Triggers and Causes of Panic Attacks

Here are the common triggers and causes of panic attacks:

Phobia People who are exposed to certain situation or objects they are afraid of will often experience a panic attack.

Passiveness Many think that excessive politeness, shyness, and respectfulness are a positive thing and it is normal for someone to possess these characteristics. Be that as it may, a growing number of evidence supports the idea that passiveness as a result of fear (sometimes unexplained), low self-esteem and self-confidence is consistent with a person experiencing episodes of panic attack.

Hyperventilation syndrome Mouth breathing and over-breathing or exhaling more carbon dioxide with respect to the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream can result to symptoms including dizziness, lightheadedness, and rapid heartbeat. These symptoms, in turn trigger panic attacks.

Benzodiazepines Drugs such as benzodiazepines are prescribed to treat the symptoms of panic attacks. These drugs have a very quick to take effect. Usually, the patient finds relief within 30 minutes. However, benzodiazepines are highly addictive and rebound effect is common (a panic attack triggered by withdrawing from the drug).

Medications There are certain drugs such as fluoroquinolone type antibiotics and Ritalin (methylphenidate) with panic attacks listed as a side effect. Attacks may be temporary, usually occurring when a patient begins medication but may continue occurring even if the patient is already accustomed to the drug. When this happens, change of dosage or type of drug is usually warranted. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs boost the level of serotonin in the brain which regulates and normalizes emotions. However, intake of SSRIs can increase anxiety at the beginning of use. Panic attacks may even be more frequent to patients who wean on and off the medications

Biological causes post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, Wilson’s disease, pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia, mitral valve prolapse and labyrinthitis (inner ear disturbances) can manifest through panic attack. Vitamin B deficiency from periodic depletion because of parasitic infection from tapeworm or due to inadequate diet can trigger panic attacks.

Heredity Children, whose parents have been found to suffer from panic disorder, are likely to experience or have panic attacks as well. In other words, inheritance plays an important role in determining who gets it. However, people with no family history can still develop panic disorder.

Environment factors and upbringing People who grew up overly cautious about their life and actions, and those who live in a very stressful environment, plus different traumatic experiences from the past are likely to have panic attacks.

Short-term triggering causes Significant life changes, emotional trauma from a failed relationship, life transition, stimulants such as nicotine and caffeine, psilocybin, marijuana, and drugs can trigger panic attacks.

Take note that these triggers and causes may have different effects to different people. One may only need one trigger to have an episode of panic attacks. Others may require several triggers in order to break down. Also, by simply being exposed to any of these triggers do not automatically result to panic attacks because some are emotionally stronger than others.

It is also important to note that some symptoms of panic attacks may also be a sign of other medical condition. Hence, it is important to precisely pinpoint the cause of the symptoms in order know what type of treatment is necessary.

How Does It Feel Like To Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

How Does It Feel Like To Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has varying levels of severity. Some people only experience lack of peaceful sleep, intermittent headaches and overwhelming exhaustion while other people experience anywhere from 4 to 30 full-blown symptoms which occur simultaneously. While there are a lot of symptoms oftentimes associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, there are a few that are commonly reported by patients. Among them are the following:

Overwhelming fatigue People with this syndrome wake up like they just got hit by a truck and feel worn out all day. There are, however, periods which run from a few hours to several hours a day when they feel a bit better. What most of them try to do during these periods is to make up from the lost time they stayed rested in the bed. This backfires on them and they rebound to being exhausted. Whenever they try to do physical activities or exercises, they would get drained easily and would feel worse the next day.

Recurrent infections Among the major symptoms of CFS is infection which may manifest as sore throat, recurrent sinusitis, bladder infection, swollen glands and other respiratory infections. Some patients experience recurrent rash that may or may not go away with antibiotics. Digestive complaints such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramps and gas are also very common which are caused basically by the build-up of yeast in the bowel, or by parasitic infection or by spastic colon.

Brain Fog While overwhelming fatigue is one of the most debilitating symptoms a patient of CFS can experience, the scariest, however, is brain fog. Not a few patients complain of this symptom which may affect their short term memory, their concentration, and their ability to substitute words with another. Some of them also experience brief disorientation which may last anywhere from half a minute to one minute.

Frequent Aches and Pains Muscle pain and multiple joint pains are very common among CFS patients. These are said to be products of lack of sufficient rest or disordered sleep, yeast infections, impaired thyroid glands and lack of nutrition in the body.

Increased thirst Patients of CFS drink two to three times more water than average individuals. This is caused by hormonal problems which lead to increased urine output.

Allergies Because of yeast overgrowth and other conditions occurring in the body of a fatigue patients, allergies and food sensitivities are very common. By removing the causes, of course, the allergies can be removed. However, these patients have histories of poor response towards allergy medications.

Weight gain With or without change in diet, fatigue patients experience 20 to 50 pounds weight gain. Apart from lack of activities, the packing up of pounds is also contributed by hormonal changes.

Depression and anxiety The development of these psychological problems push healthcare providers back to the classic chicken and egg question: does fatigue cause anxiety and depression or is it a product of these psychological conditions? As of yet, no one is certain. It is proposed, however, that some factors are instrumental in aggravating these conditions including poor nutrition and general sense of illness.

Reduced libido Because of hormonal deficiencies, pain and the general feeling of being sick, people affected by CFS have decreased libido. Fortunately, this improves through medication and therapy.

You probably have recognized yourself from reading the above list. If you think you are suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it would be in your best interest to consult a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable in this disorder.