Tips on How to Relieve Anxiety and Stress

It begins with alarm. The muscles, particularly in the face and neck, tighten. The stomach feels knotted. The pulse is rapid, the mouth is dry, and the palms are sweaty. Lactase, a substance released during muscle contractions, appears in the blood. Hormones that speed up the heart and constrict the blood vessels are released. Blood pressure rises.

All of these things constitute to a condition that people commonly know as stress or anxiety. Experts define it as the bodys nonspecific response to any demand made upon it.

After this initial response, the body returns to normal, but maintaining normalcy under stress and anxiety requires all the energy of mind and body. If the stress and anxiety continue long enough, normal functioning cannot be maintained, and the initial alarm responses reappear.

In fact, experts say that even a small amount of additional stress and anxiety at this stage can cause breakdown. Scientific reports show that in small animals, stress beyond the point of endurance has proven deadly.

So how do people manage stress and anxiety? What are the ways on how on how to relieve anxiety and stress? Here are some great tips you must muster to fight back stress and anxiety and live your life to the fullest.

1. Exercise

Regular exercise helps to relax a tense body and a stressed mind because it helps uplift depression and improve mood. It can also decrease the activity of the sensory receptors in the muscle, which send information to the central nervous system. Tension makes these receptors oversensitive so that they bombard the nervous system with electrical impulses.

Exercise can also cut down on the overload on the nervous system by quieting the electrical signals from the muscles. Best of all, exercise induces and enhances the ability to sleep restfully.

2. Take out a multivitamin or mineral insurance policy

Physiological and emotional stress can rob the body of important nutrients, including antioxidant vitamins. In times of stress and anxiety, free radicals, such as unstable molecules of harmful chemicals, can increase and sack the bodys health fragments for substitute electrons, parting uninhibited radicals and impaired tissues and cells in their body.

Anti-oxidants, most particularly vitamins E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C protect the bodys healthy fragments by giving up their personal electrons to counteract free-radical attackers. So to arm yourself against a stress-induced free-radical invasion, take a daily multivitamin or mineral induced supplement.

How Does Exercise Acts as Tranquilizer?

Scientists do not understand the precise how and why yet. They believe that certain brain chemicals found in relaxed states are released during exercise.

In experiments with cats, researchers found that the activity of the muscle receptors was reduced when the temperature of the receptors themselves or of the hypothalamus, a region in the brain, was raised. Vigorous exercise is one way of raising these temperatures and, perhaps, of slowing the receptors activity.

Some investigators suggest that the tightening of the muscles associated with tension causes chronic over-arousal and over-activity of the nervous system. Moving the muscles, they say, may be necessary to keep the muscle receptors transmissions to the nervous system at a normal level.

Mental health professionals have begun to study the effects of exercise on emotional disturbances. No one is suggesting that people can quite literally run away from our problems, but one psychologist did find that depressed patients improved significantly after ten weeks of jogging.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that exercise is one of the best solutions to relieve people from stress and anxiety.

Natural Beauty Tips to Help You Look Your Best

Let our natural beauty tips help you look beautiful without all those toxic chemicals found in today’s cosmetics. It is possible to achieve a healthy, vibrant appearance using only natural ingredients. You’ll look better and feel better because you do not have all those heavy cosmetic products on your skin.

Natural beauty refers to a vital and healthy look for your body, hair, and skin. Living an overall healthier lifestyle is the first step to refreshing your appearance. Take care of your body from the inside out before attempting to fix skin problems with surface treatments like moisturizer or makeup. Many times, a simple lifestyle change is all it takes to completely revitalize your look.

Make sure you are eating right and are getting enough vitamins and minerals each day. Add a multivitamin to your morning routine to ensure that you are receiving all the nutrients your body needs. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and try to avoid excess fats, sugars, and processed foods. Healthy food for your body will show through in your appearance as your skin clears and becomes more moist and supple.

Exercise is probably the most powerful of any of the natural beauty tips. Regular physical activity improves blood flow to the skin, giving it a fuller, more colorful look naturally. Of course, exercise will also help you stay trim and looking good all-around. On top of the benefits to your appearance, working out on a regular basis will keep your internal organs and heart healthy, along with preventing some cancers and extending your life.

The next in our list of natural beauty tips is to always keep yourself hydrated. As skin dries out, it becomes inflexible and more susceptible to wrinkles. Instead of applying heavy moisturizing cream externally, try drinking more water to provide moisture from the inside. This is a far healthier and natural solution to the common problem of dry skin.

Even if you still want to wear some cosmetics, there are natural beauty tips that can help you. Start off with either a sheer foundation or a slightly tinted moisturizing cream. Use a damp sponge to apply the cream so you get coverage all over your face without too much cosmetic buildup. This shows off your healthy-looking skin, but will also cover up any blemishes or marks without being too heavy or obvious.

To avoid leathery, dry skin, stay out of the sun whenever possible. The UV rays from the sun will dry out your skin and cause it to wrinkle prematurely. If you must go out in direct sunlight, be sure to wear sunscreen that is rated SPF 15 or higher. Hats, sunglasses, and umbrellas can also help protect you when you are out in the sun.

As you can see it does not require chemical-filled cosmetics and makeup to look great. There are many ways to enhance your appearance without resorting to artificial products. Following these natural beauty tips will get you on your way to a healthier, more radiant appearance.

The Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements

The benefits of fish oil supplements should not outweigh the need to understand how these supplements should work or provide essential nutrients for the human body.

Although it is a general notion for nutrition experts to insist on regular food as the common and most basic source of vitamins and minerals important for the human body, fish oil supplements, be it in liquid or solid form, are needed to ensure a holistic enrichment and nourishment for the body.

Fish oil supplementation is ideally beneficial by providing for what the regular or daily diet may not provide, it can also be a preventive measure against diseases and illnesses.

Essentially, fish oil supplements are meant to complement a diet, not as a substitute for it, as what many believe to be the case. Since plant foods still contain many nutrients, among them phytochemicals, that still cannot be substituted or generated through synthetic means.

Why the need for fish oil supplements? Take for instance these circumstances;

Infants that are being breast-fed need to have their regular source of iron, especially when they reach their four to six months, since breast milk only provides little iron. This is where iron supplementation comes in with baby milk formula or alternative sources like fortified cereal meals or baby food.

Children also need fluoride supplementation to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay.

Pregnant women need multivitamin-mineral supplementation, to ensure that their nutrient levels are met for the development of the fetus inside the womb. Among those that need supplementation are increased levels of folate to prevent birth defects, as well as increased amounts of vitamins like B6, C and D and minerals like calcium, copper, iron and zinc.

For children who are picky eaters, they need to have their regular dosage of the required vitamins and minerals to ensure better growth and brain development.

Breastfeeding mothers also need supplementation, since they need increased amounts of essential nutrients that depletes during the process of breastfeeding. Among those are vitamins B6, C and D, as well as calcium, zinc, magnesium and potassium.

Even vegetarians are not exempt from the need to take in supplements, since they do not get all the essential nutrients only from vegetables, especially for growing vegan children who need to have the nutrients provided by dairy products, meat, poultry and fish.

Also those above the age of 50 have special needs for some nutrients that they need more of and some that they need less. Seniors need to have more vitamins B6, B12 and D, as well as folate. Postmenopausal women also need the supplement their calcium intake to lessen the risk of osteoporosis.

Alternative fish oil supplementation is a must to ensure a balanced and healthy lifestyle, but don’t be fooled by mass media advertising campaigns or too-good-to-true offers, since not all those supplements found in the market are what it seems to declare or state.

Be cautious. It does not mean that because it is cheaper than others you get good value for your money. It is best to investigate first.

Also try to seek advice from a nutritionist, dietitian or your physician as to what your body needs and does not need to have, since they may be able to help you establish what you need supplemented or fortified.

The benefits of fish oil supplements is indeed good for the body, but take note that anything good taken in excess can end up to negative results.