Fish Oil For The Heart

It seems that a lot of research and studies are showing how effective fish oil is in helping improve our heart conditions. Studies in Denmark showed that fish oil could reduce heart attacks by 50 %. While the Journal of American Medical Association published a report from Harvard School of Public Health that states that women who consume fish with higher Omega-3 fatty acid lessens their risk of incurring any heart disease.

These evidences show us how good Omega-3 fatty acid is to our body. This would actually improve our life and lengthen our life span. High contents of Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring and anchovies. They have docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA which have anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant effects.

Omega-3 fatty acid belongs to the polyunsaturated fats, along with omega-6 fatty acid. Omega- 6 acid come mainly from vegetable oil. Omega-6 oils can also provide the body with heart and health benefits, but too much is also bad for the body. Omega-3 fatty acids do not only help in heart issues, but also support brain development.

EPA and DHA are very important to our body. But the body does not produce Omega-3 fatty acid. We have to get the nutrients from our food. Omega-3 acids are called or referred to as building blocks of the body. They help the brain and vision development, not only for children but for adults as well.

Italian researchers actually say that consuming about 1 gram of Omega-3 per day would show significant effects on reducing heart attacks. A gram of Omega-3 fatty acid can be present in a medium sized serving of salmon.

How do these acids exactly reduce heart attack risks?

They reduce triglyceride levels. Triglycerides come from fats of the food that we eat and calories not digested. In excessive amount, tryglycerides can cause coronary heart disease. They are just like cholesterol, they block the arteries and these can lead to heart attacks.

Aside from that they can also stabilise irregular heart beat. It can lower blood pressure and increase the level of good cholesterol. They also have anti-inflammatory characteristics. They are also anti-coagulant which means they make sure that they platelets do not stick together are clot. These clotted platelets can also block the arteries and the blood flow. You call this Thrombosis.

But according to a research led by Dr. Jochen Senges of the University of Heidelberg, the risk for a second attack among patients who used recommended medications compared with those who are using fish oil has no significant difference. It just show how important it is to avoid getting any heart attack in the first place.

You can take fish oil supplement or eat a lot of fatty fish but if you do not combine them with a healthy heart diet, still it is going to be useless. A healthy heart diet would include high fiber food like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and nuts. Aside from eating fish, eating good quality protein products like lean poultry, non-fat dairy, and other products that does not contain saturated fat or trans fat.

Fish oil is not a magic pill which can transform you immediately into a healthy person just by taking them. Being a healthy person does not only require taking food supplements but also eating properly and healthily.

Brain Food: Fish Oil And Your Brain

Fish oil is not only good for the heart and for our overall health, this is also good for our brain. Fish oil comes from fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and anchovies. It contains Omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA. These kind of Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced by the body so it is important to take in food that contain these kinds of nutrients.

Fish oil is said to improve brain development and memory. DHA plays a major role in the structure and development of the brain. It is also important in developing vision. Pregnant womens diet should constitute fish oil since DHA is important for the baby to develop their brain.

According to the research by the University of Western Australia, expectant mothers who include DHA in their diet are said to give birth to babies with better eye and hand coordination and less risk of giving birth prematurely. Their children are also better speakers and could understand more at the age of two and a half. Although, if you are pregnant and would like to take fish oil supplement, it is better check with your doctor first. Fish oil is also said to result into bleeding as a side-effect.

Research and studies showed that adding fish oil to your diet could also reduce possibility and risks of mental and psychological disorders like depressive orders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, Alzheimers disease and dementia.

Actually, according to a study by Aberdeen University they identified that fish oil can actually increase IQ scores and can even slow the ageing process. According to a Swedish study published in the Archives of Neurology, patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer were given 1.7 grams of DHA and .6 grams of EPA. They showed less cognitive decline in six months.

As mentioned, fish oil is recommended for children who have ADHD. There are studies showing that the lack polyunsaturated fatty acids can contribute to this disorder. This can also be the reason behind dyslexia. There were studies conducted among children, they were given fish oil supplements for the period of three months. These children showed significant improvements in behaviour, reading and spelling. They were also able to focus and concentrate more.

There were studies that showed that Omega-3 fatty acids had the same effects as Prozac which is a known anti-depressant. Studies showed that countries with high fish consumption have lower rates of depression. Aside from that, pregnant women and those who have just given birth who include fish in their diet regularly have lower risk of experiencing postpartum depression.

If you have decided to take fish oil supplements to address these mental problems for yourself or for your kids or relatives, then it would be best to consult a doctor first. You would have to know how much you are going to take. Just like any vitamins or anything, when taken in excess it can have bad effects.

Too much of fish oil supplement can also cause some serious problems like oxidative stress. Some doctors would recommend taking Vitamin C along with the fish oil supplement. This would actually balance the nutrients that you are getting.

Fish oil has amazing effects on our health and body, we just have to remember to keep it balanced with a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle.

Choosing Fish Oil Supplements

Choosing the right fish oil supplement may not always be easy. One of the things to consider is that one should know about what makes such supplements valuable to health, which is its omega 3 fatty acid content. There are various sources of such essential fatty acids. It can be easy to question if there is indeed a difference between getting this nutrient from different sources.

Three Types Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
One of the things that people should know is that there are three known types of omega 3 fatty acids, the essential nutrient found in fish oil supplements. The three types of omega 3 fatty acids include EPA, DHA and ALA. ALA, or alpha-linolenic acid is a short chain omega 3 fatty acid that is usually found in plant sources such as flax seed, walnuts, canola and soybean oil. DHA or docosahexaenoic acid and EHA or eicosapentaenoic acid are considered as long chain omega 3 fatty acids. The latter two are those found in fish oil supplements.

The difference between short chain omega 3 fatty acids such as ALA and long chain omega 3 fatty acids has to do with how the body processes them. In order for the body to make use of such essential fatty acids, it has first to convert the short chain types into its long chain form. This does not usually happen readily. That is why fish oil supplements are considered more effective in providing the omega 3 fatty acids that it needs because it is already the long chain form which does not require any more conversion before the body can use them.

One of the other things to consider when choosing between fish oil supplements and ones that are sourced from plants deals with their effectiveness and benefits. Experts believe that the long chain omega 3 fatty acids being sourced from fish oils prove to be more effective in terms of health benefits. These essential fatty acids have already been known to offer some benefit in preventing heart disease. With the short chain fatty acid ALA however, experts are not too sure if ever it does provide the same benefit because it may still require additional conversion before it can be used by the body.

Fish Oil Source
Now that one already knows the difference between omega 3 fatty acids sourced from fish as well as those from plants, it seems that fish oil seem to have the upper hand. But this time there are some other things to consider. In order to get the type of fish oil supplements that offer the best source of long chain omega 3 fatty acids, people should know where they are being sourced from.

One important thing for consumers to look at when buying fish oil supplements is the label. It should contain information of where the fish oil used in the supplement is being sourced from. Because there can be more than just one fish species to source out such supplements, it is important to clearly know what types of fishes these may be.

Certain labels may contain information of the fish oil being sourced from salmon, tuna or anchovies. This might be considered safe. But if labels on the said supplements only tell of fish oil or marine lipids, this should ring some warning bells. It may be possible that fish oils in such supplements may not be too sure where the source may come from, which might also cast some doubt on the purity of the fish oil being used