Are you aware of having a personal massage therapist, actually two of them, available to you and ready to serve and fulfill your wishes twenty four hours a day and seven days a week all year round and charge you not a dime? And would you believe me when I tell you that these massage therapists are perfectly happy to provide you with therapeutic sessions anywhere you please (your bedroom or living room, your office or car, in a public park or at the library), as frequently as you summons them and for the durations of your choosing? I am talking about your own two hands. Yes, your own two hands are perfect capable of massaging away your stress, your tension, your stiffness and your pains while bring forth an increase of blood circulation to invigorate and rejuvenate you with a fresh supply of oxygen into every cell in your body. Research shows that massage therapy, whether it is performed by a paid professional massage therapist or by your own built-in and securely affix hands, also boosts your immune systems as the production of white blood cells is stimulated in the process as is your mental capacity.

Chances are that you probably perform self massage therapy on a regular basis without ever calling it that. Stroking your forehead in a spontaneous reaction to a headache, grabbing the back of your neck to squeeze aware aches and stiffness, scrubbing yourself down with a loofah sponge in the shower or bath, rubbing your sore feet after a long day or hard work are all forms of self applied massage therapy. Congratulations! You are an experienced self massage therapist and you did not require formal training, a certification or a license.

The following is a list of techniques you can safely apply to your own body and promote overall wellness from the tip of your toes up to the crown of your head:

* Upon awaking and upon going to sleep. Twice a day, morning and evening, treat yourself to a session of gentle punches. Always moving in an upward motion from bottom to top, begin with the legs, proceed to the arms, then the torso, the back, the head and the face. This will beat out your tension, stress, kinks in your muscles, will improve your blood circulation and will strengthen your body.

* A treat after dessert. Whether you have had a large meal or a small one, help your digestive process by rubbing your tummy in the same direction as your food travels through the systems; clockwise. Therefore, use the palms of both your hands in a clockwise circular motion.

* A therapeutic exercise before and after the more athletic type. Punch yourself before stretching, cardiovascular or strength exercises to get more blood flowing into your muscles. After exercising, rubbing your muscles in the direction of your heart will promote the elimination of metabolic waste as well as expedite the relaxation and recovery of your muscles.

* Massage your appended massage therapists. You may do this with or without lotion buy you should do it daily. Intertwine the fingers of both hands and rub the heels against each other in a circular motion. With on thumb, rub the entire palm of the other hand and then switch. Untwine your fingers and thoroughly kneading each hand, gently pull on each finger and finish by pinching the webbing between the thumb and the index finger of each hand.

* Play tennis without a racquet. To exorcise tension and stress, massage your feet by stepping on a tennis ball. Actually, a gulf ball will work just as well. From a standing position press one foot on top of the ball, apply as much weight as you can and slowly more your foot around.

Enjoy yourself massage and stay well.


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How Detox Wrap Works Miracles to Your Body

Feeling good about oneself is not just about making a beautiful outward appearance. Most people still believe that beauty shines from within. Being pretty on the outside is not an assurance that you have a beautiful inside too.

It is but natural for people to eat different kinds of food, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, take oral contraceptives, and many more. And you’re probably one of those people who still don’t know the harm caused by these things or just chose to ignore them.

When a person drinks alcohol, or eat foods with preservatives/additives, drink too much alcohol, etc. toxins are readily taken into the body. Toxins are considered as chemicals, but the body has its own natural way of detoxifying it, and this is exhibited when a person urinates, and through his stool.

In the long run, these toxins can build up inside your body. The body’s natural way of detoxifying these toxins will not be enough, and so it becomes inefficient. That is why you will need to aid the detoxification process. Otherwise, you will soon acquire hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and insufficient metabolism.

If you experience symptoms like lethargy, allergies, occasional pains, and dull skin, then most likely you need a body detox because toxins inside the body have already accumulated.

Body wraps are now offered for people who want to undergo the detoxification process. Body wraps are specially-formulated to draw out all the toxins in the body. It is made from sea clay which acts as a huge poultice; and the clay draws out the toxins, compressing the soft skin tissues which regain the skin’s elasticity. You can expect for a muscle base that is firmer and smoother.

How does a body wrap detox the body? For many years, the toxins inside your body have already built up around and between fat cells. And these toxins are usually gaining in number depending on a person’s lifestyle.

The body detox wrap shapes your entire body, repositioning the body’s fat cells, which further results to inch loss. People who want to lose inches from their thighs, buttocks and other particular body parts can use a body wrap to achieve weight loss almost immediately.

The body wrap enter the pores of your skin until it finally reaches the toxins. The toxins comes either back through the bandages or flushed out. You must take note however that the sea clay is concentrated, and after a few days, you can actually the inches lost from your body.

Dont worry if you still drink plenty of water because the body wrap does not dehydrate the body. You can still drink still drink plenty of water without gaining weight; you need not wash off the wrap-solution.

Once the toxins are out of your system, they will never come back. However, with your lifestyle, your body will again start to build up toxins, whether you like it or not.

You can choose among the many body detox wraps available, they also come in different brands. Some offer money back guarantees to promote their product, and most of them offers a 30 days to inch-loss promise.

Not all people can take advantage of the body detox wrap. Those that have phlebitis or emphysema, as well as pregnant women, can’t utilize a body wrap.

With all the diseases that are spreading all throughout the world, its time to get rid of those unwanted body toxins. Detox now through a body wrap.

Alternative Pain Relief Options

Certain drugs have undesirable effects and for this reason, a great number of individuals have second thoughts in using them. Here are alternative pain relief options for you.

Ever since humans existed, pain is already a part of life. Pain also has varying degrees. An individual can suffer from emotional pain, physical pain, etc. It would be impossible to avoid pain all the days of y9ur life. You must accept the fact that pain is part of life but if you dont want to use conventional medicine, you can always turn to alternative methods.

Famous drugs can indeed help especially in the case of tooth extraction or when there is injury. Trademark medicines are numerous these days and there are also creams to relieve any kind of pain. For common pains, you can also use certain natural treatments and herbal supplements.

What are the alternative options for pain relief? Well, here they are:

Massage many years ago, ancient civilization was already using massage to get rid of certain body pains. Oriental traditions believe that at the center of the massagers palm is an energy source that can immediately rid the patient of pain. Its efficacy has long been proven. Have you ever heard about infant massage? Mothers are encouraged to give their babies infant massage to relieve muscular pains. At present, massage therapy is already considered a profession. If you dont want to take medicines, consider this an effective and affordable pain relief option.

Acupuncture this ancient science was first used in China. In this method, the acupuncturist inserts tiny needles to the meridians found in the different parts of the body. You can find a lot of information about acupuncture on magazines, newspapers, and on the internet. If you want to choose this option, make sure that you contact a real acupuncturist to ensure your safety. Get only the professional.

Herbs herbs have healing wonders. Depending on the location and nature of the pain, there is always an appropriate herb that you can use. You can now find natural herbal supplements and preparations for ease of use. Minor pains can be effectively addressed using herbs.

Relaxation Therapy – you need to achieve deep relaxation of the mind and body. A therapy is now widely prescribed by some medical experts; examples are Reiki and Yoga.

Even if you plan to use these alternative options, it is still important that you seek medical attention from a qualified professional. If you plan to turn to herbs, you need to consult an herbalist so that you can make the appropriate herbal preparations. The other alternative options also require professional attention so that you can ensure the efficacy and safety of such methods. It may take a while before you can see the effects but you need to be patient especially if youre learning Reiki and Yoga.

If you exert a little effort in learning the alternative methods, you can achieve desirable results. For centuries, people relied on natural ways to relieve pain. There is no harm in trying and if such alternative methods dont work, you can always go back to using conventional medicine. Safety should always be your first consideration when using pain relievers. Who would want to worsen their situation right? So whats its going to be massage, acupuncture, herbs, or relaxation therapy? Choose now and experience a different way to get rid of pain.

Body Detox Naturally Remove Unwanted Toxins

Toxicity is one of the greatest concerns in the 20th century. This is because there are several factors contributing in the development of toxins in the human body such as stronger chemicals, water and air pollution, nuclear power, and radiation. Many people are ingesting new chemicals, using all kinds of drugs, eating more sugar as well as refined foods, and abusing themselves with various sedatives and stimulants.

These toxins lead to an increased incidence of acquiring diseases as well. Some of the most dangerous are cardiovascular illnesses and cancer. Others include obesity, allergies, arthritis, and other skin problems. Moreover, it also displays symptoms including fatigue, headaches, pains, gastrointestinal problems, coughs, and other problems associated with weak immune system.

These chronic and acute illnesses can be alleviated through cleansing or detoxification program. This process naturally eliminates the harmful toxins from the body. It can either be a short-term or a long-term procedure. Those people who are addicted to some substances are well benefited by this program. They can temporarily avoid addictive agents and later on withdraw from their abusive habits.

Take note that toxicity can occur on two major levels. It can either be internal or external. External toxicity is acquired from the environment through breathing, ingesting or physical contacts. It also includes the chemical characteristics of foods which affects the health. Most food additives, drugs, and allergens create the bodys toxic elements. In fact, substances such as sodium, many nutrients, and even water have toxicity in particular circumstances.

On the other hand, internal toxins are internally produced by the body from its daily normal functions. Cellular, bodily, and biochemical activities are producing substances that should be eliminated. These free radicals known as biochemical toxins can cause inflammation or irritation of the tissues and cells which blocks the normal functioning of an organ, cells, or entire body level. All kinds of microbes, foreign bacteria, intestinal bacteria, parasites, and yeasts produce waste products that are metabolic. Emotions, thoughts, and stress also increase biochemical toxins.

Almost everybody needs to detoxify their bodies so that it can function well. Detox or cleansing is a trilogy portion of the nutritional action. Eating balance diets and avoiding excesses will need lesser intensive detoxification. Although the body has its elimination cycle carried out mostly at night and early morning, eating a congested diet with higher fats, refined foods, dairy products, and even intake of drugs can procure lots of body toxins. That is why body detox is needed because some individuals are having this kind of lifestyle.

Fasting is a detox therapy that is sometimes incorporated. It is considered as the oldest and complete natural treatment for humans. Detox processes can help clear dead cells, wastes, and revitalize the natural functions as well as the healing capacities of the body. Well, many people are claiming that cleansing programs have incredible and positive results on their body.

The proper way of eliminating these toxins is very important to the health of a person. Although the body can handle certain amount of toxins, it is always necessary to think of reduction or elimination in case of excess toxin production and food intake occurs. Of course, in the end you will be benefited with a well-working and stronger immune system to prevent diseases from attacking you. In this way, you will live a much better life.