Essential Information on Pain Relief

As you know, too much of anything is not good. This also applies to the use of drugs for pain relief. Being too dependent on drugs is also not good for your body. Because of this fact, many people are now turning to electronic machines or devices for pain relief. If you dont want to feel any side effects from the use of pain reliever drugs, the best option would be the devices or machines. Such digital machines are convenient because once you wear them the pain relieving action takes effect. Your routine activities are not even affected.

Have you ever about the effectiveness of TENs? TENs or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation works through your skin. In order to use it, you will put the patch on the skin area where you feel any pain. This conductive patch will serve as the entry point of the electrical impulses from the TENs machine.

Your brain tells you that youre in pain. The electronic impulses from the machine block the sensory nerves of your body so that the pain signals cannot go to the brain. If the pain signals are blocked, you will not feel any pain; thus, resulting to pain relief. The machine generates signals that aid in the release of feel good hormones or endorphin.

Back pain is quite common and if youre also suffering from it, you can try using the machine. According to a Swedish study, the machine really works. In fact, about 70% of workers were satisfied of the pain relieving results of the TENs.

The recent TENs kits already comes with an electrical probe which can help in stimulating the acupuncture points of your body. The machines always come with cautions so that users will know where to put the pads. For neck and head pain, you should follow the machine instructions so that you can determine the acupuncture points or the channels. Read the manual carefully so that you wont encounter any problems.

For the machine to be effective, you should know how to position the electrode pads. If youre suffering from joint or muscle pain, the pads should be positioned near the pain source. For those suffering from nerve pain (sciatic), the pads should be placed over the sides of the spinal column and the legs top portion. Consult your medical specialist and ask about the machine. There are lots of medical practitioners out there who encourage the use of TENs. They can help you in effectively using the equipment. Proper placement of the electrode pads is vital. Always follow the guideline of the manufacturer so that you can get the best results. Keep in mind that the electrode pads should not be placed over the brain/neck/throat nerves, as well as near your eyes.

The machine allows users to control the electrical signals received by the body. You should always check for the settings of the machine. Muscle twitching is an indication that the control setting is too high. Make sure that you feel only tingling sensations when using the TENs.

Dont use the machine without the supervision of a qualified medical professional. You see, not all pain conditions can be relieved by the machine. Through expert help, you can determine if the TENs is the most suitable pain relief option for you. Ask your doctor now and if he or she recommends the use of the machine, you can always try it out.

Relief for Knee Pain

Have you ever had a knee injury? Knee injuries are quite painful and people suffering from such a condition will immediately look for effective pain relief. Your knees are one of the most important body parts. If you encounter repetitive knee injuries or accidents, you should know about the various techniques to ease the pain.

When you encounter any injury or accident, you must attend to it at once. You can use this technique which is more popularly known as RICE. R stands for rest. You need to take a rest after youve cleaned the wound or injury. Place your legs in a relaxing position. I stands for ice. Put ice over your knees. C is for compression and it is important when you have a knee accident. E stands for elevation so dont forget to elevate them as well.

A lot of pressure is exerted on the knees so you need to ensure that when you have a knee accident, the pressure is removed. Rest is vital if you want to relieve pain. Dont even try to put your knees at work. Blood flow should be slowed down and you can do this by placing ice over the affected area. By doing so, you can reduce swelling. Get some bandage and put it over the injury. Dont make it too tight. The healing process is also promoted through elevation. Try elevating your knees and you will notice that there is less pain.

Repetitive injuries can cause progressive pain. You can get rid of the pain by taking pain relievers. Ointments and creams are also available without doctors prescription. Again, dont remove the bandages because it will help in stabilizing your knees. The discomfort is already part of the injury but you can still reduce it to moderate by taking medicines.

You will need immediate professional assistance once you meet a knee injury. Consult an orthopedic expert or a pharmacist so that you will know what to do. Dont take medicines without a doctors supervision because it might worsen your condition. The orthopedic physician can teach you effective exercises and methods that can ease the pain of the injury. It may take a while before you can exert pressure on your knees again but its worth the wait; if you put your knees at rest, complete healing can come sooner. Always follow the doctors instructions and if you need to take medicines, take them on time and at the right dosage.

You cant do your routine activities if have a knee injury so make sure that you recover from it as soon as possible. Thanks to the modern technology of today, there are now countless medicines (natural and conventional), techniques, and other procedures that can speed up healing.

Affected individuals should also be determined to get well. If you think positively and youre doing everything to get rid of the pain, you will gain positive results. Your brain tells you when youre in pain and to some individuals its all in the mind. While youre trying to recover from the injury, dont think too much about the pain because it will only get worse. Watch a movie, read a book, etc. but make sure that you maintain a resting position. If you dont exert pressure on your knees, your knees will be in shape once more.

Relief for Chronic Pain Naturally

Are you currently suffering from chronic pain? If your answer is yes, how do you relieve such pain? Its natural for the body to look for pain relief when it is in pain or when its not functioning properly. Is there really a need to look for relief for chronic pain? This is a question that deserves a very good answer.

All the techniques to relieve pain are based on the philosophy that in order to be an effective pain relief tool, it should be able to manipulate the body. Some examples are shakes and applying pressure in the affected area.

People today are always busy and they dont have enough time to rest. Most of their time is dedicated to work and other household responsibilities. Indeed, you need to tell your body to work doubly hard in order to earn good income but youre also putting too much stress on your body. If this continues, you will suffer from chronic pain.

Getting a massage every now and then can really make you feel good. But do you really think that if you force pain relievers to your life, you will feel better?

Well, youre wrong. There is no need to force the pain relief techniques. If you can manipulate the therapies or techniques to relieve pain, you can expect better results.

People are already used to doing something in order to achieve a certain goal. By doing so, people are stressed out which brings about chronic pain. It is very easy for people to forget that they are just human beings.

Try to observe nature. What do you see? You can see birds flying, trees swaying, wind blowing, and plants growing all over the fields. As you may have noticed, these things happen naturally and no force is required.

According to studies, people who suffer from chronic pain should forget about doing something about the pain. So what can you do? You can try relaxation and meditation. However, you might find it difficult to do this especially when youre feeling excessive pain.

In every therapeutic or meditation process, it is vital for you to relax. To some individuals, the pain will become more evident when they are in a relaxed state. Try to find a position where joints are centered and your voluntary muscles are disengaged. Quiet your mind; dont think about the pain. Feel the stillness around you. Soon you will realize that your body is no longer in pain.

This idea may seem ridiculous since people are already used to doing. However, if you try it now, you will not lose anything. So what are you waiting for? If youre suffering from chronic pain, find a comfortable position where you can relax. It would be best to do this at home. Lie comfortably and put your body at rest. Forget about everything and empty your mind of thoughts. Try to feel the silence and stillness. Think positively so that your brain will not think of the pain.

Before you even think that this technique is not effective, try it out yourself. By the time youve finished this technique, you will notice that the pain is going away. Dont expect immediate results. It may take some time especially if youve been suffering from chronic pain for a several years now. Just try to be patient because your efforts will be rewarded and there are no costs involved.

What You Should Know About Arthritis

What You Should Know About Arthritis
Robert Thatcher

Should the person experience some muscle pain which lasts more than 2 or 3 days, there is a strong chance that one has arthritis.
Arthritis is a common disease that affects millions of people worldwide. This can be felt in the persons joints, skin and organs inside the body. Should the person feel anything wrong, it is advisable to go straight to the doctor.
Doctors have discovered that there are over 100 types of arthritis. Given the number, the doctor will not be able to know which one is affecting the person without an examination.
There are 2 common forms of arthritis. The first is rheumatoid arthritis which is considered a chronic disease. There is inflammation in the joints caused by cartilage damage. Anyone who has this will suffer long term joint damage that will lead to chronic pain and disability. Pain is usually felt when waking up in the morning and will gradually disappear during the day.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a problem that will not go away. This happens in three stages. The first is swelling. The second is the rapid division and growth of cells. The third is when these cells release enzymes that will eat the bone causing the joint to lose shape until the person will not be able to move it anymore.
Since this is systemic disease, it can spread and affect other organs in the body. The best way to prevent is from happening is detecting it early to prevent the person from being disabled.
This can be treated with proper medication and therapy. There many drugs available that the patient can use. Some drugs offer pain relief to reduce the inflammation. Others can just do one function.
The second is called osteoarthritis. This happens more often than rheumatoid arthritis but unlike the first, there is no inflammation present. The cartilage in the joint is damaged and will eventually degenerate. Pain will slightly be felt when the person gets up but this will hurt later on during the day.
Osteoarthritis can either be primary or secondary. When it is primary, it is often associated with age. It is similar to a car where the parts have to be replaced due to wear and tear. Doctors consider this to be normal as people grow older.
The secondary type is often associated with something else that has caused this to happen. Some of these factors are an injury that took place, heredity, obesity and bone density.
Osteoarthritis can be treated with medication, exercise, weight control, joint protection, physical and occupational therapy. This is done to relieve the pain and slow the progression of the disease.
Both of these are caused by different things. The common thing between these 2 types is that joint pain can happen anywhere in the body.
Given the many medications available to treat this disease, the patient has to be aware of the side effects of each before choosing which one to use. The doctor should explain these to the person in order to make the right decision.
Arthritis and its different forms will not go away. Since this is an insurable disease, the best thing that the doctor and others can do until a cure if found is to help the patient ease the pain the slow the growth of the disease.

About The Author

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides arthritis resources on