The Natural Way of Fighting Kidney Stones

For those people who are suffering from kidney stones, experts say that the easiest means for them to deal with the condition is to flush it out from one’s system. Although this can be done by using medication or through simple medical procedures, it is always best to do it the natural way. Some of the natural means in dissolving kidney stones and flushing it out from person’s system is by drinking tea. Since time immemorial, tea has been giving people a lot of benefits. And one of which is helping the body’s system to flush out waste products that could bring health complications.

More and more individuals who have suffered from kidney stones would agree that teathose that contain Chinese herbs such as plantain leaf, meadowsweet, Joe-pye weed, and sarsaparillacan help dissolve kidney stones because these contain natural properties, which are good in eliminating excess uric acid in the body.

People in China are known to use the mentioned herbsin the form of teato treat kidney stones. Combined with other herbs such as corn silk, wild yam root, hydrangea root, yarrow leaf, and cramp bark, tea preparation can be an effective means of dissolving small kidney stones in no time. To make the tea more effective, longer time in preparation is a must. This is done to ensure that all the natural properties will be intact. Although many people attest to its effectiveness, this may not work for everyone especially to those who bleed easily.

Another means of dissolving kidney stones the natural way is through diuretic tea. For this type of tea, you can choose either dandelion or corn silk. Many people say that these herbs are the two most popular choices of diuretic that can produce early results. When combined with other herbs such as nettle leaf, fennel seed, and oat straw, diuretic tea can be more effective in dissolving even medium-sized kidney stones.

If you are not the type of using herbs as a natural means of fighting kidney stones, there are much simpler ways such as:

1. Taking in lots of fluid. People with kidney stones must drink at least 8 glasses of water to flush out body waste.

2. Opting for lemonade preparation. With the properties present in lemons, it can delay the development of stones in the person’s body.

3. Eating foods that are rich in fiber but low in protein, calcium, and salt. By doing this, you will have lesser risk for kidney stones because you are veering away from the major causes of kidney stones.

4. Engaging on a regular physical exercise. Experts say that one of the reasons why people become prone to kidney stones is due to lack of movements. By veering away from a sedentary living, you can delay and even postpone the formation kidney stones.

Today, many studies show that the most common problems of people involving their kidney is the presence of kidney stones which, are pieces and clumps of waste products formed in this specific body organ. People may not know this but kidney stones can be literally compared to the real stone because they are hard and can be painful specially when they grow in terms of numbers.

But, unlike the real stones, kidney stones can be dissolved once they are diagnosed early.

Are Alternative Eczema Treatments Really Effective?

Anyone suffering from eczema will attest that not only the skin disease is a painful one, but it also very depressing. On cannot help but think about how other people react upon seeing those unsightly red, swollen and scaly patches on the skin. Because of this, those afflicted by the disease will try any available eczema treatment to help lessen the symptoms at all costs.

There is really no cure for eczema; however, there are many treatments available that help lessen the symptoms. Doctors often prescribe topical and oral treatments that will help in alleviating inflammation and itchiness, but these do not come without side effects. Some of them potentially include nausea, vomiting, hypertension, glaucoma, growth retardation and many others. With all these side effects in mind, someone with eczema cannot help but look at some of the alternative ways of treating eczema.

Herbal Medicines

There are hundreds of herbal medicines out there that claim to have beneficial effects to the symptoms of eczema. Basically, what they do is try to control the hyperactivity of a persons immune system, control inflammation and relieve itchiness. There are a variety of preparations and mode of applications for such herbal medicines. Some of them may be in the form of oils, lotions, soaps, infusions, teas and even pills.

Herbal treatments for eczema may include and may be derived from the following popular plants and plant parts:

– Aloe Vera gel
– Babul tree bark
– Burdock root
– Butea seeds
– Chamomile
– Linseed oil
– Madhuca leaves
– Oat straw
– Rosemary
– Walnut leaves
– Witch Hazel

Just bear in mind that herbal medicines are still medicines. Although they may not be potentially hazardous to your health, they may still cause side effects, no matter how minor they may be. Also, before trying out any herbal treatment, it is best to consult your doctor first. This is particularly important if you are currently on certain medications, as these natural remedies for eczema may interfere with the drugs.

Aromatherapy and Massage

Aromatherapy treatment for eczema may include massaging of the affected skin with essential oils that give off strong smell, this being derived from aromatic plants. Studies conducted among children have shown that massaging the eczematous skin with ordinary oil yielded the same positive results obtained using essential oils. In both cases, the children achieved relief from the symptoms, as well as improved their sleep.

It has been found out that stress plays a major role in the flaring up of eczema. That is why many doctors recommend anyone afflicted with the skin disease to relax, get rid of stress and have a positive outlook in life. This is where aromatherapy works: the scent of the essential oils used helps the person achieve relaxation better; hence, diminished flare ups.


Although stress does not directly cause eczema, it does have an effect on flare ups, as discussed earlier. Some experts might use a device attached to the body of the person suffering from eczema which evaluates different body signals. These signals include muscular tonicity, heart and respiratory rates. The information the device gives is called biofeedback an eczema treatment which is helpful to many.

The goal of this method is to let you sense the changes going on in your body when you are stressed, and learn how to control them right away. With less stress, less flare ups are likely to occur.