How sick people get better sleep

When one is sick, everything is hard. From eating to sleeping, the illness really affects the overall function of the person. But since these two, especially sleeping is a must, one should think of ways to get better sleep even if he or she is sick.

The major consideration in this case is the severity of the condition. If you are sick due to fever, there are certain medications that should be taken in before bedtime. But if you are undergoing a terminal illness, it is best to seek the help of doctors on how you can sleep better.

Tips for a good sleep despite sickness

The best set up for people who are sick but who wants to get better sleep is to have somebody to help him or her with her needs. This is very ideal since the sick person doesnt have to worry over things anymore. Having somebody to do the things that are you supposed to do is ideal since worrying aggravates the condition of a person who is sick. Other tips for sick people to get better sleep include:

1. If you can, try staying awake during daytime. Although people that are sick would crave sleeping almost all the time, this may not be the best because it means lesser sleep at night. Remember that sleeping at night is very crucial since it has longer hours compared to daytime. If you can try to stay awake at daytime, it would be the best so you would not disrupt your sleeping cycle.

2. Try to insert exercise during daytime. It may sound absurd to ask a sick person to exercise but in reality, the right amount of physical activity may help them to get better. Studies show that people who are sick have greater chances of getting better sleep at night if they do some simple exercises during the day because their bodies will be somehow “tired” and will “crave” for sleep at nighttime.

3. Ensure that the temperature is at comfortable levels. If you are a person who is not used to hot rooms, then it would be ideal to keep your bedroom on the cool side of it. Studies show that people who are sick have better chances of sleeping well if their room has mid-to-high 60’s fahrenheit.

4. Eliminate unnecessary noises. It is best to keep the room of a sick person as quiet as possible so his or her sleep is not disrupted. Experts say that people who are sick have greater chances of getting better if they are able to rest well. So, to ensure that the person who is sick will have a peaceful sleep, noises should be eliminated. If it is not possible to totally eliminate these, try other methods of minimizing them such as putting soft earplugs to the ears of the person or using a white noise machine.

5. Just the right amount of light. To get better sleep, people who are sick must try to sleep in a room that it either dark or with minimal amount of lights. Why? Because this setting will not only help them get better sleep but can also help them to relax and get well easily. You can keep the room dark by drawing the shades or pulling the curtains down. If you are not the type of person who is not used to totally dark room, try turning on the lamp shade so there will be enough light to get you by.

How foods affect you to get better sleep

People who are busy with their work are usually the ones who are having problems in sleeping. This is because the exhaustion and their hectic schedule keeps them from getting better sleep on daily basis. If you are one of those who are having trouble sleeping due to too much work, it is now time to reflect what might be causing these and address it properly.

One of the things that hinder people from getting better sleep is the set of foods that they eat. This is because these foods might contain ingredients and other properties that can really affect the person’s chemical balance. If you think that the foods that you are eating affects you in getting better sleep, try assessing your food intake for one day.

What you can do is list down all the foodsincluding the drinksthat you have taken in for one day and make an assessment after that day. In this way, you can track down which are the foods and drinks you have taken affect your sleeping habits especially at night. The following are just some of the list of foods that might lead one to troublesome and uncomfortable sleeping at nighttime:

1. Too much food intake. This is considered as the major culprit why many peopleespecially those who dont have sleeping problems beforeare having a hard time sleeping all of a sudden. Experts say that if a person have overeaten, the tendency is that the stomach will have a hard time digesting it. Too much food may also affect the how the digestive system work and may even cause clinical conditions such as ulcer if done regularly.

2. Foods that contain too much fat. Experts say that people are eating foods that have too much fat are prone to not sleeping well at night because it creates a lot of digesting work for the stomach. If one wants to get better sleep, he or she should cut down on foods that are too rich or fatty so there will be lesser work for the stomach especially at nighttime.

3. Too much spicy or acidic foods. These sets of foods can very much affect one’s sleeping habits especially at nighttime. If one eats too many sets of spicy foods especially at night, it can lead to troubles in the stomach and even heartburn which makes it harder for you to lie down and get better sleep at night.

4. Too much alcohol intake. Some people say that alcohol may help one to get better sleep but on the contrary, it doesnt especially if he or she has taken too much of it.

5. Foods that contain caffeine. These are another set of culprits for people who are having trouble sleeping. If you are prone to not sleeping, it is best to avoid foods as well as drinks that have high caffeine content such as coffee, chocolates, sodas that are caffeinated as well as teas. To get better sleep, it is best to not consume these for a while. Or if you really cannot do without these, try minimizing your consumption even for a couple of days. Once you get your sleeping pattern back, you may go back to consuming these but only to limited content so you would not go back to having sleeping problems again.