The Soothing Secrets of Massage Oil

What is massage? What is the essence of using massage oil? By and large, massage involves the techniques of kneading or rubbing the body parts by means of the use of either lotion or oil. These mediums help in stimulating the nerves, improving the blood circulation, and in relaxing the muscles. Known to be therapeutic, massage is practiced in every part of the world. It is known to bring about peace of mind and emotion apart from the physical benefits that it provides. Massage therapy, as it is often addressed, promotes a healing effect that lets go of stress. To further contribute to an overall healing effect to the body, mind, and heart, special oils are utilized.

Each of the oils contain their special properties. Some of them are comprised of the calming properties, relaxing properties, erotic properties, and of course, the healing properties.

The Breakdown of the Different Types of Oil
For the most common and general problems related to the health, the following types of oil are used:
The apricot kernel oil is best for stress reduction because it produces such a relaxing state for the mind and body to enjoy.

The olive oil is used for stiffness remedy. It is also recognized to improve the skin and complexion.
The borage massage oil is used to treat psoriasis and eczema.
The kukui nut oil and almond oil both contain the anti-inflammatory properties.
The emu oil is practical to use to cure joint pain, arthritis, and back pain.

If the main aim of the massage is to enliven some erotic passion, the aromatherapy oils stated below must be utilized. They are further known as the aromatherapy oils that awaken the sensual side. They act like aphrodisiacs since their properties are able to provoke the pituitary glands. It is highly advised to blend the oils that suit your taste.
Rose and chocolate scents
Ylang Ylang

For tantric massage, the following oils are advisable. They are recognized for their aphrodisiac, numbing, calming, and drowsy effects.
Black Pepper

Massage Therapy and Aromatherapy
When combined, massage therapy and aromatherapy are able to generate exemplary effects in taking off stress, relaxing, and stimulating a good mood. In fact, the massage that is employed with some exotic and sweet oils are essential in setting a romantic and sensual mood. All that has to be done is to prepare the essential oils along with the rest of the necessary props and background to elaborate on the sweet and very romantic atmosphere.

Other Benefits of Massage
Apart from relaxing the entire body, massage is also helpful in weight loss, hair loss, and pain relief. Head massage is meant to enhance the blood circulation within the scalp. The full body massage aids in fighting off depression, soaring high blood pressure, infertility, back problems, diabetes, and in boosting the immune system. There is no doubt, massage is truly therapeutic!

Parting Words
It is necessary though that you find out if the massage oil may cause you or your partner some allergic reactions. If you are going to work on your own recipe, be sure to mix those oils that are safe for the skin type of the recipient. Furthermore, it is always soothing to experience the benefits of massage therapy.

Tips on Buying Essential Oils

If you have learned a little something about essential oils, you probably want to try them. Perhaps you’ve never bought them before. You probably need a few tips on buying essential oils.

Possibly the most important thing to remember is that anyone, no matter who they are, trying to sell you essential oils, is trying to make a profit. That’s okay, as long as you get what you pay for. The problem is that some unscrupulous vendors will try to sell you substances that are not truly pure essential oils. The labeling may tell you what you’re actually dealing with. If it says “natural identical oil,” then it clearly is not the actual essential oil you are looking for. When the label tells you it is “fragrance oil,” or “perfume oil,” you can be sure that it is not one single essential oil. It is at best a mixture and at worst a chemical concoction.

The containers your essential oils are bottled in are important to consider. Plastic containers can melt into the oil, destroying the effectiveness and sometimes the safety of the oils. Clear bottles let the light ruin good essential oils. Try to get essential oils in dark glass bottles.

One thing to look for in a vendor is good customer relations. If a seller gives you a chance to try their items before you buy, it gives you peace of mind that they are offering a quality product. When they are happy to communicate with you to answer questions and give information, it only shows that they are more reputable. You should be given information about the particular essential oils you are looking into before you buy. You should know where they are from and what distillation method was used. If you know all that, you will have an idea of what to expect the price to be.

When a vendor sells all of their essential oils for the same set price, you will know something is wrong. The oils made from more exotic plants, or plants with little oil, should cost more. Either the vendor is charging too much for some of them, or he/she is not supplying a quality product in all cases.

Essential oils used in the food and beverage, or the fragrance industry are treated differently from pure essential oils. They usually undergo more processing. This often lessens their effect for physical or psychological healing. Ask if this is the source of the essential oils you are buying. When you are fairly well satisfied that a vendor is offering a good product along with good customer service, you will probably be ready to buy. Take it slow. Don’t buy very much on your first order. That way you can make sure this is a company you want to do business with.

Whether you buy your essential oils online or at a local aromatherapy store, you will need to exercise good judgment in making your purchases. The most important things are to get a good quality product and to deal with a company that gives good customer service.

Handling Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety attacks can be seen as an abnormal and irrational panic over trivial things or accidents or for no reason at all. Attacks usually occur without warning and a person can simply burst into fear. Triggers can cause anxiety attack like getting stuck in the elevator or being called to recite in the class but in other cases, attacks come out of the blue. An anxiety attack is disproportionate reaction to the situation or the problem at hand, leaving the person excessively fearful, or sometimes incapacitated, which affects life, relationships, happiness and peace of mind.

Symptoms of Anxiety Attack

A person undergoing an episode of anxiety attack shows the following symptoms:

Heart palpitation (increase in heartbeat)
Hot flashes or chills
Surge of overwhelming panic
Feeling detached or unreal
Trembling or shaking
Trouble breathing
Feeling of losing control, going crazy; or fear of dying
Choking sensation
Nausea or stomach crams
Chest discomfort or pain

Handling anxiety attacks

Anxiety attacks usually peak within 10 minutes and rarely last for half an hour. But during this time, a person can totally lose control of himself and show symptoms mentioned above. To handle this attack, a person must:

Relax Although it is often impossible to relax during an attack, it is very crucial not to submit yourself to your emotion. Breathe. Deep breathing helps calms and relaxes your mind and body. During an anxiety attack, focus your breathing to slow down your heartbeat. This also diverts your attention from the attack which helps you recover faster. Take some time and practice deep breathing exercises even if you are not stressed or feel anxious.

Think positively Again, during an anxiety attack, it is often impossible to relax or even calm yourself, but you have to be in control. Push more positive thoughts to your head. Instead of thinking that others will humiliate you or you are going to faint because you cannot take the pressure, think of the good things. Do no anticipate that something bad will happen because in reality, there isn’t. Keep in mind that the more you think negatively, the more anxious and panicky it is going to be.

Think that it will be over soon and it will. Anxiety attacks do not last for more than an hour so there is no reason for you to think and feel that your world is over. You don’t have to be mindful of the time. You don’t even have to count every minute that passed. What you should be doing is be conscious that it will not going to last forever.

Start an exercise program We have heard that exercise has lots of benefits both to the body and the mind. It is also a great stress buster and anxiety reliever. Experts agree that as little as 30 minutes of exercise, 3 to 5 times a week is enough to lower the level of stress and reduce the chances of having episodes of anxiety attacks.

Talk to someone you trust It can be your friend, your wife (husband), a relative or a therapist. Often, having someone who listens and understands what a person is going through will make a lot of difference. This is because it allows you to bring out your emotion rather than keeping it to yourself.

Get better sleep the natural way

Some people are really born to have a hard time to get better sleep. While there are those who were able to develop this problem because of unhealthy practice. Either way, the problem still lies that one is having a hard time lulling into that good slumber.

The best way to go about it is that first, one needs to address the problem of sleeping. These include knowing the reasons why that person is having a hard time sleeping. The focus areas should include the personal issues, status at work, health conditions, and sleeping environment.

1. Personal issues. The may include stress factors that affect the overall emotional state of a person. If one if stressed by personal issues, it will be harder for him or her to get better sleep because that person is thinking too much. If it’s possible to address these problems and problems immediately, it would really help a person to get better sleep. If not, one should seek help from professionals so he or she can cope with the issues and will have better chance of getting sleep at night.

2. Status at work. Studies show that more and more people are having a hard time sleeping because of their status in work. With the overall global crisis that the world experiences now, it is only common for people to worry about their security. If you think that this is one factor that won’t let you get better sleep at night, then now is the right time to face it and be prepared for the worse. If you are prepared that no matter what happens, you will still have your job or you are confident that you can easily find one, then you will have peace of mind and will lead you to sleep better at night.

3. Health conditions. Some people are able to develop sleeping disorders without them knowing. These sleeping disorders are usually caused and triggered by so many factors. If you are having hard time sleeping and you think that the reasons are something that you can no longer control, then it is best to seek professional help.

4. Sleeping environment. This is also among the things that affect the overall sleeping state of a person. If you have bad sleeping environment, then the tendency of your body is to resist sleeping.

The natural way

In the market today, there are so many products and even medication that promise to help one get better sleep. But, these artificial substitutes may have a side effect. To avoid further complications, it is best to try sleeping techniques the natural way. Some may include routines that will only help you get better sleep but help improve your overall health as well.

The first thing that you could do is to develop and practice good sleep hygiene. These include eating the right foods that can help you sleep better and avoid those that affect sleeping patterns. It also includes having regular exercise and avoiding napping in the afternoon so you will sleep well at night. You may also want to develop a routine that will help you sleep better such as doing relaxing activities before your bedtime such as taking a warm bath, reading, or writing in your personal journal.

To get better sleep, you can also try soundproofing your room to avoid unnecessary noises, adjusting the lights so you will be more comfortable, getting into a comfortable sleeping position and practicing deep breathing to relax your senses.