Flesh Eating Disease Protect Against It

This article will help you understand a little more about the very frightening flesh eating disease. Protect against flesh eating disease by making sure you wash your hands thoroughly several times per day.

Also known as Necrotizing Fasciitis, this very rare (but serious) type if skin infection is caused by a number of different types of bacteria. It just depends on what the person who gets it is susceptible to at the time they get it.

One of the types of bacteria that cause this type of infection is the same type of bacteria that cause strep throat. It enters the body through cuts, scrapes, burns and even muscle strains and bruises. There does not have to be broken skin to acquire this type of infection.

This type of infection is commonly referred to as flesh eating disease. Protect against flesh eating disease by using hand sanitizer gel when you can’t wash your hands and keeping any and all cuts and scrapes or burns you may have clean and covered.

The most common way to become infected is through cuts (including surgical incisions) or other injuries that are not well cared for. Symptoms include:

1. Pain that becomes severe for no apparent reason a day or two after surgery or injury.

2. High fever and chills

3. Redness and swelling at the site of injury

4. The site of injury is hot to the touch

5. Nausea and vomiting

6. Diarrhea

Some predisposing factors that could contribute to anyone getting this type of infection are:

1. Having an already impaired immune system

2. Having a chronic disease like diabetes or cancer

3. Your skin integrity has been compromised (having open wounds or cuts like a surgical incision)

4. Have or have had a recent viral infection that causes an itchy rash like chicken pox.

5. Have taken prescribed steroid medications that lower immune system response to infection

As stated this type of infection is very rare but also very serious if you get it. If you experience any of the symptoms listed above then see your doctor immediately. If you wait and the infection takes hold then you could lose some skin, fat and muscle in the surrounding areas and may need to have it removed.

This could very well cause you to become disfigured and need more surgeries to try to resolve this (like plastic surgery or skin grafting), depending on where the infection is located on your body.

Bacteria is everywhere. No one can really ever get away from it but if you take simple precautions you can diminish your exposure to some of the more serious ones like the ones that cause this very rare type of infection.

Flesh eating disease. Protect against flesh eating disease by keeping your hands clean is the very best defense against bacterial infections. Also, keeping sores, cuts, and even insect bites clean and protected is key. Try not to scratch insect bites and keep your fingernails clean and neatly trimmed.

A Proven Remedy for Yeast Infections

Yeast Infections Are Not Impossible to Kill

There is a remedy for yeast infections, which is great news for the 3 out of 4 women who will develop one eventually. There are several different types of remedies that you can easily use at home. Natural remedies are generally less expensive and just as effective as prescription drugs, and they rarely carry the same types of side affects.

Using Boric Acid

Boric acid can be used to help treat yeast infections. This is due to its antiseptic and antifungal qualities. Because a yeast infection is basically a fungus run amok, this makes boric acid a perfect tool for restoring the balance of your system. Boric acid has been shown to be just as useful as a prescription strength drug in killing off the yeast infection. This remedy is usually taken as a vaginal suppository, which means it is placed directly in the vagina rather than being taken by mouth and traveling through the bloodstream.

You can find boric acid at compounding companies that deal in natural remedies. Do be careful when using boric acid; it is known to be toxic if taken by mouth. Keep it away from open wounds or cuts, and use it only as directed. In some cases, boric acid appears to cause the vaginal area to burn or become irritated.

What Are Probiotics, and Do They Work?

Probiotics are a very good remedy for yeast infections. They are simply live bacteria that will naturally kill off the excess yeast and restore the balance of your body. The most popular and useful of the probiotics is Lactobacillus. Several forms of this nice bacterium can be used to treat yeast infections naturally.

If you want to use Lactobacilli to treat your yeast infection, you have the option of using it as an oral supplement or as a vaginal suppository. Acidophilus, a member of the Lactobacilli family, is the key ingredient that makes yogurt work! With this in mind, it makes sense to eat plenty of yogurt when battling a raging yeast infection.

Tea Tree Oil and Other Treatment Options

This oil is taken from the tea tree and has apparently helped with yeast infections. However, tea tree oil is too strong to use without first diluting it a good deal. There is some debate about the safety and value of tea tree oil when used in this fashion.

Garlic cloves are well-known warriors in the fight against yeast infections. They can even be used as suppositories, provided the cloves are first wrapped in something soft and porous before being inserted. If you need immediate relief, try using yogurt as a topical cream. Simply soak a tampon in unflavored yogurt that contains active cultures and insert it as usual. If you dont wish to use a tampon, you can simply wipe the yogurt on with a finger. According to folk wisdom, honey can be used in much the same way and can provide relief on contact.


As you can see there are several ways to treat reoccurring yeast infections. However, if the problem continues, you should see your Doctor, to be evaluated for possible other health problems which may contribute to the yeast infections. A proven remedy for yeast infections need not be complicated nor expensive.