Have You Looked Into Natural Arthritis Treatments?

Have You Looked Into Natural Arthritis Treatments?
Mike Herman

There are 100 different forms of arthritis identified by the
AMA, and there are almost as many natural arthritis treatments
for those who desire to treat arthritis naturally.

The name arthritis means “joint inflammation” – and this can
come from wear and tear as in osteoarthritis, or from immune
deficiencies as in rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis affects approximately 3 million Americans in different
degrees of severity and there are a number of ways to treat the

Natural arthritis treatments are treatments which come 100% from
the environment, and they are virtually free of side effects
unless you happen to be allergic to the particular plant.

Check with your physician whenever trying a new product, just to
be safe.

Natural arthritis treatments include plants, minerals and

Within the past 20 years, natural remedies have become more
widespread as the public discovers alternatives to prescription

For many years people have treated arthritis, as well as many
other diseases, with natural remedies and ingredients found in
the house.

Some natural arthritis treatments that are easily obtained and
have been proven to work both recently and over the years.

You can try one or all of them until you reach the results that
you desire. There is no hazard in mixing natural arthritis

* Alternate cold packs for 20-minute intervals.

* Soak affected joint in Epsom salts and warm water for 20

* Take antioxidants – Vitamin C and E, lipoic-acid to improve
immune system and circulation and to fight free radicals that

* Take Omega – 3’s to support cardiovascular system and

* Use glucosamine and chondriton to promote joint and cartilage

* Shark cartilage has also been associated with cartilage

* Exercise keeps joints loose and improves circulation.

* Get plenty of rest for joints to recover.

* Herbs to reduce pain are cat’s claw, ginger, cinnamon,

* Herbs to promote rest and calm are valerian root and

More remedies can be found on the Internet for treating
arthritis with natural treatments.

About the author:
Discover treatment options and see how you DON’T have to give up
and just ‘live with pain and discomfort ‘find some Natural Remedies for Arthritis