What Happens After the Lasik Procedure?

After you are fully prepared, the Lasik procedure takes less than fifteen minutes to complete for both eyes. This will seem a remarkably short time to have a permanent change to your vision, and in this regard Lasik seems almost too good to be true. In addition, most Lasik patients notice improved vision immediately or within a few hours after the Lasik procedure has been performed.

This does not mean that you should expect to walk out of the Lasik clinic with perfect vision and without any need to treat your eyes carefully for the next several days. It also means that some Lasik patients will need more time to see the total results for the Lasik procedure, sometimes as much as six months for their vision to stabilize permanently. Anticipate good vision, and take the time and care for the operation to produce its best result.

Usually the Lasik physician will give the post-procedure patient a protective shield for their eyes. This should be worn as long as the physician specifies, and usually only at night for one or two nights. He may also recommend sunglasses during the day if you experience sensitivity to light after the Lasik procedure is done. Discuss these options in detail at the Lasik center before the operation, so you know how to best take care of your eyes.

Many patients at the Lasik centers often get eye drops to keep their eyes moist for some time after the Lasik procedure is done. Again, this varies by patient and by physician, so ask about your particular situation, especially if you are prone to eye dryness on an occasional basis even before the Lasik procedure. Also, it might be helpful to keep any ceiling fans or other air circulation devices off in the household for the first few days.

Most clients can return to work and normal daily activities the day after the Lasik procedure is done, and do not require any extra assistance from other friends or family members. There is usually little to no post-operative discomfort after Lasik has been performed. It is recommended that patients go to sleep as quickly as possible after the Lasik surgery in order to minimize any post-operative discomfort. Upon waking, improved vision from the Lasik corrections should already start to be visible.

This improved vision may not be the final product of the Lasik procedure. The improvement to nearsightedness after Lasik is usually quick and dramatic, though there may be some problems in reading easily for the first few days after the Lasik operation. This is perfectly normal, and should clear up before the week is out.
Patients that use Lasik to improve their farsightedness usually find a dramatic improvement the day after the Lasik surgery. It might be that there is a temporary blurring of objects in the distance, but this will resolve itself. If this condition remains for more than a few days, the Lasik physician can recommend and prescribe temporary glasses until vision is stabilized.

These are all typical post-operative recommends for a Lasik patient, in order to feel comfortable with what to expect after the Lasik procedure. As with any medical treatment, get all of your questions answered by the staff of your Lasik center for your individual case.

Should I have Lasik or ICL?

A number of people who are considering the Lasik procedure to correct their nearsightedness or farsightedness have of some potential problems of Lasik, and are wondering if there are other options. Though more than 95 percent of the Lasik patients have a very successful procedure without any major side effects, there are choices for people who wish to improve their vision. Let’s compare two, and discuss these choices with a reputable ophthalmologist.

Traditional Lasik surgery uses a scalpel to create a small flap in the eye, and then a laser reshapes the eye in order to focus accurately. There are two more recent forms of Lasik, one that entirely uses a laser and does away with the scalpel. Another variation uses a three dimension waveform for people with unusual eye shapes, and both of these are worth discussing with your ophthalmologist.

Those people with very thin corneas or other issues that make Lasik not a good candidate for their particular case can consider implantable contact lens surgery. This is known as ICL in the eye surgeon’s lingo, and is a good alternative to Lasik to permanently correct vision. These lenses function in exactly the same way as removable lenses, except that they remain permanently in the eye. Like Lasik, they reshape the eye in order for it to focus accurately. The patient will not feel the lens once the operation has been performed.

Lasik and ICL are similar in several ways. Lasik can improve vision affected by nearsightedness and astigmatism, and ICL can improve these vision deficiencies also. Both Lasik and ICL also have some of the same risks, one of these being that the correction is not accurate after the first operation is done. Lasik is a much more frequently performed procedure, and less than 3 percent (according to the FDA) of these patients need to undergo additional surgery to further correct vision after the first Lasik procedure is done.

Like any operation, there is a chance of infection in either a Lasik procedure or an ICL operation. Good post-operative care by the patient will minimize this and regular checkups at the Lasik or eye care center will nearly always clear this up without further complication. In a small percentage of the cases, either Lasik or ICL patients may not achieve perfect vision and may need to continue to wear corrective eyewear, though usually not at the same strength as the original eyewear.

One advantage of ICL over Lasik is that ICL is a reversible procedure, where the implanted lens can be removed later if that becomes necessary. Lasik involves the reshaping of the cornea to bring objects accurately into focus, and is permanent. However, for a typical, healthy patient either Lasik or ICL will generally bring about the desired improvement in vision.

Lasik is generally a less invasive procedure, and this is reflected in the current cost of the operation. The current price for a Lasik procedure is between $500 and $2500 per eye, depending on the type of procedure and the presiding physician. A typical price for ICL is between $1500 and $3000 per eye. Do some investigation into the options offered, and select the eye procedure that is best for your personal case.

What is a Wavefront Lasik Procedure Like?

Let’s walk through what a client experiences when attending a Lasik center for a Wavefront Lasik procedure. The procedure itself generally only takes between five and ten minutes for each eye in total, and both eyes are done during the same procedure. The actual time to reshape the eye with the Lasik excimer laser is usually less than 15 seconds per eye.

Any person’s vision problems are generated by small “aberrations” within the eye that prevents the light from focusing objects as they should. The Lasik equipment locates and classifies these aberrations and then processes them so that the Lasik physician will correct these and allow the light to focus properly once the eye has healed.

In a Wavefront Lasik procedure, the patient stares at one point while a light is sent into the eye, which is reflected back and read by a Lasik Wavefront sensor. The distortions in this reflected light are mapped using a small computer within the Lasik system, and then this information is used to guide the laser that treats the eye.
Once the light creates the map for the eye, the Lasik surgeon has to create a small flap to access the cornea. This is done using a laser (this type of Lasik procedure is known as IntraLasik, or bladeless Lasik) or a small blade known as a microkeratome.

This flap is then opened to allow the cornea to be reshaped by the Lasik system.The excimer laser actually reshapes the cornea, which is the crucial part of the Lasik procedure. In order to determine exactly how to reshape it, the map created earlier by the Wavefront sensor is used to direct the beam of light accurately. The Lasik physician uses these precise tools to get the clearest vision results possible.

This custom Lasik procedure can not only correct such standard problems as nearsightedness, but can also address aberrations that create light halos, glare, haze, or starburst patterns. Once the Lasik physician determines that all relevant aberrations have been eliminated, he replaces the flap in its proper position, where it adheres normally and will heal naturally.

As mentioned earlier, this entire Lasik process takes between ten and fifteen minutes per eye. A patient gets a mild sedative and eye numbing drops to make the procedure both relaxing and painless. Most people notice an improvement in vision due to Lasik almost immediately.

Once the Lasik procedure is finished, you will get some eye drop medication to lubricate and protect your eyes. This medication (and the liquid in the drops themselves) may cause some blurring, and so for this reason (and to avoid any eyestrain) you should arrange for someone else to drive you home. It is also a good idea to go to sleep as soon as possible after the Lasik operation in order to promote even faster healing.

To promote optimal healing the Lasik physician often gives a plastic shield to wear over your eyes for the first night or two. Follow closely any recommendations by the Lasik physician. Do further investigation into this great new Lasik procedure, and get a clearer focus on your future!

All About Contact Lenses

As most of us know, contact lenses are the best alternative to glasses. They are small, plastic shaped discs that are made to correct eyesight problems like nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness, and other problems. Contact lenses are also used by those who have had cataract surgery, as they can help the eyes to heal a bit faster.

Contacts are used in the eye, where they will float above a sea of tears that rest in front of the cornea. You should always go to a doctor to be fitted, as the proper fitting and design is very important for safety, comfort, and the accurate vision. If you dont get fitted for your contacts, you could very well get a pair of contacts that could damage your eyes.

There are several types of contact lenses available in two main types – hard contact lenses and soft contact lenses. The hard contact lenses include gas permeable and the conventional hard lenses. Soft contact lenses include daily wear, extended wear, and disposable wear. These are all great contacts, although you should check with your optician to see what he recommends.

If you are just starting to wear hard contact lenses or have thought about them in the past, youll need a 2 – 4 week break period, where you will gradually wear the contacts longer and longer with each passing day. Soft contacts on the other hand, will take less time to get used to, as most people who wear them can break them in a few days.

Contact lenses, as we all know, have many different uses. They are mainly used to correct vision, although they can also be used for those who have just had cataracts, especially if the natural lens around was removed. Contacts can also be used in the treatment of various eye diseases, and scars on the cornea that have been caused by infections or injury.

Contact lenses are a great choice for those who have active lifestyles, such as athletes. They wont fall off like glasses when you run, nor do they hang off your face or fog up. They also offer you a full field of vision as well, which is great for sports. The lens and focus is the same as glass, meaning that you will get the same vision from contacts as you would with a pair of glasses.

A lot of people who have vision problems consider getting Lasik eye surgery to fix their vision problems so that they wont have to wear glasses or contacts. On the flip side, there are several risks and problems associated with this procedure, besides the fact that it is very expensive. Contact lenses arent expensive, and they are a safe alternative to vision correction.

Keep in mind that contact lenses arent available without a prescription. Although you can get certain contacts without a prescription, they wont correct your vision. To get contacts that correct your vision, youll need to visit an eye doctor and get fitted for them. Your doctor will tell you the health of your eyes, as well as the contacts you need to correct your vision.

For several years, contact lenses have been an ideal way to correct your vision. They are more popular than glasses, and they wont limit what you can and cant do. Contacts fit snugly in your eyes and they wont make you feel out of place. You can wear them with any type of clothing you desire – as it is very hard to tell if someone is wearing them or not.