Arthritis Diet – Relieve Your Pain

Arthritis Diet – Relieve Your Pain
Hans Hasselfors

People who suffer from arthritis are always looking for ways to
relieve their pain. One way to ease or even prevent it is
through an arthritis diet. There are some arthritis diets that
some people will swear by, but have never been proven to make a
difference. There are some diets that make a definite difference
according to health experts.

First we’ll take a look at some arthritis diets where there’s
little or no evidence that they actually make a difference. One
of the most common arthritis diets is to eliminate potatoes,
tomatoes, eggplants, and most peppers. While the diet won’t do
any harm, it hasn’t been proven to affect arthritis at all.
Another arthritis diet seeks to reduce the acids in one’s body
eliminating sugar, coffee, red meat, most grains, nuts, and
citrus fruits. It’s intended to be followed for just one month.
People may feel better because they lose weight which reduces
the stress on their joints, but again there is no evidence to
support this. It also excludes many sources of vitamin C which
is essential in fighting arthritis. Drinking green tea has been
shown to reduce the effects of rheumatoid arthritis in mice, but
there are no conclusive results on human studies yet. Shark
cartilage is supposed to relieve arthritis. Animal and lab
studies show promise, but there are no human studies to support
this yet.

Not let’s take a look at some arthritis diets that have been
shown to work. Switching fats can reduce inflammation. Eating
fats found in red meat and poultry have actually been shown to
increase inflammation. Switching to cold water fish can help
reduce the inflammation. Using corn, safflower, and sunflower
oils also helps. Another arthritis diet is the ASU
(avocado-soybean unsaponifiable). It has been shown to relieve
osteoarthritis, stimulate cartilage repair, and lessen a
patient’s need to NSAIDs to control pain. Ginger has been shown
to ease pain and inflammation as well as protect the stomach
from gastrointestinal effects from taking NSAIDs. Glucosamine is
a supplement that relieves pain in some patients with
osteoarthritis. It helps the body rebuild cartilage, but can
take up to two months to see the effects. If you are allergic to
shellfish, check with your doctor before taking this as it is
derived from crab, lobster, or shrimp shells. Before taking any
supplements talk with your doctor as some can interfere with or
worsen side effects from your medications.

Of course the best arthritis diet is a good old-fashioned well
balanced diet. Eat 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables, and
go easy on fats and cholesterol. A heart healthy diet is
especially important to patients with rheumatoid arthritis as
studies have shown a link between this disease and heart
failure. Vitamin C is good for repairing body tissue. Vitamin D
helps absorb calcium, build bone mass, and prevents bone loss.
Calcium helps strengthen your bones. If you are on medication,
ask your doctor if he/she recommends taking vitamins. Some
medications can create vitamin or mineral deficiencies. When
choosing your arthritis diet, be sure to talk with your
physician as different types of arthritis have different needs.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical
practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes
only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always
seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care
provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical
condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay
in seeking it because of something you have read. Since natural
and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be
accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that
the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product
is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any

About the author:
About the Author: Hans Hasselfors is the founder of SubmitYourNewArticle.c
om. Visit our article directory for varied articles about
ritis pain.

Arthritis cure

Arthritis cure
Robert Kokoska

Arthritis comes in different forms such as rheumatoid,
osteoarthritis or others. This condition affects many people
around the globe with 1 in 100 getting affected. People within
the age bracket of 30 – 50 are most likely to get this
condition. Unfortunately a cure for this condition has still not
been found. The current medication only provides temporary
relief. Therefore an arthritis patient needs to use medication
on a regular basis to get pain relief.

Arthritis involves pain, swelling and inflammation of the
joints. This pain can get worse during flare-ups. The aim is of
this article is to offer the reader several approaches that can
help provide pain relief in the short and long term.

Short term pain relief methods will involve
managing flare-ups and reducing pain. Medications are commonly
used to control pain and reduce inflammation. Some examples of
possible medications include aspirin, ibuprofen and other
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications NSAIDs.

Moist heat and coolness are other very common short term
pain relief methods often employed by arthritis patients. Your
physician will inform you about whether to choose hot or cold
methods to improve the position.

Moist heat can be obtained through warm baths and showers on the
joints which can provide temporary pain relief. Coolness can be
supplied by using ice or cold items such as vegetables wrapped
in a towel and placed on the inflamed spot. This can help in
cooling down the flaring effect and can provide relief for 10 –
15 minutes.

Joint immobilization is important in cases where the
joints are deeply affected by arthritis and putting more
pressure on the joints can be harmful. This method involves
using devices to aid in moving around such as crutches or
walking canes. This will help in avoiding putting much pressure
on the joints.

Massage is another popular method, used for a whole range
of purposes including arthritis treatment. Massaging can help
increase blood flow. This can also help bring additional warmth
to muscles.

Long term pain relief methods are employed when
the extent of the damage caused by arthritis is very deep and
management of the disease in the long term is essential.

Similar to short term relief, there are medications for long
term relief as well. NSAIDs such as aspiring and ibuprofen can
be used to decrease inflammation and pain in the joints.

Disease-modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) such as
methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine can be used to slow down the
effect of the disease and correcting abnormalities in the body
caused by it.

Corticosteroids are another way to control flare-ups in
the joints. They are more powerful then NSAIDs and therefore
contains strong side effects if used for an extended period of
time. These include weight gain, easy bruising and making the
body more vulnerable to infection.

Also, in the long term it is essential to lose some weight.
Simply put it, more weight will put more pressure on the joints
causing more pain.

Exercise can help reduce some body weight and therefore
reducing the overall pressure exerted on the inflamed joints. As
mentioned earlier, exercises are vital to improving the
flexibility and mobility of the joints. Patients can choose from
a whole range of exercises available to them such as swimming,
walking, jogging and other low impact exercises. However
patients will need to establish their condition and take part in
exercises that is least physically imposing.

In extreme cases where the damage caused to joints is
irreparable or very deep, it is advisable to undergo a
surgery. Patients with pediatric arthritis and other
rheumatic diseases can undergo either a repair or replace
surgery. A repair surgery will involves correcting a deformity
and removing fragments in the joints. If the joints are damaged
beyond repair, then the joints can be replaced with artificial

It is important to see a physician before carrying out any of
the methods. The physician will provide specific approaches that
will be best suited to the condition of the patient. To improve
the effectiveness of the medication, it is important to be
constant with each method and establish a good routine.
Additionally, you must contact your doctor or physician on a
regular basis to keep him/her fully informed.

About the author:
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Arthritis: Causes, Treatments and Prevention

Arthritis: Causes, Treatments and Prevention
Natalie Katsman

Arthritis: Causes, Treatments and PreventionBy Natalie Katsman http://www.natural-aid.comArthritis affects about 40% of Americans and about 50% of people worldwide. This ailment is more common than cancer and heart problems and dates back thousands years. It is believed that the famous Roman baths were created not only for hygiene purposes, but to help ancient people ease the aches and pains in the joints. What is happening and why?There are two most common forms of arthritis: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. RA is an autoimmune disorder when the body attacks its own cells, which often results in joint destruction. OA is wear and tear arthritis that comes with age or because of improper diet or lifestyle. Cartilage, the joint lining, that acts as a shock absorber consists of water and though protein fibers, collagen. Collagen matrix, that gives cartilage its strength and shape, is insulated by a net of proteglucans. They are filled with water to protect and nourish the cartilage. Proteglucans are long molecular chains that include glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate – two important building blocks. Glucosamine is essential to production of water-binding proteins in cartilage, and chondroitin sulfates draw fluids that provide the ease of movement and attract nutrients for cartilage repair. Injury, wear, corrosive enzymes can damage this protection, and cartilage loses the ability to repair itself. It gradually deteriorates and forms clefs and crevices that impede movement and cause pain.Traditional approach to treating joint pain is well known: the pain is suppressed with NASDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.). Calming the symptoms, these drugs simply mask the problem, while the joints keep deteriorating.Luckily, there are other ways to deal with arthritis. Research shows that supplementing your body with the two important cartilage building elements – Glucosamine and Chondroitin – can aid in joint restoration. Another useful nutrient is MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) – a form of sulfur found in many common foods: fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, milk and eggs. MSM helps to relieve pain and inflammation in joints and muscles. In addition, it boosts blood supply, lessens muscle spasms and softens scar tissue.Capsium – cayenne pepper extract (Yes! That hot spice!) has been found to be helpful in arthritis pain relief. Emu Oil – due to its small molecular weight, Emu Oil easily penetrates skin membrane and delivers its soothing relief to sore joints. Its anti-inflammatory properties make preparations with Emu Oil more and more popular among health professionals and sportsmen. Last but not least, your lifestyle and habits can help you avoid the discomfort. Folks who maintain their body in shape and enjoy an active lifestyle have much smaller risk to develop osteoarthritis. OA hits weight-bearing joints first. If joints have to manage extra weight, the cartilage is worn out faster than it can repair itself.Despite the belief that osteoarthritis sufferers should not exercise, research proves the opposite. Moderate exercise helps to keep joints healthy. Even if they are already affected by arthritis, making them work stimulates the restoration process. Here is a small exercise you can do to keep your knee joints in shape: Bend your knees as if you were going to do at sit-up. Keeping your knees close together, move them in circular motions clockwise and then in reverse direction.You might not feel like moving when your arthritis reminds of itself with burning pain, but a combination of diet, moderate exercise, supplements and topical preparations can prevent it and allow you to enjoy your favorite activities. Disclaimer: The above statements were not evaluated by the FDA. Always consult your doctor for professional advice. (C) Natalie Katsman, 2003 About the Author
Natalie Katsman is a co-founder of, where you can find fine quality aloe vera products for beauty and well-being and subscribe to HealthySkin Newsletter filled with beauty tips, recipes and information on herbal healing, skin care and cosmetic chemistry.

Arthritis Basics

Arthritis Basics
Adam Waxler

Arthritis affects people in a variety of ways. Joints may be stiff and creak. For others who suffer from arthritis, joints might crack suddenly, like knees upon standing. For many arthritis sufferers, pain occurs, like when trying to open a jar.
Whats it all about? Lets take a look at the basics of arthritis and learn more.
Arthritis actually means joint inflammation and has over 100 related conditions or forms of the disease. If arthritis is left untreated, it can advance, resulting in joint damage that cannot be reversed. Therefore, early detection of arthritis and arthritis treatment are important.
The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although both type of arthritis have similar symptoms, both happen for different reasons. When joints are overused and misused, the results can be osteoarthritis (OA). What happens is that the cushioning cartilage that protects the joint breaks down, resulting in the bones rubbing together. This generally happens in the knees, but can be found in the hips, spine and hands as well. And, only in the later stages of osteoarthritis will a person most often feel pain, after quite a bit of cartilage is lost.
The second type, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), refers to the bodys immune system attacking joint tissue. Still not fully understood in the medical community, rheumatoid arthritis most often starts in a persons hands, wrists and feet. Then rheumatoid arthritis advances to shoulders, elbows and hips.
Similar symptoms include pain, stiffness, fatigue, weakness, slight fever, and inflamed tissue lumps under the skin. And both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis generally develop symmetrically, i.e. affecting the same joints on both the left and right sides of the body.
A difference in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis to note is with swelling. With rheumatoid arthritis, people report soft and squishy swelling. While with osteoarthritis, people report hard and bony swelling.
Another difference between the two types of arthritis is that a person is more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis if a sibling or parent had it. While a person with a history of joint damage, either an injury or chronic strain, runs a higher risk for developing osteoarthritis.
Arthritis can affect any age group. However, while there is no specific age for arthritis sufferers, arthritis seems to focus on those over 45 years of age.
And, while neither gender is immune, a reported 74 percent of osteoarthritis cases (or just over 15 million) occur with women and a slightly lower percentage of rheumatoid arthritis cases occur with women.
Furthermore, your health, particularly your weight, plays a role in the development of arthritis. People with excess weight tend to develop osteoarthritis, especially in the knees when reaching over 45 years of age. However, losing weight can turn the odds around almost by half. Regular activity combined with exercise also reduces risk of arthritis, strengthening joint muscles and reducing joint wear.
Although there are no cure-alls for arthritis, there are a variety of pain relief treatment strategies. Aside from medications, remedies, replacement alternatives and other helpful treatment options, the four main arthritis relief aids are gentle exercise, good nutrition, a positive attitude, and rest. Education also plays a huge role to dispel old wives tales and myths that nothing can be done about arthritis.
If you suspect you may have arthritis, it is advisable to seek medical advice. The sooner you detect the arthritis and the type of arthritis the better off youll be. Furthermore, your symptoms may not be caused by arthritis, but may be caused by something else like a virus or tendonitis or other similar problem that could potentially worsen if left untreated.
Copyright 2006 Adam Waxler

About The Author

Adam Waxler publishes a series of health & fitness information products and web sites including his new resource filled with with FREE articles and tips on Arthritis Pain Relief & Prevention @