Stopping The Pain Of Toothaches

Everyone out there at some point in time, will experience the pain of a toothache. Toothaches are very excruciating, some of the worst pain you will ever feel in your life. Even though you may have had dental work in the past and follow proper hygiene, toothaches can happen at anytime. Although it can be very painful, there are ways to get relief through natural herbal remedies or pharmaceuticals.

If you plan to use herbs, you should use them in tincture form, as the alcohol content will disinfect the area, and help to reduce the inflammation and kill the infection. Once you have the tincture, you should use roughly a teaspoon of it and gently rinse your mouth out. Once you have help it in your mouth a minute or so, you should either swallow it or spit it out. Tinctures are natural remedies that use herbs and alcohol to massage the affected area and stop the pain by numbing the nerves of the tooth that is causing you so much pain.

The best way to deal with toothache is to put out the fire. If you manage to put the fire out, the pain will follow. Even though the pain may go away, the problem will still be there until you go to the dentist and get it treated. Although the dentist is the preferred way to go, you may have to wait on an appointment, or the toothache may occur on a weekend or a time when the dentist isnt available.

Your best advice is to seek dental care ASAP, as the infection can always return at any given time. If you dont get problems fixed as soon as you can, they can spread and cause you more problems with your teeth. Cavities will need to be filled, while the rotten or dying teeth will need to be extracted. If caught in time, the dentist can normally save the tooth via root canal.

The most common way to stop the pain of a toothache is by using a pharmaceutical such as Ambesol. With these types of toothache relief products, you simply rub the ointment on the affected area and it will kill the pain. These products work quickly, although they may not be able to help if the infection has spread or has gotten so bad that the tooth is literally dying.

Another way to stop the pain is to use Tylenol or aspirin. If you are going this route, you should use tablets that dissolve. Simply take the tablet and put it in your mouth, then use your tongue to hold it against your tooth. The aspirin or Tylenol will start to dissolve, and work its way into your nerve and stop the pain. This is a very effective way to stop the pain, although once the pill dissolves it can leave a terrible taste in your mouth.

The best way to stop the pain is to visit the dentist and have it treated once and for all. Keep in mind that if the problem is an infection, youll need to use antibiotics until the infection is gone. Once the infection is gone, the dentist will be able to proceed with treatment. Most toothaches are the result of a cavity, which will need to be filled. Anytime you start to experience a toothache you should get it treated. If you arent able to make it to the dentist, simply get some Ambesol or other product that will give you relief from the pain until you can get to the dentist and get the problem taken care of.

If You Have Arthritis

If You Have Arthritis
Michal John

If You Have Arthritis?

Arthritis and related conditions affect nearly 43 million
Americans, or about one of every six people, making it one of
the most prevalent diseases in the United States.According to
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention one out of every
three Americans (an estimated 70 million people) is affected by
one of the more than 100 types of arthritis.Arthritis is a
chronic disease that will be with you for a long time and
possibly for the rest of your life.

Prevention & Causes of Arthritis:

These are some prevention and causes of arthritis.There is
evidence that behaviors such as weight reduction and avoiding
injury may slow the progression and impact of osteoarthritis.The
pain of arthritis may come from different sources.These may
include inflammation of the synovial membrane (tissue that lines
the joints),the tendons, or the ligaments; muscle strain; and
fatigue.Factors that contribute to the pain include swelling
within the joint,the amount ofheat or redness present, or damage
that has occurred within thejoint.Joint arthritis, the cartilage
may be damaged, narrowed and lost by a degenerative process or
by inflammation making movement painful.

Symptoms and Medications:

There are many different signs and symptoms of arthritis. If you
have experienced pain, stiffness, or swelling around a
joint.Many people will experience some difficulty functioning at
home, at work or at play because of joint pain, stiffness and
loss of motion regardless of the type of arthritis they
have.These arthritis symptoms may come up suddenly or slowly
over time and may also include sleeplessness, fatigue,
depression, and muscle aches.

Some Tropical medications for Arthritis: Arthritis Pain

Arthritis Pain


Ahhhloe Ice for
Pain Relief these products are useful to Arthritis pain.

Home Care Suggestions: 1.High doses of aspirin are not good
for the body. 2.Massage therapy is good and provides relief to
the joints. 3.Aloe Vera juice I glass daily and aloe Vera gel
are also very effective.

More Info About Arthritis

About the author:
Author By
Michal John

Pulling Your Own Teeth

Even though it may sound very odd and downright compelling, a lot of people actually try to extract their own teeth. Toothache pain can be very painful and very frustrating, making you try anything to get relief. Depending on how bad the pain is, youll be more than willing to do just about anything you can to get the pain to stop. Abscesses or really bad cavities are among the worst, as the pain never seems to let up – no matter what you do.

In the old days, teeth were extracted by pliers, as there were no dentists around. During these times, people would get drunk on alcohol and then the teeth would be extracted. There was no such thing as anaesthesia back then, so it was impossible to locally numb the pain. These days though, local anaesthesia is the best way to numb a toothache before pulling the tooth. If you attempt to pull a tooth yourself, youll feel the pain no matter what you do.

There are situations however, in which you can pull your own teeth. Baby teeth for example, are acceptable to pull. Before you yank it out though, you should check on the age of when the tooth in question should be removed. If you wiggle the tooth around and it appears to be loose, then chances are it will come out without a problem. On the other hand, if you pull the tooth and it turns out to be an abscess, youll end up with a real problem and your hands and youll need to visit a dentist as soon as you can.

Another situation in which it is acceptable to pull your own teeth is when you have a severe case of gum disease. Gum disease can cause the socket and the bone to become extremely decayed, which will result in the destruction of the tooth. If the gum disease is severe enough, the tooth will be extremely loose and will come out without a problem. In some cases, the tooth can be almost unbearable to the touch. If you have gum disease and notice a loose tooth, you should be careful when pulling it. If you dont do it properly or if you do it too soon, you could end up breaking the top of the tooth. If this happens, youll need to go to the dentist to have the remaining portion of the tooth cut out.

Even though a tooth may feel loose when you touch it, doesnt always mean that you can grab a pair of pliers and rip it out. Teeth are very delicate. If you try to rip a tooth out with pair of pliers and make a mistake, you should end up doing more harm than good. Putting pliers in your mouth can also lead to an infection, which would send you to the dentist. Abscesses on the other hand, should never be dealt with on your own – youll need to go to a dentist to have him properly extract the tooth and give you some antibiotics to stop the infection.

To be on the safe side and avoid any potential problems that could easily arise, you should always go to the dentist if you have a toothache. No matter how bad the pain may be, you should never attempt to pull the tooth yourself. Your dentist can numb the area before he pulls the tooth, so youll feel no pain at all. He will also prescribe you some pain medicine and antibiotics as well, to help treat any infection you may have. If you attempt to pull the tooth yourself, youll only cause more problems in the end – and end up going to a dentist anyway.

I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too

I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too
Margie Garrison – “The Arthritis Lady”

Yes… I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too

From the age of 11 to age 53 I avoided holding hands; they were
painful to the touch, so puffed up, sore and hot!!!

Raising four children, of course, I had to hold their hands. I
tried so hard not to let them know how painful it was but, they
knew I was in constant pain.

I always felt bad for my husband because holding hands was
something we missed. It was hard to knit or crochet, which I
loved to do.

Walking, bending or standing for any period of time was so
painful for me. My children learned, as small children, to do
what ever they could to help around the house.

I went to over thirteen “Arthritis” specialists, which were of
little or no help.

I was prescribed many different drugs and went through all kinds
of treatments for my arthritis.

I was in so much pain that I tried anything and everything to
find relief.

I was so desperate to find something that would stop her pain
that I:

* Went to over 13 physicians, (“Arthritis Specialists”) * I took
Codeine, Darvon, Sprays and “Gold Treatments” * I was placed in
traction with a large weight to stretch her body, was tied to
the bed and couldn’t move for a week! * I was put in an upper
body cast for 3 months * I wore shoe lifts * And so much more!!!

In 1980, the last year I suffered from Arthritis, I spent an
average of $40.00 month on miscellaneous drugs, $30.00 for a
monthly doctor appointment and $30.00 on pain killers. That’s a
total of $100.00 a month. I wish I could have spent that money
on something I liked to do instead.

All the drugs, all the doctors, all the treatments, all the
money… ALL the FAILURES!!!

Doctor after doctor told me that there was no cure for arthritis
and that I should, “Take this medication, go home and learn to
live with it”. One doctor predicted that I would be in a wheel
chair within 5 years.

I was crushed… Being the eternal optimist, never gave up… I
went on a crusade to find a way to stop my arthritis. And I

I spent many years researching arthritis, and put together this
incredible program, “I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too” , that
shows you in easy to follow steps how you can do what I did at
home, and without drugs.

I know this may sound too good to be true. But I did it… I
have gone through what you are going through right now. I have
now been living Pain Free from Arthritis for 25 years.

I am known on the World Wide Web (and elsewhere) as “The
Arthritis Lady” and am now doing something I “like” to do. I
spend most of my time answering thousands of emails and phone
calls from people who suffer with arthritis. I answers questions
and help solve their problems.

Here are just a few things people have written me…

“My wife has rheumatoid arthritis and she tried what you wrote
in your book and she has been almost totally pain free for a
month so far. Thanks for publishing your book.

Roy – Goose Creek, S.C


“I have purchased your book and it is a miracle from God. I
really believe in it. It has opened my eyes toward the right
foods we should eat to keep our bodies healthy and free from

Evangeline – Culloden, GA


“Thank the Lord and you. Your book is my companion in my quest
for health. I can’t praise it enough. You are a pioneer in the
practice of prevention in Medicine.

Mary B – Santa Cruz, CA


My friend raved to me about how your book helped him. He had
taken so much Cortisone until his doctor balked at giving it to
him. My friend said he spends many painful, sleepless nights,
and that his life was pure misery. Now, some five months later,
he has no pain, and sleeps very well. He has lost some 40 pounds
and feels 20 years younger.

Lewis – Oklahoma City, Ok


“My friend is over 80 years old. She was unable to do hand work
and almost unable to walk. Now she is able to do both. Mrs. A.
Jenkins – Morango, CA


To whom it may concern,

Margie Garrison’s “I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”: is a note
worthy milestone in the field of alternative treatment

I agree with Margie that with proper nutrition, exercise and a
positive mental attitude, not only is it possible to “cure”
arthritis but also prevent it.

Her book is simply and clearly written with a number of helpful

I have used it in my practice and highly recommend it. The
pathway to health is up to each individual. By following
Margie’s techniques, you can be “Free” of arthritis.


Learie N. Yuille, MD Metro Holistic Health Center Southfield, Mi


I am living proof that you don’t have to take medication, go
home and learn to live with arthritis. “I Cured My Arthritis You
Can Too”

Best of Health,

Margie Garrison – “The Arthritis Lady”

About the author:
Margie Garrison is the author of the best seller “I Cured My
Arthritis You Can Too” and a Free Weekly Newsletter, “Amazing
Secrets To Fantastic Health”

She is dedicated to helping you help yourself to a healthier

Contact Margie mailto:[email protected]

Visit her Web Page at:

Subscribe to her Newsletter
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