Searching for Osteoarthritis Pain Relief?

Searching for Osteoarthritis Pain Relief?
Kristy Haugen

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease is a wear and tear disease of the joints typically seen in the older adult (usually over 60 years of age). Cartilage within the joints breaks down causing pain as the bones rub against each other. Osteoarthritis is commonly found in the knees, hips, hands, spine, and feet.
Obesity is a risk factor for developing osteoarthritis in the knees and hips. These weight bearing joints carry much of the weight causing increased wear and tear. Weight loss can significantly reduce the chance of developing osteoarthritis and can alleviate pain in people who currently have osteoarthritis.
Currently osteoarthritis treatment is limited because no medications are capable of preventing or retarding the disease process. Osteoarthritis treatment involves focusing on pain relief, the maintenance of quality of life, and functional independence. Let us take a look at some of the treatments that currently exist for osteoarthritis.
Many doctors recommend acetaminophen (Tylenol) as the initial analgesic (pain medication) of choice for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Acetaminophen has very few side effects. When using acetaminophen as a pain reliever, remember to follow the directions correctly. Acetaminophen is commonly overused by patients. You are recommended to not exceed 4,000 mg of acetaminophen in a twenty-four hour period. Acetaminophen is metabolized or processed by the liver. Excess acetaminophen can cause damage to the liver. Acetaminophen is also found in other pain medications such as Darvocet, Percocet, and Tylenol Cold. In fact, acetaminophen is found in quite a few prescription pain medications.
Traditionally NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) have been useful in the treatment of osteoarthritis associated pain. One major concern with the use of NSAIDs is irritation to the stomach lining. In more severe cases, gastrointestinal bleeds or ulcers may form. NSAIDs can affect the bodys blood clotting ability and interfere with kidney function. NSAIDs should always be taken with food to decrease stomach irritation or upset. Do not drink alcohol while taking NSAIDs. However, these drugs should not be taken for extended periods of time unless directed otherwise by a qualified medical provider. Some common types of NSAIDs are ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve), and aspirin.
Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors (COX-2 inhibitors) are a class of NSAIDs. COX-2 inhibitors suppress arthritis pain much the same way but with less stomach irritation. Many of us know of COX-2 inhibitors but not by this name. Vioxx (refecoxib), Celebrex (celecoxib), and Bextra (valdecoxib) are COX-2 inhibitors. Vioxx and Bextra have been removed from the market. These drugs can significantly increase the risk for stroke and heart attack. Celebrex remains on the market but does have a black box warning stipulating this drug also can increase the risk for cardiovascular events and gastrointestinal bleeding.
Capsaicin (Capsagel, Zostrix) which is derived from chili peppers can be applied topically for the treatment of osteoarthritis pain. Capsaicin will cause vasodilation, itching, and burning to the skin but after repeated applications desensitization will occur, decreasing ones pain. Methyl salicylate creams such as Ben-gay can also be used for osteoarthritis pain. Studies have shown that oral glucosamine and chondroitin supplements have a mild to moderate analgesic effect with arthritis.
For osteoarthritis patients who cannot tolerate their pain, glucocorticoid injections may be done. Glucocorticoids are similar to the hormone cortisol in the body. Glucocorticoids help alleviate pain by decreasing inflammation and swelling within the joint. Side effects are typically seen if you receive these injections too frequently.
Hyaluronan (viscosupplementation) injections can be injected directly into the joint for treatment of osteoarthritis. This medication helps supplement the synovial fluid. The synovial fluid is a lubricating fluid allowing the bones to move smoothly within the joint. This injection should relieve pain and improve your mobility of the joint. This treatment involves 3-5 shots within 5 weeks. You may experience pain and swelling after the injections but this should dissipate. Reduced osteoarthritis pain may last up to 6 months.
For patients that have decreased function and mobility of the joint, surgical intervention may be necessary. Surgical involvement should also be considered in patients whose pain has progressed to unacceptable levels. However, good surgical candidates are usually considered ideal for surgery. Certain health conditions can affect post-operative rehabilitation and healing. Surgery can hold just as much of a health risk as medications have side effects.
Osteoarthritis is not curable but there is hope for the future with advancements in medicine. Along with the above treatments for pain management, it is also important to remain active and healthy. Exercising regularly can help maintain mobility of the joint. Exercise also creates natural pain relievers such as endorphins. Pain may be a part of osteoarthritis, but pain doesnt have to be a part of your life!
Copyright 2006 Kristy Haugen

About The Author

Kristy Haugen is a mother working to finish her second bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering. She is also a Licensed Practical Nurse with a current bachelor degree in Biology and Chemistry. She writes to inform consumers about nutrition and health topics. Learn more about weight loss supplements at Learn more about vitamins and your health at

Rheumatoid arthritis treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis treatment
Robert Kokoska

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition where involves inflammation
of joints which leads to further swelling and pain. It causes an
upset inside the body where the immune system starts attacking
joint tissue, cartilage and other organs.

However the causes of rheumatoid arthritis are still not known
fully. This type of arthritis is the most common and affects one
in every 100 people. Rheumatoid arthritis affects people of all
ages but mainly effects people within the ages of 30 – 50. Women
are three times more likely to be effected as men. Patients
carrying this form of arthritis most often complain of
fluctuating pain and inflammation of joints, which can get gets
worse during flare-ups.

This article aims to offer an insight into several treatments
that can be used against rheumatoid arthritis.

There are two main kinds of drugs used against rheumatoid
arthritis; first line drugs, fast acting drugs, and second line
which are slow acting drugs.

First line drugs include nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Examples of NSAIDs are
aspirin, ibuprofen and etodolac. These can be used to reduce
pain and swelling of joints.

Aspirin has long been used to decrease inflammation. It can be
used to treat rheumatoid arthritis by using doses that are
higher then those used during fever. Newer types of NSAIDs are
effective as aspirin and require fewer intakes per day. However
just like all medication, it has its own side effects which
include stomach pain, abdominal pain and a few others. In order
to minimize the side effects of NSAIDs, they are regularly taken
with meals.

Another type of first line drugs includes Corticosteroids. They
are more powerful then NSAIDs and are given either orally or
through an injection to the inflamed areas such as joints.

Corticosteroids are given in small doses, mainly during
flare-ups as it reacts more strongly to inflammation. However it
can have serious side effects on the body if given for an
extended period of time in high doses. These include weight
gain, easy risk of infection, easy bruising and others. The side
effects can be minimized by decreasing the level of doses given
to the patients slowly as the condition of the patient improves.
A sharp decline in the doses given to the patient is discouraged
as it can lead to flare-ups and other symptoms of the disease.

Second line drugs include Disease-modifying
Anti-rheumatic Drugs or DMARDs. These drugs are mainly used to
prevent destruction of joints and deformity. DMARDs are used for
an extended period of time in order to be effective. DMARDs can
often be used with a combination of other second line drugs as

Some examples of DMARDs include Sulfasalazine,
Hydroxychloroquine, D-penicillamine and others.

Apart from the above methods, there are some other approaches
that can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. The patients can
undertake exercise that can help them improve their physical
condition and improve joint mobility. Additionally it is
important to have a healthy intake of food.

Many often patients with rheumatoid arthritis can experience
weight loss. This can be combined with medication and therapy to
come up with a more potent combination against the condition.
Depending on your position, you can under go either
physiotherapy or occupational therapy. This will help improve
flexibility, mobility, and reduce pain in your joints.

The aforementioned approaches to rheumatoid arthritis have been
used time and again. However it is essential to seek your
nearest doctor to get firm guidance. Each arthritis case shall
be dealt on an individual basis.

With the passage of time, new and more effective treatments
against arthritis are starting to come through. However the only
way to gain the maximum benefit from the existing treatments
will be to remain punctual throughout the course of the
medication. It is important to constantly consult your doctor
and keep him or her up to date with your condition, so that the
doctor can advise you further and give more effective feedback.

About the author:
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The Variety Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications

The Variety Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications
Matthew Landsmann

There is a variety of prescribed arthritis medications which health professionals can give to help with rheumatoid arthritis. While these arthritis medications may not cure, they can relieve pain, alleviate symptoms, and even slow the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs can reduce pain and assist with inflammation. These drugs may be used as an arthritis medicine and may be obtained over the counter and in prescription form. (Most people are familiar with aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium.) The only negative aspect of these arthritis medications is they can lead to stomach problems, such as bleeding and indigestion. They can also raise blood pressure in a person and cause susceptibility to fluid retention.
COX-2 inhibitors are a class of Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which do not cause as much harm to the stomach. This class of arthritis medication functions by suppressing an enzyme called cyclooxygenase which is a factor in inflammation. However, fluid retention and elevated blood pressure may result as side effects of COX-2 inhibitors. Reports are also coming in that people who use this class of drug may be more liable to a stroke or heart attack.
Corticosteroids are arthritis medications which are able to reduce pain and inflammation. They can also moderate the damage to joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, numerous arthritis sufferers who take corticosteroids have stated that they feel significantly better. However, after a time the effectiveness of corticosteroids may diminish. There is also the risk of suffering severe side effects such as diabetes, weight gain, and decreased bone density, after long-time use of corticosteroids.
It is important to see a doctor at the earliest signs of rheumatoid arthritis. While modern medicine has not been able to find a cure for arthritis, they are making strides in pain relief and slowing down the progression rate of rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Immunosuppressants can be supplied as an arthritis medication to help control the immune system. Without such treatment, the immune system in rheumatoid arthritis patients is not balanced and it is out of control. TNF blockers are sometimes prescribed in combination with an immunosuppressant. TNF blockers operate by blocking the protein which inflames the joints. Those on TNF blockers report reduced pain and less stiffness.
Those diagnosed early with rheumatoid arthritis can be given arthritis medications known as disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. These drugs slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, if the arthritis is caught early, much damage to the joints can be forestalled.

About The Author

Matthew Landsmann is the proprietor of Great Arthritis Choices.
This site has easy to read articles containing excellent information about Arthritis.