Choice Sports Medicine or Pediatrician

Many parents are concerned in their little league athletes seeing a sports medicine doctor rather than an actual pediatrician. However, many of the reasons given for the hesitation are quite unnecessary and can make things more difficult on parents. While the ultimate decision on which type of doctor to use rests firmly in the hands of the parent it is important to ensure you know the benefits as well as drawbacks of both before making a final decision.

Most pediatricians have an absolute love of children; however, this is not to say that you cannot find a pediatric sports medicine doctor who also shares this love. In fact, with sports becoming such a vital part of life for so many children the number of pediatric sports medicine providers is increasing steadily across the world.

While some parents do not feel comfortable using a sports medicine doctor as a complete replacement for a standard pediatrician others do. The options that are available range from using only a pediatrician, to using a pediatric sports medicine doctor, to using both. The benefits of using both can mean you child lacks nothing in medical care. However, as a drawback you are looking at more frequent doctors visits as well as the necessity to coordinate records amongst both offices to ensure that both doctors know what is going on.

With many sports medicine doctors also specializing in various areas of the medical field, finding a great pediatric sports medicine doctor is possible. Finding a doctor that your child is comfortable with is also possible and can be accomplished with some work and effort placed into interviewing the right doctor. If you are looking into using a pediatric sports medicine doctor, ensure that they are comfortable and do offer all pediatric services in addition to the sports medicine services. There is no point in using a doctor that is to handle all of your needs if you are still forced to see a different doctor to handle basics such as shots, and dispensing any medications that may be necessary.

Choosing a single pediatric sports medicine doctor should mean that you are only seeing a single doctor unless a specialist is necessary. However, while seeing a single doctor may be easier because of fewer doctors involved to see it can also be better to see separate pediatric and sports medicine doctors. This is especially common if a sports medicine doctor is in your area that is highly regarded whom only treats sports related issues. In addition, if you already have a great pediatrician that you and your child are both comfortable with, there is no need to switch completely.

The choice over which type of doctor to use is quite personal. People have been known to drive several hours so they can keep the same doctor even after moving to a new area. If you have this type of relationship with your pediatrician, then switching to a pediatric sports medicine doctor may not be the best option for you. Never feel as if you must choose between the two. You are free to see whichever doctor you prefer with your child.

When working with more than one doctor it is important to ensure that they both know about each other. This is vital so that records can be coordinated especially during treatment to ensure that your child receives the best care possible. Never feel as if you are betraying your childs pediatrician by finding sports medicine doctor as well. Instead, your doctor will be happy that you have taken the necessary steps to ensure that your child is well protected.

Regardless of which doctor you prefer for your child to see, the end result should be the same. A doctor whom is concerned about the genuine health and welfare of your child is best regardless of what their specialty is. Never second guess your instincts, if you have a clear preference in what you want for your childs doctor then ensure that you keep looking for the perfect doctor until you find exactly what you want.

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How acid reflux disease could be diagnosed and treated among

How acid reflux disease could be diagnosed and treated among infants

Do you find a hard time feeding your infant because of persistent spitting and vomiting? Dont just take it for granted. It could be a gastro esophageal reflux and it needs proper attention before it severely affects the health of your baby. Worse, acid reflux disease can lead to malnutrition and poor growth.

Infant acid reflux is an uncomfortable sensation for the baby since the acids that reflux to the esophagus irritates the babys throat. Commonly, acid reflux disease occurs when abdominal pressure increases while the baby is very full. Coughing and crying right after the baby had been fed can result to that pressure in the upper stomach which pushes the stomach acid to the throat.

The noticeable symptoms on the baby suffering from acid reflux are the adverse loss of weight, continual vomiting, recurrent choking episodes, too much drooling, problems in swallowing, hoarseness, food aversion and chronic ear infection.

While there are noticeable symptoms of acid reflux, some infants may not show signs such as throwing up. Its because their tendency is to swallow up the acids instead. Although the child is not pestered by the reflux, this could still result to irritation and damage to the esophagus. One way of detecting silent acid reflux on infants is through the pH probe.

To diagnose acid reflux on infants, certain tests could be made. One of which is the barium test where the infant has to swallow a little amount of barium. Then the doctor could detect the passage of food outlined by the chemical. However, it will only work in the moment that the child is undergoing acid reflux while being tested. In place of barium, a radioactive solution could also be made to swallow before an x-ray. Through this, the frequency of the acid reflux could be tested. An endoscope views the infants mouth, esophagus and the tract of food in the stomach.

The effective cure for infant acid reflux is a thickened formula. This could be done by adding cereal into the babys food. And when feeding the infant, keep him in an upright position and not lying on his back. The same case is true when changing the diaper, especially after feeding when you know that the infant is still full. It would be best if the infant can burp frequently to reduce the acid reflux. Small amount of meals should be given at short time intervals.

Breastfeeding will also serve as a great help to decrease the vomiting and the symptoms of acid reflux in infants. The nutrients in a mothers breast milk have been proven to supplement the needs of the infants. Plus, the natural formulation of breast milk avoids the side effects such as constipation in chemically prepared medications. However, the pediatrician can prescribe other medications to give relief to the infant in times of discomfort. The parents must take note of the critical administration of the drug. In case that the particular formula prescribed does not work or results to graver side effects, it is advised to shift to a new one.

Once infant acid reflux is detected, precautionary measures should immediately follow. Since the infant cannot yet speak of the discomfort he is suffering, parents should be patient enough to attend to their needs.

Stomach Flu in Children

Stomach flu or gastroenteritis is a kind of infection in the digestive system, especially the stomach and intestines. Causes for this condition are parasite, bacteria, or virus infection spread through contaminated food and fluids. It can also be caused by certain toxins present in some plants & seafood, usage of powerful laxatives in order to cure constipation or because of intake of poisonous heavy metal or food. The problem starts with stomach upset and cramps. The child shows disinterest in eating and feels week. Symptoms of stomach flu are diarrhea and vomiting, which take nearly five days to go away. Sometimes, even fever can accompany along with dehydration.

The child must be given fluids regularly as this will suppress other symptoms from emerging because of loss of water from the body. Loss of water and salt from the body is the biggest risk in stomach flu. Dehydration can not only worsen the condition, but can threaten the life of the child, if it isnt taken care of in the early stages. Since there is loss of salts along with the loss of water from the body, plain water wont do much. Oral rehydration solutions which are available at the local grocery or drug store, is a good idea because it has the correct combination of salts, sugar and water which can hydrate the body. These fluids come in different flavor, so that kids can have their favorite flavor and is easy to consume. The solution shouldnt be added with anything else such as sugar or water.

If a child is vomiting, solution can be administered to him using a teaspoon every two minutes. The quantity can be increased gradually. If the vomiting is more frequent, the child can be made to suck ice chips in order to supply constant fluid to the body. The solution should be given till diarrhea comes to a halt, but it is not advisable to continue it for more than twenty four hours. Some of the fluids such as soft drinks, sports drink, apple juice, tea, or chicken broth contain wrong amounts of salt, sugar & water and can make matter worse. Besides fluids, the parent shouldnt give any type of medicine without consulting a pediatrician. Fried, spicy and sugary foods arent good in this condition. If the child isnt receiving sufficient amount of fluids he/she will show signs such as sunken eyes, dry mouth, intense thirst, unusual sleep patterns, and decrease in urine.

The more the bed rest taken by the child the better it is. The child should take complete bed rest for at least twenty four hours or till the diarrhea and vomiting stops. If the child has fever, the temperature should be checked and noted in a log, every four hours. If the temperature is very high and doesnt stop climbing, the doctor should be contacted immediately. The person who is preparing and serving food to the child should wash his or her hands very carefully before doing so. Also, if the diarrhea and vomiting doesnt stop after twenty four hours, it is a must to get a doctors appointment. The child should be rushed into emergency if the vomiting contains blood or green color substance.

The doctor, after doing stool and blood test, prescribes antibiotics if infection is suspected. Along with it, anti nausea medicines are also given to stop the throwing up and control fluid loss. If there is considerable loss of fluids from the childs body, the child might be admitted into the hospital and will be administered with fluids such as glucose or IV, through a tube connected to the childs veins. If the child has fever, temperature is checked and the doctor would ask about information about the temperature pattern, for which the parent should be ready. If the illness is stretched for days, a log about the information about the daily weight should also be given to the doctor. Sometimes, the blood oxygen levels would also have to be checked with the help of a pulse oximeter.


Word Count 676

Poison Ivy and Children

Summer camps and family hiking sessions can sometimes result in children getting itchy rashes. To be blamed are plants such as poison ivy, poison sumac and poison oak. All of them produce the same substance or oil, called urushiol, which cause rashes. Urushiol is colorless and even odorless and is present within the leaves. Poison ivy can even grow in the backyards and parks. So any kind of outdoor activity should be monitored and the lawn should be de-weeded periodically. Bushes should be checked, as they grow as a regular plant and the child would not be able to distinguish the poisonous plant from the regular one.

Precaution is better than cure. Children should be educated and made to understand the description and ill-effects of poison ivy. They come in wide range and some change the appearance depending on seasonal variations. Urushiol is released from the leaves only when the leaves are damaged like when they are torn, get bumped or are brushed. The moment the leave is damaged, urushiol is released and the skin is affected immediately. Also, what many people do not know that to get a rash by poison ivy is not only by coming directly in contact with the plant. Human and animal carriers of urushiol can affect people coming in contact with them. The leaves of the plant can be flown by the air, which can cause damage when those leaves are handled or burned with the rest of the leaves and twigs.

Once the children are made familiar with the plants, they should be asked to steer clear on the sight of the plant or leaves. Parents should avoid places where there are possibilities of growth of such plants. When going on camps, etc., children should not be dressed in short sleeves and short length pants, so that the body does not brush off such plants. In spite of taking all these precautions, if the child comes in contact with such plants and contact with urushiol is suspected, the area should be washed with water and disinfectant. It is best to take shower and clean the whole body and the clothes should be removed immediately and washed. Pets should also be bathed after their outdoor adventures.

Basically, the urushiol causes an allergic reaction which irritates the skin and that is the reason why it is known as an allergen. This allergen wont harm all, but eighty percent of the victims get skin irritations. It not only creates itchy rashes, but can also swell the skin. The time period for the symptoms to surface is few hours to five days. The rash usually takes one to two week to heal completely. First the skin swells and rash develops. Blisters can also form as a result of regular rubbing of the skin to get rid of the itch. The blisters will form a crust after some days and will flake off.

If the rashes are accompanied with fever, a pediatrician should be contacted for appointment. And if the case isnt that serious, the doctor recommends home remedies. The child would be asked to be given showers with cold water and calamine lotion would have to be applied. If the redness and itching is intense, fluid medicine along with pills are administered to the kid. Antihistamine is very popular in such cases. Steroids are prescribed by the doctor.


Word Count 565