Choice Sports Medicine or Pediatrician

Many parents are concerned in their little league athletes seeing a sports medicine doctor rather than an actual pediatrician. However, many of the reasons given for the hesitation are quite unnecessary and can make things more difficult on parents. While the ultimate decision on which type of doctor to use rests firmly in the hands of the parent it is important to ensure you know the benefits as well as drawbacks of both before making a final decision.

Most pediatricians have an absolute love of children; however, this is not to say that you cannot find a pediatric sports medicine doctor who also shares this love. In fact, with sports becoming such a vital part of life for so many children the number of pediatric sports medicine providers is increasing steadily across the world.

While some parents do not feel comfortable using a sports medicine doctor as a complete replacement for a standard pediatrician others do. The options that are available range from using only a pediatrician, to using a pediatric sports medicine doctor, to using both. The benefits of using both can mean you child lacks nothing in medical care. However, as a drawback you are looking at more frequent doctors visits as well as the necessity to coordinate records amongst both offices to ensure that both doctors know what is going on.

With many sports medicine doctors also specializing in various areas of the medical field, finding a great pediatric sports medicine doctor is possible. Finding a doctor that your child is comfortable with is also possible and can be accomplished with some work and effort placed into interviewing the right doctor. If you are looking into using a pediatric sports medicine doctor, ensure that they are comfortable and do offer all pediatric services in addition to the sports medicine services. There is no point in using a doctor that is to handle all of your needs if you are still forced to see a different doctor to handle basics such as shots, and dispensing any medications that may be necessary.

Choosing a single pediatric sports medicine doctor should mean that you are only seeing a single doctor unless a specialist is necessary. However, while seeing a single doctor may be easier because of fewer doctors involved to see it can also be better to see separate pediatric and sports medicine doctors. This is especially common if a sports medicine doctor is in your area that is highly regarded whom only treats sports related issues. In addition, if you already have a great pediatrician that you and your child are both comfortable with, there is no need to switch completely.

The choice over which type of doctor to use is quite personal. People have been known to drive several hours so they can keep the same doctor even after moving to a new area. If you have this type of relationship with your pediatrician, then switching to a pediatric sports medicine doctor may not be the best option for you. Never feel as if you must choose between the two. You are free to see whichever doctor you prefer with your child.

When working with more than one doctor it is important to ensure that they both know about each other. This is vital so that records can be coordinated especially during treatment to ensure that your child receives the best care possible. Never feel as if you are betraying your childs pediatrician by finding sports medicine doctor as well. Instead, your doctor will be happy that you have taken the necessary steps to ensure that your child is well protected.

Regardless of which doctor you prefer for your child to see, the end result should be the same. A doctor whom is concerned about the genuine health and welfare of your child is best regardless of what their specialty is. Never second guess your instincts, if you have a clear preference in what you want for your childs doctor then ensure that you keep looking for the perfect doctor until you find exactly what you want.

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