Options to Fighting Acne

Although much is already known about how pimples and acne occur and develop, there are still a lot of people who find fighting the condition a life long trial.

There is actually little that people can do to stop its occurrence. There are people who are just blessed with great skin, meaning that their body hormones do not wreak havoc on their pores. Scientific studies have shown that acne is very closely linked to the amount of oil that the body produces.

Excess oils that are produced in the pores of the skin get trapped inside by either the dirt and the dust that the skin absorbs from the environment or by the abnormal structure of the pores. When these oils remain inside the pores for a long time and get to interact with the dirt, dead skin cells and the bacteria, propionibacterium acnes, found in the pore lining, skin eruptions occur in the form of acne.

With so many considerations to think of, it is not surprising that fighting acne does not only involve just one step but a multistep regimen that one must get right. Dermatologists agree that in order to fight acne, one must first reduce the oil production in the skin as this is the environment that the bacteria propionibacterium acnes oh so love. The second step is to exfoliate the skins surface so that the pore shape and the function improve. The third step is to disinfect the skin and kill of the bacteria causing the inflammations.

Within these three steps are a host of alternatives that can make anyone head spin. And the worst thing is, you can never really know what alternative is the right one for your skin as some people may be allergic to certain types of chemicals and may even exacerbate the condition rather than improve them. As much as it hurts the skin, one must do some trial and error experiments to find out the best combination of treatments for your skin.

Among the steps in fighting acne, the hardest to do is perhaps the elimination of unwanted oils in the skin. Oil production is already innate in the body and the amount that it produces is really dependent on our hormones. This is also the explanation why teeners are more prone to acne than adults. Still, there are products like clay masks that absorb oil a lot. Another good product is Philips Mils of Magnesia, a liquid magnesium hydroxide facial mask that absorbs the oil in the skin.

To exfoliate the skin, products that contain beta hydroxyl acid and alpha hydroxyl acid is used. There are a lot of these kinds of products available in the market. As a general rule, BHA is often preferred over AHA because the former is much better in penetrating through the oils on the pores. There are however some people who just cant use BHA, so AHA is the next best thing.

For fighting bacteria, there is nothing like benzoyl peroxide. Numerous studies have already shown how effective this can be in fighting acne by disinfecting the skin. One reason for the effectiveness of bezoyl peroxide is the fact that it can penetrate through the hair follicles and go deep into the pores and kill all the bacteria. Alcohol may sometimes be effective but it can also irritate the skin.

How to Take Care of a Pimple Prone Skin

We cannot all be blessed with a skin like that of Hollywood greats. Come to think of there are celebrities such as Cameron Diaz who also fight the fight against acne.

The truth is having clear skin is not just being clean and hygienic. There are people who are just more prone to acne than others because of their hormones. Studies have shown that excess oil production in the skin caused by hormones is one of the initial factors that cause acne. This is because the bacteria that cause the acne in the first place thrive in an environment that has a lot of oils.

Acne comes about when unwanted oils get trapped inside the pores of the skin. When the pores are clogged with these oils, not to mention the dirt and the dead skin cells that often line up the pores throughout the day, irritation can occur. When the bacteria propionibacterium acnes come into the picture, all hell will break loose on your face and other parts of your body.

This is perhaps the reason why it is so hard to take are of an acne-prone skin. You have to consider a lot of things as it is not caused by just one factor but a host of factors that interact with each for the end product. With all the available products in the market, all saying that they are the answers to all your pimple prayers, this can be mightily confusing.

One of the first steps of course that everybody should do whether one is blessed with good skin or not is to clean it. Although there are people who can take on ordinary soaps as cleansers, there are people whose skin is so sensitive that they need milder cleansers that are water soluble.

Dermatologists also recommend that people do not rub their skin so tight as they may irritate the skin. This can result to even more blemishes and may even affect the skin natural ability to heal and regenerate new skin. Another great advice is to make sure that all of your make-up is removed when you wash your face. Make up easily clogs the skin when left on the face.

Another step for taking care of pimple prone skin is to remove the excess oils as much as you can. This can be really tricky as there is really nothing you can do about the production of excess oils. The most that you can do is remove the oils that are already produced in the skin. Some people use facial masks like Philips Milk of magnesia mask, to help remove the oils.

Others use rice papers to keep the face from oiling out. One problem is that there are people who have sensitive skins. When these masks and rice papers are applied to the skin, it gets irritated. To be on the safe side, before you put anything, make sure that you have already consulted your dermatologist.

Exfoliating your skin is another step that one must take into consideration when taking care of an acne-prone skin. Exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells in the lining of the pores as well as penetrate through the pores and remove the dirt and other materials that clog it. For exfoliation, products that have beta hydroxy acid (BHA) and alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) are used.

Combating Acne at Home

Aside from the appearance of early signs of aging like wrinkles, one of the most common skin problems of people is the development of acne.

Acnebeing a medical condition and a skin disorderis caused by increased hormones especially for teenagers, the enlargement of sebaceous glands that attached are to the hair follicles, increased sebum or oil production and presence of acne-casing bacteria on the skin.

Simplifying Acne Medication

Although it is advisable to consult the dermatologist or the doctor first before doing anything to sure acne, there are some safe and effective home remedies for acne that can be done without major consultations with the experts.

1. Vitamin therapy. One of the safest home remedies for acne is treatment through vitamins such as niacin, vitamin A, and Vitamin E.

For effective results, the patient is advised to take at least 100 milligrams (mg) of niacin, 50,000 international units of vitamin A three times a day and 400 mg of vitamin E once daily for at least one month.

2. Zinc treatment. The use of zinc in curing acne is becoming more popular in the field of nutrition and wellness nowadays. After showcasing impressive results in some acne cases, more and more people are now taking in zinc in therapeutic dosages of 50 mg thrice daily.
Available in tablet and in capsule forms, the acquisition of zinc is now related to the treatment of acne. In its tablet form, zinc can be purchase under the name Zinfet with 200 mg while in capsule form, it can be brought under the name Ulseal 220 mg. In the home zinc treatment, the acne patient can take of 50 mg daily in one month. If positive changes occur, the dosage can be reduced to 25 mg.

3. Orange peel remedy. Aside from being a good source of vitamin C, orangeusing its peelhas become a popular home remedy for curing acne. After pounding the peel with water on a piece of stone, the patient can apply the mixture on to the areas affected by acne.

4. The lemon remedy. This is probably one of the simplest remedies you can do at home to cure your acne. By extracting the lemon fruits juice and applying it regularly on the skin, you can terminate persistence pimples that may cause acne.

5.Garlic treatment. Contrary to common conception, the use of garlic is indeed one of the most effective ways to treat acne. By rubbing raw garlic on the affected area several times a day, you can achieve a clearer and spotless skin.

And by eating at least three seeds of raw garlic daily for a month, you can purify your blood stream and cleanse it to keep acne-causing bacteria away.

6. Coriander and mint juice remedy. Another known effective home remedy for acne is the application of coriander juice or mint and turmeric powder mixture on the face. Make sure that you cleanse your face thoroughly before applying it at night.

7. The fenugreek paste treatment. Aside from using its seed to make curry powder, fenugreekthrough its leavescan be a useful remedy for acne. Making a paste out of its leaves, you can produce a facemask that can be applied at night to prevent pimples and blackheads.

8. The cucumber remedy. Grated cucumber is considered as the best toner for the skin. By applying grated cucumber slices on to face, eyes, and neck for 15 to 20 minutes, you can eliminate persistent blackhead and pimples.

9. An all-fruit and well balanced acne diet. Eating fresh juicy fruits apples, pears, grapes, peaches, and pineapples and peaches combined with healthy vegetables can eliminate the possibility of developing acne.

Other home remedies for acne include warm-water enema, exposure to sun and air baths and hot Epsom salts bath.

Acne Types, Causes And Treatments

Acne Vulgaris, commonly referred to as pimples, is an inflammatory disease of the skin. This condition is very common in puberty. As one reaches their early twenties, it either disappears or decreases. Acne begins because of the comedo, an enlarged hair follicle plugged with oil and bacteria. The comedo is invisible to the naked eye and is present beneath the surface of the skin. When it gets the right condition, it grows into an inflamed lesion. The oil produced from the skin helps bacteria to flourish within the swollen follicle.

Non-inflammatory acre are of two types Closed comedo or white head, and Open comedo or black head. There are 4 types of inflammatory acne

Papule It is the mildest form that appears on the skin as a small, firm pink bump.

Pustule They are small round lesions containing visible pus. They may appear red at the base and yellowish or whitish at the center.

Nodule or Cyst Large and painful, they are pus-filled lesions lodged deep within the skin. The nodules may persist for weeks or months with the contents hardening into a deep cyst. Both nodules and cysts often leave deep scars.

Acne Conglobata This severe bacterial infection develops mostly on the back, buttocks and chest.

The chief causes of acne are hormones like androgen, production of extra sebum, follicle fallout, bacteria and inflammation. For controlling acne, you can carry out the following steps

– Avoid excessive washing of your skin. It can leave the healthy skin dry, thus irritating the acne prone areas. Over-washing may also stimulate extra oil production.

– Avoid alcohol products to tone your skin. Alcohol is a strong astringent that strips the top layer of the skin causing sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

– Do not squeeze or pick the acne with fingernails, pins or any other thing. It forces the bacteria deeper into the skin and often leaves a permanent acne scar.

– A wash is required after exercise. The heat and moisture trapped against the skin creates an ideal breeding ground for the spread of bacteria.

– Consume food rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B-2, Vitamin B-3, Vitamin E and Zinc like eggs, nuts, liver, milk, fish and leafy green vegetables.

– Proper sleep and a life without stress and emotional anxiety can reduce acne.

– Wear little make-up while exercising. Avoid garments that are made exclusively with nylon.

Laser surgery is often used to reduce the scars left behind by acne. Treating acne with azelaic acid, salicylic acid, tropical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide is also common. A large number of people started trying herbal acne treatments over the traditional medications by using teas, oils and herbal creams.