Essential Information on Pain Relief

As you know, too much of anything is not good. This also applies to the use of drugs for pain relief. Being too dependent on drugs is also not good for your body. Because of this fact, many people are now turning to electronic machines or devices for pain relief. If you dont want to feel any side effects from the use of pain reliever drugs, the best option would be the devices or machines. Such digital machines are convenient because once you wear them the pain relieving action takes effect. Your routine activities are not even affected.

Have you ever about the effectiveness of TENs? TENs or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation works through your skin. In order to use it, you will put the patch on the skin area where you feel any pain. This conductive patch will serve as the entry point of the electrical impulses from the TENs machine.

Your brain tells you that youre in pain. The electronic impulses from the machine block the sensory nerves of your body so that the pain signals cannot go to the brain. If the pain signals are blocked, you will not feel any pain; thus, resulting to pain relief. The machine generates signals that aid in the release of feel good hormones or endorphin.

Back pain is quite common and if youre also suffering from it, you can try using the machine. According to a Swedish study, the machine really works. In fact, about 70% of workers were satisfied of the pain relieving results of the TENs.

The recent TENs kits already comes with an electrical probe which can help in stimulating the acupuncture points of your body. The machines always come with cautions so that users will know where to put the pads. For neck and head pain, you should follow the machine instructions so that you can determine the acupuncture points or the channels. Read the manual carefully so that you wont encounter any problems.

For the machine to be effective, you should know how to position the electrode pads. If youre suffering from joint or muscle pain, the pads should be positioned near the pain source. For those suffering from nerve pain (sciatic), the pads should be placed over the sides of the spinal column and the legs top portion. Consult your medical specialist and ask about the machine. There are lots of medical practitioners out there who encourage the use of TENs. They can help you in effectively using the equipment. Proper placement of the electrode pads is vital. Always follow the guideline of the manufacturer so that you can get the best results. Keep in mind that the electrode pads should not be placed over the brain/neck/throat nerves, as well as near your eyes.

The machine allows users to control the electrical signals received by the body. You should always check for the settings of the machine. Muscle twitching is an indication that the control setting is too high. Make sure that you feel only tingling sensations when using the TENs.

Dont use the machine without the supervision of a qualified medical professional. You see, not all pain conditions can be relieved by the machine. Through expert help, you can determine if the TENs is the most suitable pain relief option for you. Ask your doctor now and if he or she recommends the use of the machine, you can always try it out.

What You Should Know About Arthritis

What You Should Know About Arthritis
Robert Thatcher

Should the person experience some muscle pain which lasts more than 2 or 3 days, there is a strong chance that one has arthritis.
Arthritis is a common disease that affects millions of people worldwide. This can be felt in the persons joints, skin and organs inside the body. Should the person feel anything wrong, it is advisable to go straight to the doctor.
Doctors have discovered that there are over 100 types of arthritis. Given the number, the doctor will not be able to know which one is affecting the person without an examination.
There are 2 common forms of arthritis. The first is rheumatoid arthritis which is considered a chronic disease. There is inflammation in the joints caused by cartilage damage. Anyone who has this will suffer long term joint damage that will lead to chronic pain and disability. Pain is usually felt when waking up in the morning and will gradually disappear during the day.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a problem that will not go away. This happens in three stages. The first is swelling. The second is the rapid division and growth of cells. The third is when these cells release enzymes that will eat the bone causing the joint to lose shape until the person will not be able to move it anymore.
Since this is systemic disease, it can spread and affect other organs in the body. The best way to prevent is from happening is detecting it early to prevent the person from being disabled.
This can be treated with proper medication and therapy. There many drugs available that the patient can use. Some drugs offer pain relief to reduce the inflammation. Others can just do one function.
The second is called osteoarthritis. This happens more often than rheumatoid arthritis but unlike the first, there is no inflammation present. The cartilage in the joint is damaged and will eventually degenerate. Pain will slightly be felt when the person gets up but this will hurt later on during the day.
Osteoarthritis can either be primary or secondary. When it is primary, it is often associated with age. It is similar to a car where the parts have to be replaced due to wear and tear. Doctors consider this to be normal as people grow older.
The secondary type is often associated with something else that has caused this to happen. Some of these factors are an injury that took place, heredity, obesity and bone density.
Osteoarthritis can be treated with medication, exercise, weight control, joint protection, physical and occupational therapy. This is done to relieve the pain and slow the progression of the disease.
Both of these are caused by different things. The common thing between these 2 types is that joint pain can happen anywhere in the body.
Given the many medications available to treat this disease, the patient has to be aware of the side effects of each before choosing which one to use. The doctor should explain these to the person in order to make the right decision.
Arthritis and its different forms will not go away. Since this is an insurable disease, the best thing that the doctor and others can do until a cure if found is to help the patient ease the pain the slow the growth of the disease.

About The Author

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides arthritis resources on

Sticks and Stones Break My Bones, and Arthritis Always Hurts

Sticks and Stones Break My Bones, and Arthritis Always Hurts Me
A. Raymond Randall

On September 30, 2004, Merck & Co Inc (MRK) recalled Vioxx due to negative clinical trial results. Recipients of this drug seem to experience increased experience of heart attack, stroke, blood clots, or intestinal bleeding. Both the American Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine stress the dangers of this prescription drug. European and American cardiologists recognize the implicit dangers of this highly marketed arthritis prescription. This does not have to happen to you when safe natural and effective arthritis pain relief might provide relief!
Did you know that pharmaceutical drugs have their history embedded in herbal medicine? Apothecaries offered medicines with medical care. The cost of medical help was expensive(sound familiar), so many families made home remedies. However, today’s pharmaceuticals derive from the the medicines stirred and pounded by the apothecary in the mortar by the pestle. “The history of Merck & Co., Inc. can be traced back to Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668 when an apothecary named Frederic Jacob Merck opened a chemical firm.” If curious about Merck’s history, learn more about it here:
Further historical proof is found in 1792, Alexandria, Virginia. Three Hundred homes nestled near the Potomac River; on Fairfax Street, Edward Stabler, a Quaker pharmacist, started a family business which operated until 1933. To this day, many of Stabler’s herbs, potions and paper labels in his apothecary desk. Stabler like other apothecaries of his day prescribed Native American Indian remedies like witch hazel for external treatment of inflammatory conditions.
Today, most patients visiting a doctor go for cold and flu symptoms or joint and muscle pain. Modern prescriptions provide relief, but sometimes with side effects. Now, you can get temporary relief from minor arthritis pain by using remedies derived from all natural ingredients. For example, the non greasy, penetrating and topical cream referenced below, brings soothing relief quickly. Further relief comes from Boswellia serrata, used in India for centuries as a proven pain reliever.
Although pharmaceutical drugs may cause side effects, other studies indicate that glucosamine, a common recommendation for arthritis discomfort, has no effect. You might consider reading this October 2004 study by researchers at the University of British Columbia: Whatever choices you make, take time to research, and then take action. Despite these debates, the American Journal of the American Medical Association has considered glucosamine effective when promoting cartilage formation for your joint health. So, why not get some spring back in those steps? You can find relief using high quality natural alternatives to side-effect laden drugs. One manufacturer with years of experience has natural alternatives. This company started in 1955; read about this remarkable company, its philosophy and contributions here:
To read more about these natural and effective alternatives to arthritis, type the product numbers found below into the search box found here:
Pain Relief – 20667
Read the label:
Read the product information sheet:
Joint & Muscle – 20669
Read the label:
Read the product information sheet:
Joint Health – 20668
Read the label:
Read the product information sheet:
Sometimes too much information brings confusion; on the other hand, too little information leads to unwise choices. Good health involves your wisdom, discipline, and desire to feel better. As a friend reminds me, I remind you, “Think healthy”, and choose your medicine carefully. Always read every label closely. The natural alternatives offered in this article provide you with a safe, natural, and effective arthritis pain reliever.
The Internet serves a library of information and resources. We all have to be careful about self-diagnosis and prescription. Read wisely by cross-referencing the content. These articles may be of further benefit as you search relief for your arthritic pain. You may read the source for these references by reading the entire article in the Echievements article library:
“Vitamin C and Arthritis”
“The link between smoking and rheumatoid arthritis in men”
“Ice beneficial in treating gouty arthritis”
“Genetic Factors Play Small Role in Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief”
“Benefits of exercise decline over time in osteoarthritis sufferers”
“Vegan diet may be helpful in rheumatoid arthritis”

Copyright by A. Raymond Randall
Ray Randall is a registered investment advisor with Ethos Advisory Services, and coordinates Echievements . Ray holds a Masters Degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. You may email him or call (877-895-3756). Ray has used the products of this recommended company for 30 years.
[email protected]

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Will It Strike You?

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Will It Strike You?
Travis Lawrence

Many think that when they get older they will deal with rheumatoid arthritis. But, many are sadly mistaken if they think that this condition is far off for them. In many cases, it starts much earlier than you would think. Having the knowledge you need, though, can help you to see the symptoms, understand what is happening to you and to seek out the right treatment for it. Rheumatoid arthritis strikes thousands of people every day. Will it strike you?
An Overview
Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that is chronic meaning that it does not go away. Most of the time, it is thought of as a condition of inflamed joints. Long term damage to the joints is what leads to severe pain. Eventually, it will worsen to an extreme in which the individual can no longer use the joint and can become disabled for it.
There are three stages of the disease. In the first, there is often swelling in the synovial lining. This is the lining of the joints. The swelling will cause pain, stiffness and even a feeling of warmth in the area. The joint and the area surrounding it will be swollen.
In the second stage, the disease is characterized by the growth of cells. The cells will grow and reproduce quickly. This causes the lining or synovium to thicken rapidly.
In the last stage, these cells are now inflamed. They are releasing enzymes that will begin to actually work away at the bone and cartilage of the joint. The joint will become misshapen and its alignment will be off. In turn, this causes more pain and leads to the loss of function of the joint all together.
It is also important to note that Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to other conditions throughout the body. The disease can effect many organs and therefore cripple the lifestyle that you know. It is important to seek treatment early on before the condition worsens beyond control.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects about two million people within the United States. There is no cure for it, but medications can slow and even stop the progression of the disease and therefore prevent it from becoming severe. The cause of the disease is also unknown.
Do I Have it?
Understanding the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can help you to know when you should take action. It can affect any joint within the body. Smaller joints are the most common area for it to begin. For example, fingers, the hands and the wrists are the mot common first signs of the disease. Most common systems include the following.
 Stiffness in any joint. It tends to be worse in the morning or after sitting still for long periods of time. The longer this stiffness lasts, the worse the diseases is.
 Fatigue can be a symptom as well.
 Flu like symptoms including a fever may be present.
 Feelings of weakness.
 Pain may be evident especially when there are long periods of sitting or stillness.
 The disease can go into remission in which it may not feel as bad. Many mistakenly think that they are better. But, it will flare up again.
 Muscle pain may be evident.
 Also, a loss of appetite, the onset of depression, anemia, sweaty hands and feet and weight loss can be a sign that there is something happening.
As the disease progresses, symptoms will worsen. Pain becomes more so and there is a withdrawal from activity because it is just too painful.
Seeking Help
The treatment that you will receive will be fitted to your specific conditions. Because the disease of rheumatoid arthritis is so varied, treatment must be administered to your severity and your symptoms. It is important to seek the advice of a doctor when you begin to experience pain because early detection can slow and stop the progression of the disease. It can help to stop the spread as well.
It is important for you to seek early treatment for any joint pain that you may have. As mentioned, rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that can affect other systems within the body. These will worsen as the disease progresses. Taking the first steps when you first see a problem can help you to maintain your lifestyle without having to stop because of the pain that rheumatoid arthritis is bound to cause.
About the Author
For more rheumatoid arthritis treatment information visit . You may freely reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter provided this courtesy notice, link and URL remain intact.