Arthritis supplements

Arthritis supplements
Karri Koivula

While not everybody agrees that supplements are useful, there is quite a lot of anecdotal evidence to support them.
Couple of most hyped supplements for arthritis include glucosamine and chondroitin.
Glucosamine is an amino sugar that may have a major role in cartilage repair, it can also have minor anti inflammatory effects.
Chondroitin is also component of cartilage, it works very much similarly to glucosamine.
They can be very useful when the pain is directly cause by cartilage breakdown.
There’s some scientific evidence to back up their usefulness, and they might be worth trying, especially in case of osteoarthritis.
But, remember that glucosamine & chondroitin are sold as dietary supplements, and supplements aren’t regulated with the scrutiny of drugs.
So, make sure to purchase from reputable sources, or better yet buy a branded product, and you’ll minimize the risks of ending up with an unworthy product that doesn’t even have a change to work.

About the Author
Read more at pain relief guide site, quick links below.
Glucosamine & chondroitin for arthritis
Glucosamine guide
Liquid glucosamine

Arthritis Pain Relief! Weighing Over the Counter Medications and Supplements

Arthritis Pain Relief! Weighing Over the Counter Medications and Supplements in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis
John Robben

Chronic arthritis pain isn’t something to ignore: not only can
it affect your quality of life, it can also deplete your
emotional stores (leading to anxiety and/or depression) and
muscle fitness (leading to weakness or complete muscle

But whether you suffer from osteoarthritis (“wear and tear” of
the joints), rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation in the joints)
or gout (excess uric acid that accumulate in the joints), relief
from your arthritis pain is available. This article will discuss
the pros and cons of over the counter (OTC) medications and
supplements for osteoarthritis, focusing on managing arthritis
pain and maintaining the ability to use the joint in question.

Arthritis Pain Relief: Acetaminophen

Of the drugs in our list of arthritis pain relievers,
acetaminophen is widely accepted as the OTC with the least
amount of undesirable side effects and the lowest long-term
costs. However, acetaminophen does nothing to reduce
inflammation associated with arthritis pain, normally can only
treat mild to moderate cases of osteoarthritis and can easily
become toxic if mixed with alcohol.

Arthritis Pain Relief: NSAIDs

NSAIDs help sufferers with both arthritis pain and inflammation
and are quite inexpensive (like acetaminophen). However, long
term usage has been shown to cause upset stomach and other, more
serious side effects (such as skin rashes or speeding up the
progression of osteoarthritis by interfering with cartilage
repair and promoting cartilage destruction).

Arthritis Pain Relief: Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate

Combined together, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are
excellent supplements in the fight against arthritis pain: they
are said to increase mobility, reduce osteoarthritis pain and
form the building blocks for cartilage growth. However, those
allergic to shellfish must avoid glucosamine at all costs (since
it’s derived from the shells of shrimp, lobster and crab).

Arthritis Pain Relief: MSM

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) has been studied extensively (for
over twenty years) as an arthritis pain relieving supplement. By
blocking pain transmitters in the affected nerve, MSM users find
similar arthritis pain relief to acetaminophen, but without the
potential liver toxicity. Some osteoarthritis sufferers have
also noticed a reduction in inflammation of the joints also,
since MSM reduces histamine levels (linked to allergy-related

Arthritis Pain Relief: SAMe

SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) has been shown to reduce
inflammation in osteoarthritis sufferers as much as NSAIDs.
However, SAMe takes a longer time to see symptom reduction, but
offers less gastrointestinal discomfort than NSAIDs in general.
Arthritis pain sufferers should ensure enough B vitamins are
ingested along with SAMe to feel the full effects, and expect
slow but steady arthritis pain relief.

Arthritis Pain Relief: Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)

Found in evening primrose and borage oils, GLA is an omega-6
fatty acid said to help lessen arthritis pain, stiffness and
swelling. Few side effects have been recorded, however all
omega-6’s are blood thinners and may increase the risk of
bleeding if taken with NSAIDs.

As with all OTC supplements and drugs, check with your doctor
first before starting any arthritis pain reducing regimen on
your own. You may also want to monitor your liver and kidney
function for most of the medications discussed above since
almost all have a slight risk of side effects. Start with the
lowest dosage possible to see how your body and your illness
tolerate the item, and be patient: you’ll never be sure if a new
supplement or medication is actually working if you don’t take
adequate time to test.

About the author:
John Robben is the owner/operator of Ultimate Water Massage
(est. 2000), a Washington-based company that offers over 2000
products to ease arthritis pain. Visit for more information,
tools, supplies and tips for living with arthritis at

Arthritis Pain Relief 101

Arthritis Pain Relief 101
Charlene J. Nuble

Coming of age equals coming of a variety of body pains. And do you know what most of our oldies would complain about regarding this issue? Arthritis. An estimate of over 50 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions related conditions.The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. It is the kind of arthritis that usually affects nearly three-quarters of those over 50. At the onset of arthritis, pain is not a part of the major system yet. Morning and after rest stiffness and crackling joints are usually the first few symptoms that confirm the diagnosis of the condition. Upon the development of the disease, patients are expected to suffer from more discomfort, disability and pain.If left untreated, it can become progressively distressing and painful crippling can result. This is particularly true with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects women. It is prevalent with age group of 20 to 45.Arthritis is not only caused by the wear and tear the joints undergo. There are other factors that aggravate this condition. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an immune deficiency syndrome where antibodies develop against components of joint tissue, and mistakenly and aggressively attack the joints. Misdirected neovascularization leads to displacement of water while decreasing the volume and viscosity of synovial fluid (fluid between joints), further lessening the flexibility and cushioning power of the joint, until the surfaces of raw unprotected bone painfully begin to wear against each other, as it happens in conditions of Osteoarthritis. Inborn recessive genetic errors may also predict the inclination of a person to develop arthritis.Dealing with the chronic pain of arthritis can be frustrating. Pain from arthritis is often caused by inflammation, a localized protective reaction of tissues to irritation or any kind of injury and is often characterized by pain, redness, swelling and even disability. Crepitation is a process that can also cause the pain that is felt by an arthritis patient. It is the rubbing together of two bone fragments that cause a crackling sound. Muscle tension and fatigue can also cause the pain.The usual treatment for arthritis is through the use of painkillers. Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin can help relieve the pain of arthritis. But they only target the symptom and not the disease itself. Studies even show that the continual use of these NSAIDs may even cause joint deterioration thus making arthritis worse. Modern medicine does not have much to offer for the cure of this disease.The traditional temporary arthritis pain relief medications available leave a lot to be desired. Other pain solutions can be relied on to achieve arthritis pain relief. Massage therapy, hydrotherapy and cold packs are a few of the simple methods of pain management. Herbal remedies such as ginger, willow bark and fish oils and the well-known cartilage constituents glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are also promising a lot in revolutionizing the treatment of arthritis. Aside from the symptomatic relief they offer, they actually interfere with the origin of the disease. They are also being considered to help the body rebuild functioning joints. Also reported to be fast acting,in cream form, they increase mobility and optimal repair of joint structures as they help reinforce the body’s protective linings and lubricating fluids by recovering cell stability and function to stop further damage. Those discovered treatments among many might just be the best among the elusive arthritis pain relief that are commercially available. But above all, no matter how clichd it may sound, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.————————-Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR’S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.————————- About the Author
Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about arthritis, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:

Arthritis Of The Foot

Arthritis Of The Foot
Dr. Jeffrey A. Oster, Medical Director Of

Arthritis is a term used to describe a number of diseases that cause inflammation of joints and results in the progressive destruction of joints. Arthritis is actually a collection of many different joint diseases that affect the body and the foot in many different ways. In this article, let’s talk a bit about arthritis and how it affects the foot. We normally discuss treatment alternative for conditions, but due to the scope of this topic, we will not discuss treatment of each of the individual forms of arthritis.


Osteoarthritis is by far and away the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is known as the wear and tear type of joint disease and will effect most of us at one point in our lives. In our discussion on osteoarthritis, please refer to the nomenclature and anatomy sections below for definitions of the terms that my be unfamiliar to you.
When I think of osteoarthritis (OA), I think of my grandmother’s hands. Those hand have done a lot of work in their time and have a bit of arthritis to show for it. The fingers, crooked and bumpy show many of the changes brought on by osteoarthritis. The bumps on the fingers are called Heberden’s Nodes. Heberden’s Nodes are a very obvious example of how osteoarthritis occurs. If you’ve ever known anyone whose experienced the symptoms of OA, they’ll tell you that a joint will flare for a period of several weeks. It may be mildly painful or even painful to the degree that the joint is unusable. And then suddenly, just as passively as it came, it leaves. Occasional, brief morning stiffness was not unusual for grandma. The pain that had been present in her hands was actually due to a series of small micro-fractures that occurred in the subchondral bone (just beneath the cartilage). It seems that in cases of osteoarthritis, the bone just below the cartilage becomes very fragile. When loads are applied to this fragile bone, it breaks down. The more the joint is used, the more the bone seems to break down.
Over time, as the bone undergoes a series of flare ups, the ability of the bone to support the cartilage becomes unstable. The subchondral bone creates an unstable supporting surface for the cartilage. When the joint tries to complete its’ normal range of motion, the cartilage is irregular and progressively erodes. This moves us into the second phase of OA pain, and that’s when we have joint range of motion that is bone on bone. Cartilage has no nerve endings to sense pain, but bone on the other hand, has plenty. As the joint moves and the bone is eroded, significant pain can be experienced.
This erosive process seen in OA seems to occur at different rates in everyone. In fact, every joint seems to undergo the changes of OA at a different rate. The rate of change does seem to be effected by the history of damage to the joint. In fact the classifications used to describe OA include Primary (idiopathic or no known cause) and Secondary (some known cause for the disease such as trauma). Past injuries seem to accelerate the rate of OA in most joints. We all know someone with that old football injury, right?
The cause of OA is unknown. Many authors have speculated that the cause may be mechanical as described above, but others have described changes such as biologic, biochemical or enzymatic; or even a combination of each of these.
Changes that occur in the foot with OA are numerous. The most common is midfoot pain that is diffuse. The midfoot is a jigsaw puzzle of pieces that are difficult to manage when effected by a systemic disease of this nature. Other finding include atrophy (loss) of the plantar fat pad of the forefoot and heel. The big toe joint is often effected by the changes of OA with bunions and hallux limitus as common complaints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a very complex and debilitating disease that affects approximately 1% of the general population. Women are 2-3 times more prone to develop RA. RA is a process where the body’s immune system attacks the cell lining the joint capsule (synovial cells). The end result is thickening and fibrosis of the joint with destruction of the cartilage.
Symptoms of RA include an abrupt onset of inflammation. The swelling associated with RA may be isolated to one joint or effect several. Symmetrical involvement is typical with both hands or both feet being affected. In comparison to OA, morning stiffness seen in RA may last more than 30 minutes.
The finding of RA in the foot often progresses to subluxation of the joints, particularly the metatarsal phalangeal joints. Atrophy of the plantar fat pad is common.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis (PA) is an interesting form of sero-negative arthritis. PA is associated with psoriasis in many cases, but it is not unusual to find the symptoms of PA in a patient with no previous history of psoriasis of the skin or nail.
The symptoms of PA in the foot include focal swelling of the interphalangeal joint (the toes). The toe will appear to have swollen and become painful with a limited history of injury or pain. X-rays often show slow changes that exhibit erosion called a pencil and cup appearance. This finding is common on the metatarsal phalangeal joint.

Reiter’s Syndrome

Reiter’s Syndrome (RS) is an unusual form of arthritis that is usually found in men.. RS is often described as a sexually transmitted disease due to the history of the disease occurring following sexual intercourse which resulted in a chlamydial infection. It is suggested to treat those with RS, and their sexual partners, for C. trachomatis infections.
The symptoms of RS include burning upon urination (urethritis), dry eyes and joint pain. Joint pain in the back and feet are common. These symptoms occur 7-14 days following sexual intercourse and subside over a period of several months to years. Recurrence of pain is not unusual. About the Author
Jeffrey A. Oster, DPM, C.Ped is a board certified foot and ankle surgeon. Dr. Oster is also board certified in pedorthics. Dr. Oster is medical director of and is in active practice in Granville, Ohio.