Arthritis – The Incredible Pain In Your Joints

Arthritis – The Incredible Pain In Your Joints
Kevin Pederson

This disease can affect anyone and at any age. There is no age
barrier for having such kind of disease. It immobilizes the
person in all the way it could. There is continuous pain,
stiffening and swelling of joints which can be from the group of
more than 100 rheumatic diseases. Arthritis can affect any part
of the body and it is very severe making it impossible for the
people to lead a normal life.

This disease target areas are the joints and causes major damage
to it. It shows the inflammation to your joints which is very
painful. The joint pain which one faces is referred to as
arthalgia. There are different forms of arthritis which even
includes injury which leads to osteoarthritis, inheritance,
infections and many other reasons which may be very much

It usually affects the joints, ligaments, muscles; cartilage,
tendons and any other part of the body which can be easily
affected buy this disease. This disease is affected purely based
on the individual’s strength and weaknesses. These conditions
can easily weaken you and could even lead to life-threatening
conditions and the ability to affect most parts of your body.

Some of the very common signs which can be easily noticed are
the stiffness, swelling, redness and a warm feeling. As it
affects the joints the functions of the same becomes very
limited. The other common signs are fever, weight loss, fatigue
and feeling of tiredness.

These joints are very sensitive to weather changes. It is
understood that the sensitivity may be caused by the development
of the extra nerve endings with the intention to protect the
joint from any further damage. It is also noticed that arthritis
including fever are called septic arthritis and urgent medical
attention is needed.

About the author:
Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home
remedies websites which have information on “>”>
providing information on some of the most common disease as well
as on painful knowledge about arthritis

Proper Treatment for Sports Injuries

While most people will go see a doctor after any type of sports injury is incurred, there are some that do not require a doctor to treat, and still others need to be treated in the meantime until you can get to a doctor to help the recovery process get started. Quick treatment often means the difference between a 3-month recovery and a 2-month recovery so it is very important to start treating the injury right away.

The most common injuries that are suffered are acute injuries. The best way to treat these is to use R.I.C.E. initially then determine if seeing a doctor is necessary. R.I.C.E. is an acronym that is short for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. The purpose of each step is different with rest being essential to allow the healing to begin while helping to prevent further injury to the area from occurring. Ice is vital because it can help stop swelling in the injured area, which can help when it comes to diagnosing the injury. Compression is important because it helps to reduce swelling even further as well as provides support for the injury. Elevation is necessary because it reduces the flow of blood to the injured area and allows the force of gravity to pull blood away, thus reducing bruising, swelling and pain.

Proper treatment using R.I.C.E. is to first take a piece of cloth such as a town and wrap it around the injury this helps to protect the skin from irritation. Next, you want to apply an ice pack or cold compress directly over the injured area. Using an elastic bandage or even a support bandage to hold the ice in place carefully wrap the injured area snuggly, be careful not to wrap too tightly you are not trying to cut off the blood supply, just hold the ice in place. You should apply ice for approximately 15 minutes every three hours during the day to continue treating.

In the event that you cannot decide if seeing a doctor is necessary, use these rules of thumb to assist you.

If you see any bone, muscle, cartilage or ligaments then an emergency trip to the doctor is absolutely necessary.
If the pain from the injured area seems to be spreading to other areas of the body.
If you have a very large amount of swelling in the injured area that following R.I.C.E. is not helping.
If you cannot move the injured area at all.
If you cannot feel the injured area, or if it tingles or feels very weak and fragile.
If your injury has not improved after three weeks of rest.
If your injured area has developed a rash, fever, pus, or if it feels hot to the touch.
Finally, if you have any doubts about being able to treat the injury yourself then seeing a doctor is as essential as if one of the previous conditions mentioned was visible. You should always seek help from a doctor in the even that you are unsure how to treat the injury. You are not bugging your doctor; rather you are ensuring that you are treated safely and quickly.

If ever in doubt, seeing your doctor is advisable to receive the best possible care. If your doctor is unavailable, and the injury is serious, go to the emergency room and see medical help there. Never leave a serious injury without seeking medical help as the condition can worsen causing the need for serious treatment even potentially surgery to become necessary.

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A First Visit to an Acupuncture Clinic

You might be thinking about making an appointment at an acupuncture clinic. Many people consider this for various symptoms; some common ones being persistent pain, stress-related symptoms, or other problems such as weight loss. In China, many people use their acupuncture visits as a periodic tune up in order to stay healthy. Chinese acupuncturists sometimes get paid as long as their client is healthy, rather than when their clients have symptoms. So, let us take a tour of a modern American acupuncture clinic to see what it is like.

A typical clinic looks like any professional office, and you will be shown into a room where you are comfortably seated in a chair. The acupuncture practitioner comes in and begins the diagnosis. There are two major parts to the diagnosis, physical observation and a discussion of your symptoms and environment. A basic physical observation will include taking your pulse and observing your tongue. Unlike a traditional doctor’s office, your pulse is taken on both wrists, and at several points on each wrist. Your pulse is taken both near the surface of your wrist and also more deeply below the surface. These observations will be written down and used together with the discussion with the practitioner.

You should think about a number of things to discuss at your first acupuncture visit. If you are coming in for a particular symptom or set of symptoms, this should be a major part of the discussion. Think about several different aspects of your symptoms. Let’s say that you have persistent pain in your ankle, to use one example. The pain may not be constant during the entire day; it may ebb and wane depending on the hours of the day. The pain may increase or decrease due to certain activities, and you should observe these as much as possible. You might think that walking would certainly increase the pain, but sometimes walking is not as much of a problem as persistent standing, for example, as a cashier in a grocery store. Also, the pain might change depending on the times of the month, and that should also be mentioned to the acupuncture practitioner. Cause and effect, if any, is also important to report. Some things to consider if stress is a component, for possibly the pain started or increased when you got a new supervisor at work. Notice that a diagnosis for an acupuncture visit includes physical, emotional, social, and mental components to the diagnosis. So come to the acupuncture office armed with as much information as you can gather about the reason you are coming.

Once you and the acupuncture practitioner get through the initial diagnosis, some time is taken to construct a plan of treatments. Depending on the particular symptom that you have, and the other personal information that was taken in the initial diagnosis, your first treatment might be this same day, or you may be asked to return on a different day to start your treatments. The time of day and the particular days for acupuncture treatments are carefully selected in order to achieve the best result possible.

If you do have an initial treatment, it will be painless, and generally takes less than an hour, sometimes much less than that. The acupuncture practitioner will insert very slim needles at specific locations, which will remain for the number of minutes needed for your particular symptoms. When the needles are still you are not even aware of them. Inserting and removing needles is also pain free, rarely there may be a slight twinge, but not more than that. During your treatment you may feel more relaxed, a buzz of energy, slightly warmer at the needle insertion points, or exactly the same as when you came in. However, the needles are doing their work to regulate and rebalance the circulation in your body. So enjoy your first visit, and know that each visit brings you closer to your optimal health.

Arthritis Symptoms May be Alleviated by Fruits and Vegetables

Arthritis Symptoms May be Alleviated by Fruits and Vegetables
Joe Serpico

If you or someone you know suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, you know how painful and debilitating it can be. If you haven’t walked a mile in those shoes, you can’t imagine how frustrating it can be. Your doctor may say try this medication, try that. Don’t do this, do that. But sometimes, to no avail. The disease is caused by a misguided immune system attack on the body’s own joint tissue, which leads to swelling, pain, stiffness and in some cases deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common among women than men. Perhaps what you’re eating, or more specifically what you’re not eating can be causing some of your soreness. Recent findings suggest that a diet high in fruits, vegetables, legumes and certain oils aids in relieving symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis. After following a diet rich in fruits and veggies for three months, people with rheumatoid arthritis experienced a number of improvements not seen in people following a typical American diet high in processed foods. Some of the improvements shown include a decrease in pain, inflammation, disease activity and in the number of swollen joints. Further, previous research suggested that more olive oil and cooked vegetables help protect people from the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The current results suggest that “patients with (rheumatoid arthritis) can obtain better physical function and increase their vitality” from eating a fruit, vegetables, legumes and some oils diet for three months, write Dr. Lars Skoldstam of Visby Hospital in Sweden and colleagues. This plan is similar to that of people who live in the Mediterranean. They also tend to eat a lot of fruit, vegetables, and legumes, more fish and less red meat. Moreover, they drink a moderate amount of wine, and rely on olive oil as their main source of dietary fat. Earlier research has suggested that followers of this diet enjoy a wide range of benefits, such as a lower risk of heart disease, cancer and memory loss. Additional studies have shown that citrus fruit and zinc may also cut rheumatoid arthritis risk. Citrus can be helpful because of the antioxidants they contain. Findings are not conclusive, yet promising. In the study, the doctors found that women getting less than 40 micrograms of beta-cryptoxanthin, a component found in citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit were at a somewhat elevated danger of developing rheumatoid arthritis than women who consumed more than that amount. Although thus far it has only been proven that genetics is the culprit behind rheumatoid arthritis, if there have been some findings as to the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, wouldn’t it make sense for suffers to up their intake? It certainly can’t hurt… and may actually help. Now please pass the broccoli with a side of grapefruit! About the Author
Joe Serpico is webmaster at For much more information regarding exercise, health, nutrition, and fitness, visit