Chiropractic Care and Back Pain

At one point in time, we all experience back pain. For some, it was just exercising too hard or improperly lifting a box. These types of back pains are usually minor and the pain will subside with time and self-care. There are however, instances in which back pain is more serious and when medical care is needed.

When suffering from back pain, most individuals head to their primary care physician. If this is your only option, this is fine. But, if you have the financial resources needed to pay for your own appointments or if chiropractic care is covered by your health insurance, head to a chiropractor. Why? Because the care is better and safer.

What is chiropractic care? Chiropractic care is the natural practice of medicine. It relies on manual therapy. This involves the use of the hands. Medical tools, such as sonograms, x-rays, or MRIs, may be used to diagnose a problem, but the hands only usually provide treatment. Popular procedures performed by chiropractors include therapeutic massages and chiropractic adjustments. This involves using precise force to thrust a joint back into place or to extend it past its current ability to move.

How does treatment for back pain vary from traditional forms of health care? If you visit your primary care physician to seek pain relief, he or she will usually tell you to take an easy and prescribe pain medication. This only temporarily relieves the pain. Not all forms of back pain heal themselves. A slipped disk or another spinal or joint problem may be to blame. Pain pills and rest will not solve the problem, but chiropractors do. They will manipulate the spine and the back to elevate pain and improve mobility.

Does chiropractic care automatically mean ongoing care? No. Many people mistakenly believe that once you visit a chiropractor, you must continue going. Some chiropractors do recommend continued care, but not always. For example, if an adjustment or spinal manipulation is used, you may need to return for a small amount of therapy or just a follow-up appointment. During that appointment, your chiropractor will share ways to stop pain at home. This will include showing you how to properly lift boxes, sit at a computer and so forth. They may ask you to return in another six months to monitor the progress.

How does one find a chiropractor? Unless you already knew the benefits of chiropractic care, you might not have given chiropractors any thought. You may have driven by two or three offices a day and never noticed. It is easy to find chiropractors. They are everywhere. Your town or a nearby town should have at least two to choose from. As for how you can find them, local phonebooks, online business directories, insurance providers, recommendations from those you know, and by performing a standard internet search.

How does one choose a chiropractor? You now know how to find chiropractors, but how do you choose one? If covered by health insurance, check with your provider. Some offer moneysaving discounts to those who go with special in-network providers. If not, opt for a chiropractor who accepts your insurance. If uninsured, opt for the chiropractor with the most affordable rates or one who offers flexible payment plans.

In conclusion, if you suffer from back pain or discomfort, dont suffer in silence any longer. Dont just mask your symptoms. Recurring back pain is a sign that something is wrong. A licensed chiropractor cannot only find the problem, but treat it with no surgery, non-invasive procedures, and with no medication.


Word Count 592

Chiropractic Care versus Pain Medication

Do you suffer from mild to severe to unbearable pain? Regardless of its cause, you may turn to pain relievers. These are available over-the-counter and by prescription. Did you know they are not your only alternative? In fact, they are one of the worst. A better option is to seek chiropractic care.

As nice as it is to hear that chiropractic care is better than pain pills, you may be wondering why. What proof is there? Continue reading on for a detailed comparison. In the end, you will see why chiropractic care is better.

Fixing the Problem

Pain medication does not fix a problem. Yes, it does provide relief, but only short-term relief. Pain medication only masks the problem. It is still there. As soon as your pain pills wear off, the pain is likely to return. If you suffer from recurring headaches, it may be another day before the next headache returns, but it will.

Chiropractors fix the problem. Yes, they want to treat your pain. They just go about it differently. They dont want to mask the problem. Instead, they treat it and by going directly to the source. For many, this is the spine and connecting joints. By treating the problem at the source, you will get relief, but that relief should be long-lasting, if not permanent.

Side Effects

Pain relievers are full of side effects. This is particularly true with prescription pain relievers. Takers can experience upset stomachs, drowsiness, nausea, and more. Even the smallest side effects can negatively affect our lives. How can you work if your pain pills make you drowsy? It will be difficult, if not impossible. Pain relief should improve your life, not create a whole new set of problems to deal with.

Chiropractic care is all natural. It involves manual therapy. This is therapy of the hands. Temporary relief is sought with ongoing therapeutic massages. Overtime, they can lead to long-term relief. Another form of long-term relief is chiropractic adjustments or realignments. For example, a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis can get less pain and improved movement with finger joint adjustments.


As previously stated, most pain relievers, even over-the-counter pills, have side effects. If it wasnt bad enough, there are many other additional risks. Certain medications can result in stomach ulcers and bleeding. This is common with continued and prolonged use. Some medications interact with others. Pain medications are risky for children, the elderly, and pregnant or nursing mothers. Still, people use them and doctors prescribe them. That however, does not mean they are safe.

Chiropractic care, as stated above, is natural. There is no medication given. The hands provide therapy. Since there is no medication and no invasive medical procedures, it is safe. In fact, chiropractic care is safe for individuals of all ages. The old, young, and even pregnant and nursing women can seek relief through this natural form of healthcare. All should, as it is safer.


With pain reliever, think long-term. They only mask the problem, so it is likely to return. This results in the consumption of more medication. Not only is this risky, but very costly. Even with insurance covering the cost of most prescription pain relievers, their costs add up over a period of time.

Many fear the cost of chiropractors. For starters, insurance does cover the cost of most treatment. Next, continued care is not required in all cases. Your chiropractor may perform a neck adjustment, have you comeback for a follow-up appointment, and return again to show you helpful at-home techniques to reduce pain. After that, you may be done. Three appointments with a chiropractor, even if you pay out-of-pocket, are cheaper than years worth of pain pills.

In short, chiropractic care is not only safer, but cheaper, less invasive, and long-lasting. So, the next time you find yourself reaching for pain relievers to treat you pain and discomfort, please stop. Make an appointment with a local chiropractor. You may be surprised how easy it is to seek long-lasting or permanent relief.


Word Count 671

Chiropractic Care: What If Your Primary Care Physician Says

Chiropractic Care: What If Your Primary Care Physician Says No

Here is the scenario: You are suffering painful, recurring migraines. You head to your primary care physician. They prescribe pain medication to treat your migraine headaches. You are sent on your way to deal with the pain as it returns. You stop and think maybe this isnt right. You ask your primary care physician about chiropractic care. They tell you it does not work or that you are only wasting your money. What should you do? Run.

For years, there have been some troubling problems between the traditional medical field and chiropractic care. Some primary care physicians believe that chiropractors are nothing but glorified spa masseuses. Is this true? No. In fact, these problems are slowly decreasing. More primary care physicians are realizing the benefits of chiropractic care. Unfortunately, you may have an old school, doctor who has yet to realize the benefits. What should you do?

First, turn to the internet. Perform a standard internet search with the phrase chiropractic benefits. You will see many results. Many are websites of chiropractors explaining their practice and their medical schooling. Others are firsthand accounts of pain suffering people who have sought and received relief from a chiropractor. So, if some people do seek relief from this type of medical care, why are some primary care physicians so against the procedure?

For starters, it takes away from their profits. Doctors run profitable businesses, but those profits arent always staggeringly high amounts. With state aid from Medicaid and Medicare programs and insurance companies who only want to pay less, some private practices are suffering. Your primary care physician realizes that if you do seek relief from a chiropractor you will continue to seek that relief and no longer need their services as much. Someone suffering from financial troubles do not want to lose paying clients.

Although some primary care physicians are concerned about the financial aspects of losing patients to chiropractic care, others believe it does not work. Primary care physicians tend to believe that medications and surgery are best courses of treatment. Chiropractors utilize neither. They provide natural relief. In fact, they do more than just temporarily relive the pain; they stop it at the source. They do so naturally with manual therapy. A patient with neck pain may just need an adjustment. This is done with precision force and thrust.

If you want to seek chiropractic care, do. You should not care what your primary care physician has to say. Truthfully, he or she should be supportive of your decision. If they believe it will not work, they should still let you try. A doctor who discourages you or outright prohibits you from seeing a chiropractor does not have your best interest at heart. As previously stated, this care is all natural, so there are no risks. Since there are no risks, you have nothing to lose.

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor, turn to your local phonebook or the internet. If your primary care physician was unreceptive to the treatment, they likely dont have a referral or suggestion for you. If covered by health insurance, see if coverage is extended to chiropractor care. If it is, choose one that accepts your insurance. With insurance coverage or price comparing, you can easily find an affordable chiropractor. Since you have nothing to lose physically and the costs are affordable, see what type of relief you can get.


Word Count 570

Foods That Can Help Arthritis Sufferers

Do you suffer from arthritis? If so, over-the-counter pain medication may become a common fixture in your life. Unfortunately, some individuals are susceptible to addiction and there are health complications due to over-consumption. So, what should you do? Consider more natural ways to seek relief. In fact, start in your kitchen. Although there are no guarantees, many arthritis patients see success by incorporating certain foods into their diets.

What type of foods may help those, like you, suffering from arthritis?

Pineapple. Pineapple is recommended for arthritis because it contains a chemical called Bromelain. Many claims this helps to prevent inflammation. In fact, some athletic trainers recommend its consumption to keep joints pain free and flexible. As with any other health foods, it is best to consume fresh instead of canned or frozen.

Oily fish. Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis are often encouraged to avoid meats. Meat has fat that is known to produce inflammation agents in the body. The only exception to this is with fish. Oily fish, such as mackerel and salmon, are rich in omeg-3 fatty acids. These acids have many health benefits. They inhibit the release of joint destroying chemicals and compounds. Supplements are found in most retail stores, but it is best to get these oils directly from the source.

Celery. The celery plant contains many different anti-inflammatory agents. These can lessen the suffering of arthritis pain and discomfort. It is best to eat the celery seeds. Most recommend placing up to one teaspoon of celery seeds into a cup with warm, but not boiling water. Let stand for a few minutes and drink. This can provide almost instant relief during an attack. The celery plant as a whole contains anti-inflammatory agents; so eating fresh celery regularly has benefits too.

Red chili pepper. Red pepper, also known as cayenne pepper, can help relieve the joint pain associated with most types of arthritis. As for how, you may be amazed. Many claim it causes the release of natural endorphins. Essentially, your body itself stops the pain. Not only should patients consume red chili pepper, but a topical mixture works too. Many recommend mixing up to one quart of rubbing alcohol with once ounce of cayenne pepper. It is important to note, this mixture is to be applied to the skin during bouts of pain. Under no circumstances should you drink the mixture due to the rubbing alcohol.

Sesame seeds. The Chinese have long believed and used sesame seeds to combat the inflammation caused by arthritis. As with oil, sesame seeds contain healthy fatty acids. For the best results, eat sesame seeds straight. If you dislike taste or texture, opt for incorporating them into your meals. Eat sesame seed rolls and use them when preparing dinner at home. They can be added to most foods.

Ginger. Ginger is well-known and widely used to fight inflammation. Most commonly used as a cooking spice, it has many health benefits. In addition to reducing inflammation, it assists in treating diarrhea and nausea. Available in a spice format, it can and should be sprinkled atop cooked vegetables and other foods. As with omeg-3 fatty oils, it is best to go directly to the source. Fresh ginger is easy to peel and cook. Wrapped in a towel, bag, and freeze for months. It is also found in the non-carbonated ginger ale drink.

Raw cabbage. Although not as well-known and as popular as the above mentioned foods, many also claim raw cabbage assists with arthritis relief. Some recommend the regular consumption of raw cabbage or cabbage juice. They claim this relieves both joint paint and swelling.

The above mentioned foods may assist those suffering from arthritis. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees. Our bodies each process food in different ways. For example, celery can work to reduce joint pain for one individual, but it may actually trigger additional pain with another. In fact, some forms of rheumatoid arthritis are trigged by certain foods. For that reason, be prepared to experiment. Trial and error can help you determine which foods are the best at relieving your own, unique pain.


Word Count 683