Helping Your Alcoholic Child

When you are dealing with an alcoholic child, you have to be firm and not think that things will change. You cannot think that this is just a phase that they are going through. Many parents prefer to think that their child young or old is just having a rough time and just needs to unwind. This is what can lead to alcohol abuse and future problems. Someone that drinks because they need to unwind or because the parent thinks it is just a phase can become an alcoholic if this type of behavior continues. Parents never want to believe that their child has a drinking problem.

If your child is an alcoholic, you need to understand that sticking up for them when they do something wrong is not going to help them. If they are a younger child or an adult child with a family, you as a parent cannot allow them to continue doing the things that they do. You have to be responsible enough to see that there is a problem and take steps to help. Making excuses or believing that your child could never do something bad is wrong. You do not know for certain what they are capable of doing when they are drinking.

No matter if is an adult child or a young child, you need to be firm and not coddle them. A parent that sees nothing and does not want to know anything is just asking for trouble. Coddling a child that is an alcoholic can show them that what they are doing is acceptable. This could lead to something horrible happening. If you believe that your child could never be abusive or that they have a drinking problem, you are just enabling them to continue. Waking up one day to find out that your child has hurt someone or his or her self can be devastating.

It was probably coddling that got them into the mess they are in now. If you wear blinders where your children are concerned, it is more than likely going to be your fault if something happens. If you know that there is a drinking problem, you must be strong. Allowing your child to drink in excess can lead to repercussions. As a parent of an alcoholic child, young or old, you must deal with the problem instead of coddling them and making excuses for them.

If a spouse or partner tells you that your son or daughter has a drinking problem, never blame the spouse or partner. They are not the ones who are drinking. Alcoholics do not need a reason to drink. They drink because they have a disease and an addiction that they need help overcoming. By turning a blind eye to the problem, you are making matters worst. If a spouse tells you that your child has a drinking problem and is abusive at times, tell that person that it is their fault is not going to help your child.

Parents do not want to hear that their child is an alcoholic. No parent wants to hear this, but the facts are that any child from any background can have a drinking problem. If you as a parent do not address the problem, you are enabling your child to continue drinking and endangering anyone around them including yourself. You must help and be supportive of the spouse and your child, but you cannot deny there is a problem. You as a parent have to take steps to get your child help.


Word count 593

How Massage Therapy Benefits Autistic Children

The massage therapy is a well-loved session of many. Celebrities, public officials, workers, students, and people from all walks of life succumb to their cravings to experience the soothing effect that massage promotes. Imagine a day of hard work, stress, and pressure. Wouldn’t it feel so nice to be subjected to the therapeutic human touch? However, it has been found out that massage doesn’t only benefit the normal individuals. Studies show how helpful and therapeutic it can be to the autistic children. This may be new to you but it is a fact. After all, these children also deserve the best that life may offer.

Autism Explained

Autism is a kind of brain disorder which normally gets tracked when the child is aged 2. The symptoms become recognizable at such a tender age basically because he falls short in developing the language along with the pertinent social interaction skills. Children should be able to start saying a few words and socializing. If they don’t, then there is a reason for the parents to start panicking. Among the common indicators of autism are withdrawal from the surrounding people and some other abnormal behaviors. There are some people who believe that this is a circumstance that can be cured while some strongly refuse to accept this possibility. Whatever is the case, concerned parents normally travel far and wide to discover the proper alternatives and treatment to address such condition.

Autism’s Impact on Parent-Child Relationship

There is nothing more painful for the parents than to see their children being heaped on with a very challenging disorder. They usually end up thinking that their children are innocent and that they don’t deserve it. Who deserves such illness after all? It is truly heartbreaking. A child who is said to be autistic fails to understand the difference between what is acceptable and what is not. He is unable to express his thoughts and feelings by means of words, gestures, or even facial expressions. He has his own world wherein no one can penetrate. Thus, there is no parent-child relationship that gets bonded.

Again, studies reveal that an autistic child can get attached to his parents yet he fails to react and respond properly. Many of these unfortunate children are even confronted with the tactile and sensory issues so they don’t readily respond to the sounds, sights, touches, and smells. They often seem oblivious with what is going on.

The Role of Massage in Cases of Autism

A large number of autistic children are being subjected to the therapeutic method of massage. In fact, many therapists and parents are finding out good results so far. These children react positively to massage and they are able to establish their connection to their parents because they love being touched by them. However, there is an exception. Not all autistic children respond in a similar way.

It is advisable that parents learn the basic techniques and a lot other methods which they may use prior to starting with the massage session. The mood of the child has to be set by letting the word “massage” sink into his consciousness. It has been discovered that those children who are given the therapy show lesser unacceptable behavior and are turning socially attentive. They are less likely to withdraw from their environment too.

Autism may be very frustrating but give the massage therapy a chance too. It can do wonders on the child.

Motion Sickness in Children

Children usually feel sick in the stomach when travelling in a car, airplane, boat or train. This sickness is known as motion sickness. This sickness is caused by reception of wrong signals by eyes, muscles, skin receptors, and inner ears.

While travelling, different body parts send different signals to the brain. Eyes see things around and it sends signals about the direction of movement while in motion. The joint sensory receptors and muscles send signals about the movement of the muscles and the position in which the body is. The skin receptors send signals about the parts of the body which are in contact with the ground. The inner ears have a fluid in the semicircular canals. This fluid senses motion and the direction of motion like forward, backward, up, down, circular, or to and fro. When the brain gets timely reports from the various body parts, it tries to find a relation between all the signals and then sketches a picture about the bodys movement and position at a particular instant. But when the brain isnt able to find a link and isnt able to draw a picture out of the received signals, the condition called motion sickness is experienced.

For example, if a child is riding in a car and reading something at the same time, the eyes will see stationary book. But the skin receptors and the inner ears will sense the body moving in a forward direction. The eyes and the muscle receptors will send signals that the body is not moving. This confuses the brain and everything is jumbled up in the head. This makes the child dizzy, sick in the stomach and even tired. There is a possibility of the child throwing up, so it is recommended that the parents carry a sick bag each time they are travelling with kids. And if the child is feeling anxious or scared, the condition can deteriorate further.

Although there are medicines available over the counter to deal with motion sickness, some measures should be taken to avoid medicine and also motion sickness. The child should always be made to sit facing in the forward direction. He/she should not face or sit backwards, nor should he be made to sit in a seat facing backwards. This helps the ears and the eyes to send similar kind of signal. It is good if the kid isnt involved in some kind of activity like reading, playing video games or something which is stationary. He/she must be asked to look outside, especially at things which are located at a distance. The same applies when travelling in an airplane. When travelling in a boat, the child can go to the upper deck and look at the horizon. Basically, the child must be made to concentrate at things which are located at a distance and are in motion. When looking at something stationary, the eyes get confused and send wrong signals.

It also helps to sit in a place which is moving the least. Usually, it is the center point of the body, so the more close the child sits to the center, the better. Like when in an airplane, it is good to sit in seats in the middle aisle and not in those which are located near the wings. If the child is sitting in the center of the boat, instead of the front or the side, the lesser seasick the child will feel. In spite of all these measures if the child is still feeling sick a doctor should be consulted. The doctor checks the inner ears for any defect. He will also check other body parts which are responsible for sensing motion. Apart from medicine, pressure bracelets are also available at the local pharmacy. And along with carrying a sick bag or any other plastic bag, the car can be pulled over and the child should be walked out a bit to feel better.


Word Count 660

Teeth Whitening in San Francisco; Making an Impression that Lasts

Teeth Whitening in San Francisco; Making an Impression that Lasts

Teeth whitening experts in San Francisco are aware of the fact that smiling can have a lasting impression on other people.

Parents are always telling their children to always keep that smile on their faces because this is what makes them pleasing to other people’s eyes. Smiles are so contagious that when you smile, other people are also forced to smile back at you. By doing this, you are showing your true personality and it makes you the person that you are.

It can also be noted that your teeth is one of the first things that people see once start talking to them. Before they can check out your other features, they will initially see your teeth. Some people are even captivated when people smile and show their teeth off.

These are some of the reasons why people go through extreme measures just to whiten their teeth. And you cannot blame them also. The only thing they want is to share to other people the warmth of their smile.

When applying for a job, for example. There are applicants that take the time to have their teeth whitened before they go to that interview. One reason is for them to make a lasting impression.

Since interviews will have you face-to-face and talking to your employer, it is vital that you make a good impression. You can do this by talking and smiling during the interview.

Many businesses today want their employees to be presentable. There are those who even give their employees additional compensations so that they can fix their appearance. One of the things they focus on is your teeth.

Having to face other people everyday require you to look your best. The clothes you are wearing and how you carry yourself will not matter once you start talking and your discolored teeth are exposed.

This is a way of showing that you do not give much emphasis on hygiene and what you look like. Imagine other people thinking the worst things about you just because of the color of your teeth. These things do happen. Those who are unfortunate enough have experienced what it feels like to be gaped at and ignored just because they do not have white teeth.

This is what teeth whitening procedures and products are trying to solve. Vanity is not the only thing that people want to appease when they have their teeth whitened. They also want to improve their overall appearance so that they will more confidence to face other people.

Teeth whitening can also go beyond getting you the position you deserve, it is also a means of radiating your personality by smiling more. Even if you have the toughest of day, a smile can make you forget about it.

If you want to be one of those that can lighten a whole room with their smile, try some teeth whitening products today. If want to make to make a lasting impression, then you better start looking for the whitening product that is perfect for you.

If you want to get white teeth fast, opt for those that are facilitated by your dentist. The amount of money will be worth it once you see the result. Find the best teeth whitening method in San Francisco and start making an impression.