Arthritis Pain: Can Supplements Help?

Do you suffer from arthritis? Are you tired of suffering? Do you want it to end and now? Immediate pain relief is possible with over-the-counter pain medications. Unfortunately, the pain returns as soon as the medication wears off. What can you do? You can try herbal and dietary supplements. Many have little to no risks. In fact, most have additional health benefits.

So, what dietary supplements can help you treat, manage, or relieve the pain of arthritis?

Note: the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not approve most of these supplements. We all know that this approval is important, but lack of approval does not mean a thing. Perform a standard internet search with the supplements highlighted below and you will hear first-hand that they do work.

Ginger. This supplement comes from the root of a ginger plant. Depending on the form, it comes from either fresh or dried root. What is ideal about this supplement is your options. You can choose from capsules, powder, extract, and oils. Up to two grams a day are recommended. The extract can be added to tea for taste.

According the popular Arthritis Today magazine, ginger extract helps with inflammation. It has the ability to slow down the chemicals that cause inflammation, including COX-2. In addition to aiding in arthritis pain, this supplement is an ideal cure for motion sickness, as it not only subsides pain, but nausea and vomiting too.

Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables, otherwise known as ASU. Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU) not only provides pain relief, but it lessens joint swelling and inflammation too. Various studies, since 2002, have shown that ASU did stop inflammation. Not only that, it slows the break down of cartilage and in some instances worked to repair prior damage.

Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables is available in capsule format. It can be found for sale at most health and nutrition stores. Read all labels before taking, but most call for two capsules a day.

Fish Oil. Fish oil has long been known for its health benefits. Fish oil comes from cold-water fish. The Arthritis Today magazine recommends up to two three-ounce servings of fish a week. For those unable to stomach the taste and smell, capsules and tablets are available. This supplement is affordable and available for sale at most retail locations, including department stores, nutrition stores, drug stores, and grocery stores.

As previously state, it has long been known that fish oil is a healthy supplement. It helps to promote healthy blood circulation. Due to its ability to protect against high blood pressure and heart disease, you cannot go wrong with this supplement. The reduction of inflammation in your joints and decreased pain are only the beginning.

Devils claw. Although the name sounds frightening, this supplement is an herbal remedy that was and is widely used in South Africa. It is available in powder, liquid, and capsule formats. According to the Arthritis Today magazine, the active ingredient in devils claw is Harpagoside. Many claim it reduces both joint pain and inflammation.

Devils claw is shown to reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain associated with arthritis. Unfortunately, there are known risks involved with this supplement. Those who are pregnant, taking blood thinners, antacids, or diabetes medication should not take the devils claw supplement, regardless of the form.

Ginkgo, also known as ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo has long been touted as a memory-enhancing supplement. Although medical professionals have yet to agree on this benefit, there is more. For many, it improves blood flow and circulation. This improves the overall health and wellbeing of the body. Some studies have shown that it reduces disease flair ups, including arthritis.

Ginkgo is available for sale in most retail stores. It is available in liquid, extract, or capsules format. The Arthritis Today magazine recommends choosing supplements with 24% flavonol glycosides and up to 7% terpene lactones.

As you can see, many herbal and dietary supplements can reduce the pain associated with arthritis. The good news? These are just a sample of the supplements available for sale. Before trying any supplement, including the ones highlighted above, research or speak to your primary care physician. Some can counteract with common over-the-counter or prescribed medications.


Word Count 697

Motion Sickness in Children

Children usually feel sick in the stomach when travelling in a car, airplane, boat or train. This sickness is known as motion sickness. This sickness is caused by reception of wrong signals by eyes, muscles, skin receptors, and inner ears.

While travelling, different body parts send different signals to the brain. Eyes see things around and it sends signals about the direction of movement while in motion. The joint sensory receptors and muscles send signals about the movement of the muscles and the position in which the body is. The skin receptors send signals about the parts of the body which are in contact with the ground. The inner ears have a fluid in the semicircular canals. This fluid senses motion and the direction of motion like forward, backward, up, down, circular, or to and fro. When the brain gets timely reports from the various body parts, it tries to find a relation between all the signals and then sketches a picture about the bodys movement and position at a particular instant. But when the brain isnt able to find a link and isnt able to draw a picture out of the received signals, the condition called motion sickness is experienced.

For example, if a child is riding in a car and reading something at the same time, the eyes will see stationary book. But the skin receptors and the inner ears will sense the body moving in a forward direction. The eyes and the muscle receptors will send signals that the body is not moving. This confuses the brain and everything is jumbled up in the head. This makes the child dizzy, sick in the stomach and even tired. There is a possibility of the child throwing up, so it is recommended that the parents carry a sick bag each time they are travelling with kids. And if the child is feeling anxious or scared, the condition can deteriorate further.

Although there are medicines available over the counter to deal with motion sickness, some measures should be taken to avoid medicine and also motion sickness. The child should always be made to sit facing in the forward direction. He/she should not face or sit backwards, nor should he be made to sit in a seat facing backwards. This helps the ears and the eyes to send similar kind of signal. It is good if the kid isnt involved in some kind of activity like reading, playing video games or something which is stationary. He/she must be asked to look outside, especially at things which are located at a distance. The same applies when travelling in an airplane. When travelling in a boat, the child can go to the upper deck and look at the horizon. Basically, the child must be made to concentrate at things which are located at a distance and are in motion. When looking at something stationary, the eyes get confused and send wrong signals.

It also helps to sit in a place which is moving the least. Usually, it is the center point of the body, so the more close the child sits to the center, the better. Like when in an airplane, it is good to sit in seats in the middle aisle and not in those which are located near the wings. If the child is sitting in the center of the boat, instead of the front or the side, the lesser seasick the child will feel. In spite of all these measures if the child is still feeling sick a doctor should be consulted. The doctor checks the inner ears for any defect. He will also check other body parts which are responsible for sensing motion. Apart from medicine, pressure bracelets are also available at the local pharmacy. And along with carrying a sick bag or any other plastic bag, the car can be pulled over and the child should be walked out a bit to feel better.


Word Count 660