustain the habit

Poverty and lack of resources

Lack of adult or parent supervision and responsibility

Lack of structured everyday activities

Being associated to people who are already using drugs

Isolation from the typical social norms of life

Other evidences also suggests that events in the past life which are traumatic like sexual abuse can be nowadays associated to the psychiatric problem development and abuse of illegal substances.

3. Theory of Dysphoria

The simplicity of this theory states that when a person experiences dysphoria, he or she will result in drug dependency just to alleviate or reduce the bad feelings. Research shows that this is one of the foremost motivators in why a person results to alcohol or gravity abuse.

4. Theory of Supersensitivity

According to Mueser, people who suffer severe mental disorders have psychological and biological vulnerabilities which can be regarded to hereditary causes. Connotation, those who are suffering vulnerability when a stressful event occurs in his or her elan will result to triggering a mental illness or relapses.

Some of these theories are entirely accepted by medical practitioners dealing with the client who is experiencing dual diagnosis. These theories can greatly help in the effective diagnosis and plan of treatment of the same occurring disorders.
Sometimes it’s tough to sort out all the details related to this subject, but I’m positive you’ll have no trouble making sense of the information presented above.

Ready to Stop Smoking: How to Deal with Habit Cravings

Ready to Stop Smoking: How to Deal with Habit Cravings

Many smokers have been smoking cigarettes for the past years, or even decade. Smoking has become a part of their everyday routine, from the moment they get up from their bed in the mornings up to the time that lie down again for a goodnight sleep. Just imagine how difficult it would be for them to stop smoking, a long-time habit in their routine, when they have been doing it for quite some time already. This is the reason why when they decide to quit smoking, they still have some cravings from time to time; and at times give in to the urge.

Usually, smokers have really allotted a portion of their time for smoking alone. And even without time, they can multi-task and perform their other jobs while they puff a stick. Just a few minutes is what they need to be able to finish one cigarette, and they can make sure that they have just the time to do so.

Smokers can use all the excuses they can get just to be able to puff a cigarette. You may see some people driving their cars with one hand holding a stick while the other holds the wheel. There are also times when you see a smoker light up a cigarette after a stressful event. When people are having fun, dancing in the clubs, drinking alcohol, they too smoke. And the most common time when people smoke is right after a satisfying meal. When they are too full to do other things, they smoke because they feel that it helps them digest whatever they have eaten.

People who smoke can do so every time they feel like doing so. They may bring up excuses like stress, boredom, peer pressure or just the usual its a part of me excuse. The bottom line is that they have these urges and cravings which they feel should be satisfied right then and there. Smoking must have really been a part of their life.

But, if smoking is really a part of your life now, how would you handle these things when you have finally decided to stop smoking? The act of quitting alone is a difficult task, but the part where you have to eliminate a practice from your usual routine is a lot more difficult. However, if you are really determined to live a healthier non-smoking life, you will have a way to do so.

You may try to do other things in substitute for smoking. Some people who have tried quitting may recommend you to chew a gum instead of lighting a cigarette. The important thing is that you have something to keep your mind off the idea that you are craving for a stick. You may try munching and chomping on unsalted sunflower seeds, or you may also try going for a walk when you feel like smoking. As you fight the urge to smoke, you will realize that It will become less harder for you to refrain from smoking the next time your cravings kick in. Trying to stop smoking is not an easy thing to do, but with the right motivations and with sufficient support from others, you can reach your goal and have a healthier lifestyle.