Tips for Avoiding Sports Injuries

While it is not possible to completely avoid all types of injuries, by taking some precautions, it is possible to greatly reduce your risk of injury. However, simply reducing the risk of injury is not a task that is always easy to handle. By carefully following some precautions there are ways that you can avoid injuring yourself.

Tip 1. It is best to always ensure you are in the best physical shape possible before you begin playing a sport. Whether you are looking into tennis, football, baseball, or even basketball amongst the numerous sports available, it is best to be in shape. While playing sports will help get you into better shape physically, it is best to be in shape before beginning.

Tip 2. Ensure you know all of the rules and guidelines for the sport you are playing. Following the rules can help ensure that you can avoid injury resulting from playing inappropriately. In addition, make sure you play with others who follow the rules as well. If someone else breaks the rules while playing, it increases your risk of injury.

Tip 3. Always wear the appropriate safety equipment whenever playing sports. This should be applied regardless of playing a practice, scrimmage, tournament, or even just playing around with friends. The safety equipment exists for a reason and it is very important to help protect you from accidents and injuries. Without wearing the equipment, you are increasing your risk of being injured.

Tip 4. Do a through warm up before starting to play. If you are playing on a team, you should play on teams that ensure warm ups are done before the games start. This helps to stretch and slowly warm up your muscles and really reduces the risk of injuries. Skipping a warm up may seem like a great way to make up for running late for a game, but this is a huge risk to your safety.

Tip 5. If you are tired, sick or hurting do not play. If you play on a team ensure you tell the coach about any problems that you are experiencing and let them know you will not be playing. You should never agree to play when you are tired because it increases the risk of being injured since you are not fully alert. When you are sick, your body is always in a weakened condition and able to become injured much easier and finally when you are already in pain, you likely already have an injury of some form that needs some time to heal.

Tip 6. Ensure that you are getting enough rest. While the idea of playing your favorite sport 24/7 may seem like the greatest idea, it is vital that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a day as well as take frequent breaks to ensure you do not wear yourself out. While training is a vital aspect of sports, getting the necessary rest to allow your body time to heal and recover is just as important. By resting when necessary, you are ensuring that you will have a long and happy sports career whether you are simply playing for fun, playing for a team, or playing professionally.

Avoiding injuries is a very important consideration for athletes and by following the tips and suggestions mentioned above it should help to greatly improve your performance and reduce your risk of injury all at the same time.

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Do You Have Arthritis?

Do You Have Arthritis?
Lambert Klein

Do you have arthritis? If so you are not alone. 66,000,000 people do almost 1 in 3 adults.
Arthritis is second only to heart disease as a cause of work disability. Besides limiting daily activities arthritis can cause many lifestyle problems. You may assume there’s nothing you can do that will help. Don’t believe that. There are steps including supplements and lifestyle changes you can make to significantly improve your life.
Your doctor may ask a few of these questions:
Where is your pain
When does it hurt
How long have you had it
Any swelling or redness
Family history of arthritis
He may wish to perform a movement test and have some x-rays taken.
Inflammation from your arthritis is a significant source of pain. Your physician may recommend OTC medicines or a prescription.
You should be aware of alternatives such as natural supplements and physical exercise.
Nettle Leaf Extract This supplement appears to suppress TNF-alpha and IL-1-beta. Nettle leaf may inhibit inflammatory cascade in rheumatoid arthritis. Also joint protection is assisted with nettle leaf.
MSM: Msm contain Sulfur and anti-inflammatory properties
Glucosamine Sulfate/Chondroitin: Reduces joint pain and may substantially rebuild cartilage. This may take a while to see results.
Fish Oil: DHA, EPA and Omega 3 found in quality fish oil. Reduces painful inflammation and may promote joint lubrication. Look for a high quality, low mercury supplements like Carlson’s fish oils. Flax seed is another practical choice.
Try high quality multivitamins such as Purity’s Perfect Multi Super Greens.
Vitamin E: Use a natural product like Vitamin E-8 daily.
Cherries: Recent research has shown that tart cherries contain powerful antioxidants that may help relieve the pain of arthritis and gout and also protect the body against cardiovascular disease and inhibit cancer tumors.
There is also a cherry capsule that is very good named Fruit Advantage.
Exercise: Exercise is important not only for arthritis but your overall health.
Weight Control: Even modest weight loss will bring healthy results. Start slow if you need to, and then try to reach your target weight.
Stress: Ah Stress. This one unnecessarily causes us so many health concerns. It practically seems to be the source of most health problems.
There are many options to help deal with excess stress. Exercise is one of these. Even if you begin by walking to the corner and back, then around the block pretty soon you will be walking a mile or more.
Other things you may consider are Yoga, Meditation, Music and a new hobby.
There is a rather unique procedure I came across a while back called Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short. This works on the principles of Acupressure and Acupuncture.
Wait! Don’t let that intimidate you. Even though EFT is a remarkable tool it is actually easy to grasp. I personally have seen significant results. You won’t have to poke yourself at all. It just basically requires limited number of words and some tapping on certain key points.
So don’t give up. There are many options for you to vastly improve your health.
Copyright 2005 Lambert Klein

About The Author

Lambert Klein is the owner of Think Healthy supplements and products.
Arthritis supplements can be found at Think Healthy.

Cure Your Arthritis – My Amazing Mom

Cure Your Arthritis – My Amazing Mom
Susan Graham

My Amazing Mother The Arthritis LadyFrom the age of 11 to age 53 my mother avoided holding hands; they were painful to the touch, so puffed up, sore and hot!!! Raising four children she, of course, had to hold our hands. She tried so hard not to let us know how painful it was but, we knew she was in constant pain.I always felt bad for my Mom and Dad because holding hands was something they missed. It was hard for her to knit or crochet, which she loved to do.Walking, bending or standing for any period of time was so painful for her. We learned as small children, my brothers and I, to do what ever we could to help around the house.She went to over thirteen Arthritis specialists, which were of little or no help. She was prescribed many different drugs and went through all kinds of treatments for her arthritis.She was in so much pain that she tried anything and everything to find relief. She was so desperate to find something that would stop her pain that she:Went to over 13 physicians, (Arthritis Specialists)She took Codeine, Darvon, Sprays and “Gold Treatments”She was placed in traction with a large weight to stretch her body, was tied to the bed and couldn’t move for a week!She was put in an upper body cast for 3 monthsShe wore shoe liftsAnd so much more!!!In 1980, the last year she suffered from Arthritis, my Mom spent an average of $40.00 month on miscellaneous drugs, $30.00 for a monthly doctor appointment and $30.00 on pain killers. Thats a total of $100.00 a month. I wish she could have spent that money on something she liked to do instead.All the drugs, all the doctors, all the treatments, all the money… ALL the FAILURES!!! Doctor after doctor told her that there was no cure for arthritis and that she should, Take this medication, go home and learn to live with it. One doctor predicted that she would be in a wheel chair within 5 years. We were crushed My Mom, being the eternal optimist, never gave up She went on a crusade to find a way to stop her arthritis. And she did!!!She spent many years researching arthritis, and put together this incredible program, I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too, that shows you in easy to follow steps how you can do what she did at home, and without drugs. I know this may sound too good to be true. But she did it… My Mom has gone through what you are going through right now. She has now been living Pain Free from Arthritis for 25 years.My Mom, Margie Garrison, is known on the World Wide Web (and elsewhere) as The Arthritis Lady and is now doing something she likes to do. She spends most of her time answering thousands of emails and phone calls from people who suffer with arthritis. She answers questions and helps solve problems. And I am not the only one singing her praises; here are just a few things other people have saidMy wife has rheumatoid arthritis and she tried what you wrote in your book and she has been almost totally pain free for a month so far. Thanks for publishing your book.Roy – Goose Creek, S.C**********I have purchased your book and it is a miracle from God. I really believe in it. It has opened my eyes toward the right foods we should eat to keep our bodies healthy and free from diseases.Evangeline Culloden, GA**********Thank the Lord and you. Your book is my companion in my quest for health. I cant praise it enough. You are a pioneer in the practice of prevention in Medicine.Mary B – Santa Cruz, CA**********My friend raved to me about how your book helped him. He had taken so much Cortisone until his doctor balked at giving it to him. My friend said he spends many painful, sleepless nights, and that his life was pure misery. Now, some five months later, he has no pain, and sleeps very well. He has lost some 40 pounds and feels 20 years younger.Lewis – Oklahoma City, Ok**********My friend is over 80 years old. She was unable to do hand work and almost unable to walk. Now she is able to do both. Mrs. A. Jenkins – Morango, CA**********To whom it may concern,Margie Garrisons I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too: is a note worthy milestone in the field of alternative treatment modalities.I agree with Margie that with proper nutrition, exercise and a positive mental attitude, not only is it possible to cure arthritis but also prevent it.Her book is simply and clearly written with a number of helpful illustrations.I have used it in my practice and highly recommend it. The pathway to health is up to each individual. By following Margies techniques, you can be Free of arthritis.Sincerely,Learie N. Yuille, MDMetro Holistic Health CenterSouthfield, Mi 48075**********If you are searching for relief from your arthritis pain, try this program. My Mom is living proof that you dont have to take medication, go home and learn to live with arthritis.If you would like to know more about my Mom and her program go to: Susan [email protected] About the Author
Margie Garrison was diagnosed with acute arthritis by her doctors. Determined not to accept living with arthritis as her fate, she began to look for options. She found out how to cure her arthritis through much research, modification of diet and much more. Garrison has made it her mission to help others suffering with the disease and has written a book to share with others called, “I Cure My Arthritis, You Can Too.”

Could This Be Arthritis In My Hands

Could This Be Arthritis In My Hands
Rusty Ford

Ask RustyArthritis Questions answered by Rusty Ford Editor of Arthritis-Symptom.comCould this be arthritis in my handsHi Rusty. A few days ago, I slightly injured a finger on my hand. Now my hand is swelling with severe joint pain in the fingers. At first I thought this was a possible sprain in that region, but now my other hand is showing the same swelling of the fingers and pain of the joints. Should I go check this out right away? It doesn’t seem to be getting worse today, but the pain and swelling are persistent. Could this be a sudden arthritis attack? I’m 38 years old and in good health (I just had a check-up at the doctor last week and the blood work came back okay). Your advice is greatly appreciated.Answer Ouch, a little sprain is not supposed to do that. Unfortunately some times it does. I am sorry to hear about this. It is not unusual for arthritis to begin in an effected joint. It is not the norm for it to set in so quickly. There are different kinds of arthritis that can effect the hands and feet that can cause swelling. It is possible that arthritis was already beginning but not showing symptoms yet but this triggered a symptomatic response. I am concerned that the pain is bilateral, effecting both sides. I doubt it is anything extremely serious but it would be good to see your doctor. The sooner the better. If nothing else, your doctor will be able to treat the pain and swelling. But if it is arthritis or one of the other conditions that can cause this type of swelling in the fingers the earlier the diagnosis the better. I wish you good health. Rusty
Rusty Ford is the editor of one of the internets largest arthritis web sites.