Nursing Assistant Licensing Requirements

For those interested in pursuing a career in the medical field, obtaining your certification as a Nursing Assistance can be exactly what you are looking for. While the specifications for licensing vary by state, all programs have basic elements. First, you must be able to pass a background check. This is for the safety of all patients and other staff. Some states only look at felony convictions, while others look for reckless behaviors including harassment, domestic violence, and driving under the influence of alcohol. Most programs also require a GED or High School diploma.

Nursing Assistant programs are generally run by healthcare facilities and local colleges. Contact any such facility for a listing of up coming classes in your area. Generally, the courses run from four weeks to twelve weeks in length. You will be required to complete a set amount of hours of classroom time as well as a set amount of hours of clinicals. These clinicals are hands on practice that takes place at a medical facility. You will not be paid for your hours worked during this training program. Federal law requires a minimum of 75 hours in any program, all of which must be supervised by a qualified Registered Nurse.

Upon completing all of your classroom hours and clinical training, you will then be required to take a Certified Nursing Assistant exam. This exam is held periodically throughout each state. Some agencies will allow you to secure employment as a Nursing Assistant during that period of time between completing the program and your scheduled exam. Often, verification of program completion and verification that you are registered to take the test are sufficient.

This comprehensive exam is made up of two parts, written and clinical. The written part of the test is said to be mainly common sense. The clinical portion will require you to perform a number of techniques that you will be using in your job. You Nursing Assistant program instructor will inform you of items you should be well skilled in for the exam. In addition, forming your own study group and taking online practice tests can help you feel confident as the date of the test arrives.

The Nursing Assistant licensing requirements are designed to ensure everyone obtaining a certification from the program is properly trained in policies and procedures. Precautions are taken for the safety of the patients, their families, and other medical staff members. It is important to understand that the program will only help you to learn the basics of the job. The specific job requirements will depend on the facility you are working for. You will receive either orientation or on the job training at each medical facility you begin employment with in the area of Nursing Assistant.

With the demand for Nursing Assistants very high right now, it is an excellent career to pursue. The demand is anticipated to continue growing, with the biggest demands being in facilities caring for the elderly. This is the result of people living longer on average.

If you have any questions about the Nursing Assistant licensing requirements in your state, contact your state Medical Board by phone or online. The interest also provides you will additional information on licensing, classes, and career development in the area of Nursing Assistant.

Nurse Assistants and Communicable Diseases

Communicable diseases are those that can be transferred from one individual to another. These include the common cold, tuberculosis, the flu, and HIV, herpes, measles, chicken pox, lice, and strep throat. Are of these are highly contagious. For those who already have medical issues, their immune system has a hard time fighting off anything else, so they are very susceptible.

Communicable diseases spread by human waste including saliva, stools, urine, blood, and other bodily fluids. Airborne droplets from the nose and mouth are also a common transmitter.

Since communicable diseases often spread like wildfire if not properly contained, it is everyones responsibility to do all they can to maintain their own health. Washing your hands often is a very good place to start. Most germs cant survive soap and water. Nursing Assistants are encouraged to wash their hands more than most people because they are in constant contact with other people.

As a Nurse Assistant, it is your responsibility to immediately notify your supervisor if you develop the symptoms of any communicable disease. They can then determine a course of action. It may be recommended that you dont come to work until the communicable disease has run its course. Depending on the disease, you might be able to continue working with a respirator to prevent passing it to anyone else. In some cases, it may need to be reported to the health department.

Some communicable diseases can be cured with antibiotics such as strep throat. Others including the common cold will have to run their course. You can do your part by remembering to wash your hands, taking your vitamins, being current on all immunizations, and getting an annual flu shot.

Learning about these types of diseases is an important part of the Nursing Assistant program. Most medical facilities train all new employees in the area of communicable diseases. There is also ongoing training. While preventing the spread of communicable diseases is important in any work environment, it is especially important in a medical setting.

Each medical agency will have different processes and procedures for handling the spread of communicable diseases. Make sure you are well trained in identifying them, noticing the onset, and knowing how to handle each type of situation. Epidemics of communicable diseases require emergency procedures to take place. It is very important that you agency trains all employees in that area as well.

Nursing Assistances come into contact with bodily fluids of patients on a regular basis, and this is the most common method that they are infected with communicable diseases. You should always use rubber gloves when doing tasks such as changing soiled bedding and clothing and empting bedpans. The use of a sterile disinfectant while cleaning is important as well. If you do get bodily fluids on you, immediately was the area with soap and water, then report the incident. Your report needs to include what took place and what bodily fluids you came into contact with.

Communicable diseases are an area many people dont know much about. It is important that Nursing Assistants do some research on their own to make sure they fully understand the health risks involved with coming into contact with communicable diseases. While it is very rare, there have been reports of Nursing Assistants being infected with HIV and other potentially deadly diseases.

Being a Nursing Assistant can lead to a Career as

Being a Nursing Assistant can lead to a Career as a Nurse

A Nursing Assistant certificate allows you the opportunity to secure employment at entry level in the medical field. This position requires compassion and dedication to assisting others. It also requires a high level of effective communication as well as attention for detail. Most people entering the Nursing Assistant profession find it to be a rewarding and challenging career. However, many choose to use it as a building block for becoming a Nurse.

The program for becoming a Nursing Assistant is very fast compared with the time it takes to earn a degree in Nursing. Therefore, many see it as a logic choice to gain experience in the medical field. It is an excellent idea for those that arent sure if Nursing is for them. It is better to spend four to twelve weeks in training to find out then to spend two or more years working on a Nursing degree.

There are individuals who must maintain employment while pursuing their education degree for financial reasons. For individuals in this position, completing the Nursing Assistant program offers them a way to secure employment that is related to what they are going to school for.

Others choose to advance their career once they have been working as a Nurse Assistant because they see many of the tasks Nurses are responsible for. It is a level of responsibility they wish to acquire. Since they work so closely with the Nursing staff, it is a perfect opportunity to explore more of what takes place. Others have a sincere desire to further their education, but for a variety of reasons have not been able to.

There is a significant pay difference between working as a Nursing Assistant and having a degree as a Nurse. The dollar amount varies based on location, but on average the difference is $4 to $9 per hour more. It doesnt take long at all for the overall income difference to be seen. Nursing assistants often decide that they want to work in the medical field, but definitely want to be paid more for their work. Of course, the level of responsibility differs greatly between a Nursing Assistant and a Nurse.

Working at a medical facility as a Nursing Assistant can work to your advantage when you decide to pursue a degree in Nursing. It might help you get into the program if there is more interest in the program than enrollment opportunities.

Due to the continuous demand for qualified trained professionals in the area of Nursing, most medical facilities will support you in your efforts to further your education. They will often adjust your work schedule to accommodate you whenever possible.

Tuition assistance programs are offered by many employers in the medical field. They work in a variety of ways. Some will cover a percentage of your tuition; others will pay up to a particular dollar amount. Often, you will be required to agree to work for them for a particular length of time or have to reimburse them for any tuition paid on your behalf. Others wont pay anything while you are attending school, but will offer tuition reimbursement upon completion of your Nursing degree.

Another advantage of working as a Nursing Assistant prior to obtaining your degree in Nursing is you will have an edge over other recent graduates. You will have work experience to offer in combination with your degree while many others will only have their degree.