How to Prevent and Manage Arthritis Pain

If you suffer from arthritis, pain becomes a part of your life. Even those who have dealt with arthritis for years, still suffer. With arthritis, the pain is more than physical. It is emotional too. Help must be sought.

If you suffer from arthritis, you want pain relief. In fact, you may want it now. Yes, it is important to seek pain relief, but first look at the cause. When seeking relief, you want more than temporary relief. The best approach is to stop pain before it starts. How? Luckily, you have many options.

Exercise. Exercise is vital to create a strong and healthy body. Not only that, it can relieve and prevent the pain associated with arthritis. Those suffering from severe pain, often left their symptoms go untreated. Their joints are so stiff that it literally hurts to move. If you have reached this point, it will take time. If not, start the process now. Exercise results in joint movement, lessening the stiffness and the pain overtime. It also builds muscle strength. This strength provides the joints with protection, lessening the pressure and pain.

Wise use of joints. Those who suffer from severe forms of arthritis suffer every minute of the day. They wake up and feel pain. In fact, a full nights sleep may be near impossible. Prevent joint pain by wisely using your joints and muscles. Do you suffer from arthritis in your elbows or hips? If so, lessen the strenuous activity that requires these joints. Instead of lifting heavy boxes with your arms, lift with the entire body. Instead of turning only the upper part of the body at the hips, reposition the entire body to get a good look.

Sleep. As previously stated, sleep can be difficult for those suffering from severe pain. A good nights sleep is vital to preventing pain. The energy the body receives from sleep can ward off pain or lessen its severity. If your nights are restless, sleep whenever possible. This may involve afternoon naps, but the payoff is worth it. A well-rested and well-energized body is able to ward off pain and manage it better.

Do not load up on pain medication. Unfortunately, those who suffer from pain, whether it be arthritis or not, rely on pain relievers. Some reach the point where they take medication before pain even sets it. It will arrive eventually, so why wait. Do not take this approach, unless advised by a medical professional. The body grows dependant on the medication we ingest. It is easy to become addicted to over-the-counter pain medication. To prevent pain, exercise, eat healthy, and get a good night sleep. Wait until the pain arrives before turning to over-the-counter medication.

Speaking of when the pain arrives, you now know how to prevent arthritis pain, but what if you still feel it? The above mentioned steps prevent some from experiencing severe pain, but there are no guarantees. Our bodies are all different. If your attempts prove unsuccessful, the next step is management. You need to learn to manage your pain. Pain management will allow you to function from day-to-day.

Reduce stress and relax. There is no doubt that arthritis sufferers deal with pain. This is a proven fact. However, our bodies play a huge role in the impact it has on our lives. A positive outlook on life will help. The less you focus on your pain, the less you will feel. Relaxation is key too. Does a warm bath relax your body and sooth your joint pain? If so, fill up the bathtub, add scented bubbles, and turn on your favorite music.

Get a massage. Most patients are surprised to hear their physicians recommend massages. Most assume they will be loaded with pain relievers and sent homes. Yes, over-the-counter relievers do assist with pain, but so does a good old massage. It relaxes the body and mind. Massages also warm the body and promote movement. In some cases, regular massages can help to prevent pain.

As you can see, there are many ways to avoid and manage the pain associated with arthritis. In fact, these are just a few of your options. No matter what type of arthritis you suffer from or how severe the symptoms, know you are not alone and that relief is available.


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Air Purifiers: Are They Worth the Buy?

Do you own an air purifier, if not, there is a good chance that you would be interested in owning one in the future, if you arent already interested. That is because air purifiers are rapidly increasing in popularity. Why you may ask? Air purifiers are rapidly increasing in popularity because they make indoor air healthier and cleaner. This means that by owning an air purifier, your home or your office space could become a pleasant place to be, instead of an unhealthy or an unpleasant place.

When it comes to air purifiers, despite the fact that they are popular, there are still many individuals who wonder whether or not they should get one. This is because many individuals wonder whether or not air purifiers are actually worth the buy. Are you one of those individuals? If so, you may be in for the surprise of your life. That is because, in most cases, air purifiers are not only a good buy, but they could also be considered quite a deal.

Quite a deal, you wonder? When it comes to air purifiers, there are many individuals who feel that they are expensive to purchase. While air purifiers can be expensive to purchase, you need to remember one thing. They result in clean air, which is easier to breathe. Can you put a price tag on that? That is why, when you think about, air purifiers are a great deal; thus making them definitely worth the buy. However, as great as air purifiers are, you need to remember that they are not all the same. That is why it is important that you know what you are buying.

When buying an air purifier, you need to examine the overall cost of an air purifier. The overall cost of owning an air purifier isnt just the price that you pay at the store; it is the price overtime. With many air purifiers, you are required to change the filter every few months. This ups the cost of an air purifier. For that reason, you are advised to examine the cost of a replacement filter, before making your purchase. If you are concerned with the cost of a replacement filter, you will want to examine air purifiers that do not use filters, just collection grids. These types of air purifiers may cost more money, upfront, but they could end up saving you money, in the long run.

It is also important to examine what you will be using your air purifier for. A large number of individuals use air purifiers if they have pets or if they have a smoker inside the house. Unfortunately, not all air purifiers are designed to remove these types of particles from the air. Therefore, if you plan on using an air purifier for smoke or for pets, you are advised to thoroughly read the descriptions of each air purifier that you are interested in buying. Buying the wrong type of air purifier can turn an otherwise good purchase into one that is definitely not worth the buy.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to find and purchase the air purifier that best fits your needs and the needs of your household. This is, in turn, will make your next air purifier purchase definitely worth the buy.


Pregnancy – What You Should Cover Up While Pregnant

Word Count:

Why do women cover up their pregnancy

Pregnancy,pregnant,pregnant women,baby,infant,extra weight,9 months, movements

Article Body:
Pregnancy – It has been said that a woman is at her most beautiful when pregnant. Well I am about to burst your bubble and tell you that there are women out there who beg to differ – especially for those saying goodbye to their 36 -26-36 figure for the next 9 months. Well ladies have I got news for you, this is just one of the many changes you can expect throughout your pregnancy.

Carrying a baby and all that extra weight can take its toll – proving very stressful for some women who tend to feel ugly about them selves at this time, why? When in the world of fashion you have designers who focus purely on the pregnant woman.

In the world of cosmetics we call it a make over and in the world of pregnant women it is called a cover up. This only apply`s to the woman who is still trying to come to terms with her new look similar to that of a sumo wrestler.

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience and even more special when holding your new born baby in your arms. If this is your first pregnancy then you may need a little more understanding on the baby`s development within. At first you may not even be aware of any baby movement like the odd flutter all because the whole process is new to you

It is around 18 to 20 weeks into your pregnancy when you may experience your first sensational sensation. Don`t expect your baby to constantly kick because there will be times baby needs to rest.
From as early as 20 to 24 weeks the activity inside the womb will gradually increase and from then onwards over approximately the next ten weeks, your baby will be in overtime mode with kicks and turns.

From 24 to 28 weeks baby can develop hiccups, which will explain any jolts you may feel occasionally throughout this period. It is at this time the amniotic sac will now contain up to 750ml (26floz) of fluid which permits the infant in the womb to move around freely. Into the 29th week your baby will start to make smaller but more distinct movements because of the limited space – in other words hard to manoeuvre inside a cramped uterus.

Positioning time for baby is classed as normal around the of 36th week where the infant is now in the head-down position, Expect baby`s activities at this time to feel like prodding jabs from the feet and arms followed by a couple of uncomfortable rib kicking episodes.

From 36 to 40 weeks the baby inside the womb will be of a good size therefore less action. Activity on the inside is a lot less frequent now and even more so during the last two weeks of your pregnancy. The infant now waiting to make his/her appearance will have their growth rate slowed down slightly. This is nothing to worry about as it is completely normal.

For all those pregnant women who still feel the need to cover up then go and fashion your self up from head to toe with all the latest trendy designer gear in maternity wear but what you have to remember is, that you can never cover up the end result – can you MUM

Preventing Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety attacks choose no one. It can happen to happy and perfectly normal people of all ages including children. Many cases of anxiety attacks just come out of the blue, or happen without any logical, clear or apparent reason. It may occur while you are relaxed during the day and even while asleep. Still, there are several ways on how to prevent anxiety attacks.

Learn about anxiety Understanding how anxiety affects the body as well as the mind can go a long way in your effort to prevent attacks. Read articles about anxiety and other psychological disorders that are related to it. Learn what are the things you should watch out for, things you should avoid, and practices you should do in case of an attack.

Avoid unnecessary stressors Recurring attacks are caused by “triggers” situations such as speaking in front of the public or getting trapped in an elevator. The effects of these triggers are often aggravated by stress. In other words, stress can act as a catalyst for such attacks to happen. Hence, reducing the stress level by avoiding unnecessary stressors can help prevent attacks. Avoid people that stress you out. Learn how to say ‘no’ to invitations as well as overtime when you have other things to do. Do not accept additional work that you can’t accomplish. These may seem very little things but can significantly increase stress level as well as increase the chances of having an attack.

Exercise has lots of health benefits including the promotion of well-being. It is also proven and effective method to prevent anxiety attack. Research shows that as little as 30 minutes of physical activity – 3 to 5 times a week – is enough to promote a healthy body. Increasing the intensity of the exercise produces more positive effects.

Eat balanced diet Like exercise, a well-balanced diet is important in keeping the body healthy, resistant to illnesses, and maintain a low stress level. As much as possible, eat natural or organic foods. Avoid processed foods or those that contain preservatives and chemicals.

Avoid smoking and caffeine. To those who are susceptible to anxiety attacks, substantial amount of caffeine (from coffee, soda and tea) as well as smoking cigarettes can provoke such attacks even further. It is wise, therefore, to avoid these things as much as possible.

Practice relaxation techniques Yoga, meditation, and other breathing techniques help strengthen the body’s relaxation response. When practiced regularly, these techniques even increase the feeling of uplifted emotions, happiness, and self-control, which increase self-confidence and self-esteem – significant factors in fighting anxiety attacks.

Learn to become assertive People with anxiety disorder usually have low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is manifested by passiveness, feeling worthless, feeling of guilt and shame, depressed mood, isolation, and difficulty in school, work, and community functions. Learning to become assertive may involve joining a group, entering into therapy sessions or simply learning to open up to others. It may take a while, but once a person learns how to assert himself, he will carry positive outlook in life which helps prevent anxiety attacks caused by “triggers”.

Awareness of the symptoms of anxiety attacks is as important as knowing how to prevent it. Watch out for:

Chest pain or heart palpitation
Feeling of loosing control or going crazy
Irrational fear over trivial things
Hot flashes or chills
Trouble breathing or choking sensation
Feeling like passing out
Feeling unreal or detach
Nausea or stomach cramps
Shaking or trembling
Feeling and fear of dying