Acne Scar Reduction-Prevention Best Treatment

Yuck! Nobody likes to suffer through an outbreak of acne, but even that can go from bad to worse if scars develop. Not only do you have to live with the acne, but you could be stuck with the aftermath for years to come, especially if you have severe outbreaks. However, there is good news because there are a lot of options for acne scar reduction.

The following is somewhat simplified, but it’s enough to give you the information you need to start treating your acne scars. When you have a bad outbreak of acne and sores develop, and that can lead to an infection which causes collagen and elastin to decrease. If that happens, then the skin cells themselves become damaged. The body then sends out its natural defenses and tries to repair the skin near the damaged area with connective tissue, and it’s this tissue that causes scarring.

Prevention of scarring is by far the best thing you can do. That may sound obvious, but all too many people overlook it. A good first step is to start treating your acne as soon as possible. Though it is often easier said than, you should never pick at the sores from your acne. Of course, if you start treating right away, there will be fewer sores to pick at.

You can always try using medicated treatments for acne scar reduction. Again, do what you can to prevent and treat outbreaks first. Over-the-counter medications may work just fine, but if not, you can always talk to your doctor or a dermatologist about prescribing something for your outbreaks.

You may not be able to do much in the way of prevention if you already have some scarring, but there are things you can do to minimize or eliminate the appearance of existing scars.

The first thing you need to do is talk to your doctor or dermatologist about your treatment options. They will be able to give you advice based on your personal medical history. Even if you want to try some home remedies for acne scar reduction, you should still talk to a medical professional about your concerns.

Laser treatments are becoming more and more popular as people see how well they work. The laser has to be used by a qualified dermatologist, so it will require an office visit. In simple terms, the laser burns of some of the skin in a controlled manner, then the scars are minimized when the new, healthy skin grows back.

Dermabrasion is where the top part of the skin is abraded or scraped off. A machine or buffer is used to make this happen. The idea here is that it will reveal the healthier skin underneath, but it also encourages new skin cell growth which adds to its effectiveness.

There are also different medicated lotions, creams and supplements that can help with acne scar reduction. Remember, you don’t have to live with yucky looking scars, so take advantage of any of these options right away.

Put Yourself in a Better Mood

Your mood can determine how you deal with stress, complicate your health, and help you deal with the daily pressures of the work week. Using essential oils is a great way to uplift your mood and put you in good spirits throughout the day. Not only will your mood become increasingly better, but your energy levels will increase as well. The natural fragrances given off by essential oils helps your body use its natural defenses against loss of energy and bad health. Overall, enhancing your mood through essential oils is a healthy way to increase your mood while bettering your health.

Essential oils used in aromatherapy techniques can also be a preventive against the stress and low energy that ultimately harms your health. Even if you dont expect to have a bad day, using essential oils will help you maintain and uplifted mood when the day starts to go sour. This is especially useful in the office when the day can start out good and slowly become stressful and demanding. A better mood can make you more productive and customer service oriented within the office when your mood starts to drop. Essential oils can help pull you out of a controversial situation by helping you think more clearly while in the office.

Essential oils are also useful in the home for stay at home moms or dads. Using the essential oils in your home is safe for the kids, and it can help you cope with a hectic schedule. If you find yourself losing your emotional control, use essential oils in aromatherapy to help uplift your mood and stay calm while watching your children. The aromatic scents help you control your mood, keep yourself positive, and it can even improve your concentration.

Whether you are at work or at home, using the following essential oils will greatly increase your mood and help you sustain a positive attitude even during the bad days. A positive attitude can increase your health and allow you to eliminate stress from your body. Using essential oils such as grapefruit, bergamot, and geranium can greatly enhance your mood and internal energy levels. The following essential oils can be used individually, but used in combination they provide a powerful way to enhance your mood and keep your spirits high.


Everyone is familiar with that freshly peeled smell of a ripe grapefruit. The citrus scent immediately makes you feel refreshed and it feels that energy levels instantly rise. The aroma is tangy and brings back an invigorating feeling that happens when your mood quickly becomes better and your spirit is uplifted.


Bergamot is an exotic plant extract that is energizing and has an antiseptic for your mind quality. It stimulates your senses and it even helps balance your emotions while increasing your mood. The bergamot aroma is taken from the fruits peeled layer, and it used to be used in colognes. The bergamot aroma can be used separately, but it blends well with most other essential oils.


Geranium is a balancing plant that helps stabilize your mood and makes you feel spiritually healthier. When you allow stress to enter your life, you can start to have a roller coaster of emotions that can affect your health and it affects the people around you. Geranium essential oils can help stabilize these emotional up and down issues with its flowery sent.

You can use each of these scents, grapefruit, bergamot, and geranium, individually for their unique emotionally uplifting qualities. Individually, they are powerful essential oils that should be a part of your day whether you stay at home or if you have a busy day at the office. Essential oils in aromatherapy should be a common use especially if you feel your mood is emotionally unstable. Using essential oils can help you handle the daily stress at work or at home.


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