Arthritis medications

Arthritis medications
Robert Kokoska

Patients suffering from arthritis have to undergo a wide range
of treatments which includes medication. There are over 100
medications that are presently being used to treat arthritis.
However medicines at this stage can only help people suffering
from arthritis, and not act as a cure. The medicines can be used
to reduce pain, improve joint mobility, decrease flare-ups and
reduce inflammations.

The aim of this article is to present an insight into 4 main
types of medicines that can be used by arthritis patients.

The first category is called pain-relieving medicines which
include aspirin, paracetemol and ibuprofen. As a matter of fact,
aspirin and ibuprofen are mainly anti-inflammatory drugs;
however they also contain small amounts of pain killing doses.
These pain relieving drugs are available at almost all chemists,
without subscription from doctor.

Anti-inflammatory medicines can be used to
decrease flare-ups and reduce swelling. It comes in two packages
which include Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and
steroids. NSAIDs need to be taken over an extended period of
time so to make it more effective. However its side effects
include stomach problems. It is the most common prescribed
medicine against arthritis. Some NSAIDs include naproxen
(Naprosyn), fenbufen (Lederfen), piroxicam (Feldene) and Cox – 2
inhibitors. However there have been concerns raised about the
safety of Cox-2. Steoids are very effectives against
inflammation. However they can cause harm to the body is used
for a long period of time. They are mainly used to bring severe
cases of arthritis under control before any further
prescriptions are given.

Disease-modifying medicines are used with cases
which involves damage to the immune system such as by rheumatoid
arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis. They can be either
taken in by mouth or through injections and deals with the whole
of immune system, instead of the symptoms. Some types of this
kind of medicine are methotrexate, sulfasalazine and gold
(sodium aurothiomalate).

Biologic response modifiers (BRMs) are
increasingly being used in the treatment of arthritis. They were
used to treat severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis, however now
they have assumed a new role and are used to treat patients in
the early stages of arthritis, so to prevent profound damage to
the joints. Although many people with rheumatoid arthritis find
BRMs effective, it is still not suited for everyone with
arthritis. The downside of these products is that they are
expensive and can only be given through injections or infusion.

All medicines contain some side effects. Also these side effects
may vary from patient to patient. Many patients undertaking
arthritis related medicines experience certain side effects such
as stomach pain. Nevertheless arthritis medicines can be very
powerful and can have a profound effect on the body. There are
certain approaches in order to reduce minimize the side effects.
It is important to take to take medicines according to
instructions such as 2 times in the day. Your doctor must be
constantly supervising you so that he or she can see whether the
intake is going according to the plan. Another important aspect
to be taken into account is that the benefit of taking the
medicine shall be weighed against the harm of not taking them.
Arthritis can get worse if no medication is taken.

The reason so many medicines for arthritis has been produced is
to meet specific demand of arthritis patients. Also using one
can have side effects. Therefore the range of medicines allows a
person to choose ones that gives least side effects to him or
her. Before you start taking any medicine, it is essential for
you to contact your family so to great a grip of the actual
situation and choose the medicine that best caters to your
needs. Additionally, it is very important for pregnant women to
consult their doctors. Some medicines contain strong side
effects and can be harmful to the baby. Therefore it is
essential to adjust medication in such cases.

About the author:
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Sprains and Strains in Adolescents

Sprains and strains are among the majority of the injuries caused while playing sports. Sports injuries can be caused by small trauma which involves ligaments, muscles and tendons including bruises, sprains and strains. The body part which is most commonly involved in spraining or straining is the ankle. The 3 ligaments that are involved during ankle sprain or strain include anterior talofubular ligament, posterior talofibular ligament and calcaneofibular ligament.

An injury caused to the soft tissue as a result of a direct force like fall, kick and blow is called a contusion or a bruise. A sprain is nothing but a ligament injury which is wrenched or twisted. Sprains usually affect knees, wrists and ankles. On the other hand a strain is an injury caused to a tendon or muscle which usually results from force, stretching and overuse.

Sprains/Strains are usually diagnosed by a physician after a physical examination. The physician asks for thorough medical history of the adolescent and asks various questions that lead to the cause of the injury. Various diagnostic procedures are also available which also helps in evaluating the problem. X-ray is one of the oldest and common diagnostic tests done to know the extent and exact location of the injury. An x-ray uses electromagnetic waves to get photos of internal tissues, organs and bones onto a film. MRI scan is one of the recently evolved diagnostic procedures which also help in evaluating a physical injury. This procedure actually called Magnetic Resonance Imaging makes use of bug magnets, computer and radio frequencies to get detailed pictures of structures and organs inside the body. Another diagnostic procedure called Computed Tomography Scan or CT scan is also used to evaluate the extent and location of injury. This procedure uses a blend of computers and x-rays to get cross sectional pictures in horizontal and vertical alignment. It shows thorough pictures of any part of the body like muscles, bones, fat and organs. They provide more information than conventional x-rays.

There are various symptoms of strain and sprain depending on each teens physical condition and they may vary accordingly. One of the symptoms includes pain in and around the area injury. There could also be a swelling around the injured area. Some teens also experience difficulty when they use or move the area of the body that is injured. Some teenagers also undergo bruises or redness in the area that is injured. Many times the symptoms of sprains and strains may look similar to other medical conditions and a doctors advice is the best option in this scenario.

Depending on various factors the treatment of sprains and strains will be prescribed by the teenagers physician that include teenagers age, overall health of the teenager, and medical history of the adolescent. To what extent the teen is injured is also a factor in determining the nature of treatment. A teenagers level of tolerance to certain medications, therapies and procedures is also taken into consideration before opting for a particular method of treatment. The treatment also depends of what expectations one has and also preference and opinion.

Various options available for treatment include things like restriction of the activity after the injury, application of cast/splint on the injured spot, crutches or wheelchair, physical therapy which involves stretching exercises to give strength to the muscles, tendons and ligaments that are injured and last but not the least is the surgery which is opted for in worst case scenario.

In the long-term scenario bruises, sprains and strains heal pretty quickly in kids and teenagers but it is important that the adolescent sticks to the restrictions imposed during the treatment and healing process like restriction of activity and regularly attending physical therapy sessions if any. It is noted that majority of the sports related injuries results either due to traumatic injury or excessive use of muscles and joints. But, they can be avoided and prevented with right training, by wearing right protective gears and by using right equipment for training.


Word Count 670

Simple Ways to Stop Acid Reflux

Several millions of people are being struck by Acid Reflux disease – adults, children, and even infants cannot escape from its affliction.

Basically, the Acid Reflux or heartburn pertains to the disease caused by upflowing of the acid from the stomach up to the throat.

Scientifically, the process occurs when there is a relaxation that occurs in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing then the stomach juices to flow back into the esophagus.

There are already various conditions that have been connected to this. Several of these are the average persons increase in anxiety, lack of bodily exercise, and unhealthy diet. All of these have sole effect in the bodythe body increase in the production of acid, thus, resulting to Acid Reflux disease.

There are already findings that show wherein the boost in the production of acid in the body can also be connected to kidneys, digestive respiratory and heart disorders as well.

The symptoms of the Acid Relux come in difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, headache, constipation, and insomnia. These are all indications that acids had already invaded the esophagus.

The only way to battle the disease is definitely to reduce the entire amount of body acid. Through this the production of body acid will be corrected, the disorder will be fixed, and so, overturning the sign of the Acid Reflux.

If the repeated occurrence of acid in the esophagus will not be treated immediately, the person affected by this will continually suffer from the extreme pain as it directs to the harsh stage of Acid Reflux, and could probably lead to fatal situation.

Although time was able to establish the numerous medicines which are specially made to treat the disease. Most of them still deal to a serious troubleside effects, costly prices, short-term results, permanent prescriptions.

The issue on the costs of medicinal cure have always been stressing the patients; this is a common scenario, especially for those who are incapable to afford this.

For this reason, there are several ways that have also been practiced to cure the disease. This would only require simple methods which are stress-free in the pocket.

The methods are only simple. Home treatments specifically could correct the body acid imbalance and this are assured to bring an enduring relief.

The primary recommendations for this disease which will not require for a heavy cost is proper diet, in particular, a healthy eating habit and a regular physical exercise.

Believe it or not, chewing gum is advisable to neutralize the acid instantly, and this will bring out an instant relief. Likewise, honey and aloe juices create the same effect, they neutralize the acid in the throat and they are offered in the nearby local stores. All of these are directly equivalent to a medical prescription of a doctor, the sole difference lies in their prices.

Also, try to remove in your diet the drinks that contain caffeine, alcohol beverages, fatty and fried foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits, chocolate. If you think you are totally addicted to them, you can still take them, though only in reasonable quantities.

However, if you are frequently attacked by the symptoms, you have no other choice but to completely get rid of them, or else, the consequences are yours alone.

Now, as you practice your diet, maintain in your habit as well to go to bed when you have already rested for two to three hours after you have eaten your last meal.

Heartburn-the principal sign of acid reflux disease, causes and cares

Heartburn-the principal sign of acid reflux disease, causes and cares

Acid reflux disease is a product of the failure of the esophageal sphincter to function properly. Because of abnormal acid production, digestive processes are affected and causes burning sensations in the stomach, chest and even up to the esophagus. Too low acid production causes the valve in the stomach not to open. So the tendency of the stomach acids is to rise up and inflame the esophagus. On the other hand, too much acid production follows the same case.

There are many factors that can be deemed responsible for acid reflux disease. One of which is the use of too much salt. Aside from alcohol, caffeine and smoking which all add to the risk of acid reflux, salt is unexpectedly concluded to cause and aggravate the disease. This finding is in accordance to the studies of researchers from Sweden. They found out from the lifestyle of their samplings that extra table salt increases the risk of having acid reflux disease up to 70%. This is alarming because it is implied that extra table salt can harm more that alcohol and caffeine. A related study conducted by Dr. Roshini Rajapaksa of New York University Medical Center attested the same results on the risks of too much table salt.

Countless individuals who suffer from acid reflux disease also suffer the discomfort and pains of its symptoms. The principal sign of acid reflux disease is persistent heartburn. Seldom heartburn experienced by most people may not lead to an acid reflux problem but a regular occurrence of up to thrice a week calls for proper attention already. In some cases, there are individuals who do not suffer from heartburn although they have acid reflux disease.

Heartburn is usually experienced after eating a heavy meal or when bending or lying down. The symptom is characterized by the burning sensation that originates from the upper abdomen and to the back of the breastbone. Then a burning sensation is felt in the chest. As time passes by, the pain travels up to the throat until you experience a sour taste in your mouth. The pain radiates all throughout the back that you become uneasy and unable to do things.

Some of the other signs of acid reflux disease are regular hoarseness especially in the morning, finding a hard time swallowing, choking sensation where the food seems to be stuck in the throat, constant dry cough with unknown cause and bad breath. These are just some of the symptoms that the person inflicted by acid reflux disease can notice on himself.

These symptoms, nevertheless, can be treated depending upon the frequency and the level of pain. Particularly, heartburn may need greater attention because it could be more than the pains it caused you. Further tests should be undergone to point out the real root and the length of damages that the heartburn had gone. Only the doctor can prescribe you the medications that will reduce an acute heartburn.

Healthy habits such as proper diet and exercise should also be developed in your everyday system so as to avoid the symptoms and totally cure the acid reflux disease. And bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol and caffeine beverages should also be avoided or minimized. This is the natural way of treating any disease.