Body Detox: The Process to Purify Your Life, Mind, and

Body Detox: The Process to Purify Your Life, Mind, and Soul

Detox is needed by the human body. As todays environment, as well as highly processed foods contain toxins that are destructive to the immune system. These toxins are any substances which creates harmful and irritating effects to the human body. It can undermine the health or stress organ or biochemical functions.

Such alarming results are due to the side effects of taking any forms of drugs or changes in the physiology patterns that are normally different from the usual functioning. These free radicals usually irritate, inflame, age, and degenerate body tissues. Negative ethers, spiritual and psychic influences, negative emotions, and thought patterns are also considered as toxins. Thus, it stresses the body causing changes in normal physiology that produces specific symptoms.

Keep in mind that the body needs to function in balance. However, it can be disturbed when the body takes more than what it can eliminate or utilize. Toxicity then occurs. It is dependent on the frequency, potency, or dosage of the present toxins. It can produce rapid or immediate occurrences of symptoms as been displayed by some drugs and several pesticides.

The imbalance being caused by these toxins can be distressful to your life which disrupts you of a sound mind and a good soul. Detoxing is very helpful so that you can purify your body from these harmful toxins regaining your beautiful outlook in life.

Detox also called as detoxification occurs on various levels. Physically, it is a process that can help in clearing illnesses, congestions, and potential diseases improving the bodys energy. Many detoxification processes are helpful in rejuvenating the body and preventing degeneration.

Detoxification of the mind is important. Cleansing the minds from negative patterns can improve the health of a person. Physical detoxification can also alleviate mental stress. It also helps in terms of emotional aspects of the person where he or she can express and uncover feelings particularly hidden anger, frustrations, fear, or resentments, and later on replace it with love, forgiveness, hope, and joy.

Cleansing processes can also enhance the purpose of a person about how they view life on a more spiritual level. Light detoxification within a few days can help the person in feeling better while a longer detox process can allow a deeper commitment on eating better diets and eliminating abusive habits.

Body detox is a portion of the transformational medicine which instills changes in various levels. Evolution and change are the keys to the persons healing. Enhancing elimination can help in dealing with and clearing problems from the past, childhood as well as parental patterns, relationship or job stress. Toxic build-up elimination can make a person feel lighter and experience a new horizon of the future.

Well, detoxification can be done in simpler ways. Drinking extra quarts of water each day is good in eliminating more toxins. Eating more cleansing foods, vegetables and fruits with higher contents of water, and less protein foods are helpful in reducing congestion problems. There are other levels of progressive detox diets ranging from simple diets to total fasting. Nevertheless, dont over detoxify yourself. Extreme fasting, enemas, diuretics, colonics, laxatives, and exercise can start losing the bodys essential nutrients. This also results to a negative balance where mineral-vitamin deficiencies occur which can cause problems in the future. Never forget to maintain the balance to have a better life.

Tips on How to Relieve Anxiety and Stress

It begins with alarm. The muscles, particularly in the face and neck, tighten. The stomach feels knotted. The pulse is rapid, the mouth is dry, and the palms are sweaty. Lactase, a substance released during muscle contractions, appears in the blood. Hormones that speed up the heart and constrict the blood vessels are released. Blood pressure rises.

All of these things constitute to a condition that people commonly know as stress or anxiety. Experts define it as the bodys nonspecific response to any demand made upon it.

After this initial response, the body returns to normal, but maintaining normalcy under stress and anxiety requires all the energy of mind and body. If the stress and anxiety continue long enough, normal functioning cannot be maintained, and the initial alarm responses reappear.

In fact, experts say that even a small amount of additional stress and anxiety at this stage can cause breakdown. Scientific reports show that in small animals, stress beyond the point of endurance has proven deadly.

So how do people manage stress and anxiety? What are the ways on how on how to relieve anxiety and stress? Here are some great tips you must muster to fight back stress and anxiety and live your life to the fullest.

1. Exercise

Regular exercise helps to relax a tense body and a stressed mind because it helps uplift depression and improve mood. It can also decrease the activity of the sensory receptors in the muscle, which send information to the central nervous system. Tension makes these receptors oversensitive so that they bombard the nervous system with electrical impulses.

Exercise can also cut down on the overload on the nervous system by quieting the electrical signals from the muscles. Best of all, exercise induces and enhances the ability to sleep restfully.

2. Take out a multivitamin or mineral insurance policy

Physiological and emotional stress can rob the body of important nutrients, including antioxidant vitamins. In times of stress and anxiety, free radicals, such as unstable molecules of harmful chemicals, can increase and sack the bodys health fragments for substitute electrons, parting uninhibited radicals and impaired tissues and cells in their body.

Anti-oxidants, most particularly vitamins E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C protect the bodys healthy fragments by giving up their personal electrons to counteract free-radical attackers. So to arm yourself against a stress-induced free-radical invasion, take a daily multivitamin or mineral induced supplement.

How Does Exercise Acts as Tranquilizer?

Scientists do not understand the precise how and why yet. They believe that certain brain chemicals found in relaxed states are released during exercise.

In experiments with cats, researchers found that the activity of the muscle receptors was reduced when the temperature of the receptors themselves or of the hypothalamus, a region in the brain, was raised. Vigorous exercise is one way of raising these temperatures and, perhaps, of slowing the receptors activity.

Some investigators suggest that the tightening of the muscles associated with tension causes chronic over-arousal and over-activity of the nervous system. Moving the muscles, they say, may be necessary to keep the muscle receptors transmissions to the nervous system at a normal level.

Mental health professionals have begun to study the effects of exercise on emotional disturbances. No one is suggesting that people can quite literally run away from our problems, but one psychologist did find that depressed patients improved significantly after ten weeks of jogging.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that exercise is one of the best solutions to relieve people from stress and anxiety.

Natural Therapy To Relieve Insomnia-Looking For Solutions

Not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep is incredibly frustrating. This can happen to all of us every now and then, but if it’s an ongoing problem, then it is classified as chronic insomnia. Looking for solutions to get decent rest is the goal of most people who suffer from the condition, but they don’t necessarily want to turn to drugs. That’s why natural therapy to relieve insomnia can be such a good option.

Meditation is a wonderful way to reduce insomnia. Practicing meditation or prayer during the day will help to remove stress, and will focus you on being calm. This will make it much easier for you to be in a good state of mind for falling asleep. You can also invest about 15 minutes of time meditating or praying before bedtime to achieve the same state of calmness.

Another natural therapy to relieve insomnia that a lot of people like to use is aromatherapy. Essential oils like lavender relax your mind and body and will assist in bringing about sleep. Using aromatherapy in combination with a warm bath will set the mood. You can also place a few drops of lavender oil on a cloth and put it under your pillow at night. You don’t want to use so much that the smell becomes overpowering, but rather just enough to calm you down.

What you eat and drink can have a major impact on your ability to fall asleep. Having a glass of warm milk before bed has been a home remedy for insomnia for ages. Of course you shouldn’t drink or eat dairy products if you’re lactose intolerant. Try to avoid eating a heavy meal before bedtime as your body will be working hard to digest it. Also, if there are certain foods that cause you trouble, you shouldn’t eat them. Having an alcoholic drink before bed may seem to help, but it really doesn’t. Alcohol affects your ability to stay sleeping, so do your best to not have a nightcap.

There is a natural chemical called melatonin which regulates how you sleep. Your body naturally produces it, but if it’s not producing enough you can find melatonin supplements. However, as it’s still a pill–even though it’s a natural one–you should consider it carefully before deciding to take it.

Most people would consider herbal remedies as a natural therapy to relieve insomnia, and valerian root is one that a lot of people use effectively. It seems to work by relaxing the nervous system and can produce a feeling of well-being. However, as it is an herbal supplement, you should check any medications you are on to see if they may react negatively with the valerian. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you aren’t 100% sure. Drinking cup of herbal or chamomile tea before bed can help to soothe you as well. Being in overall good health does a lot to relieve insomnia too. You may want to kick any bad habits you have, exercise regularly and eat healthy.

Handling Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety attacks can be seen as an abnormal and irrational panic over trivial things or accidents or for no reason at all. Attacks usually occur without warning and a person can simply burst into fear. Triggers can cause anxiety attack like getting stuck in the elevator or being called to recite in the class but in other cases, attacks come out of the blue. An anxiety attack is disproportionate reaction to the situation or the problem at hand, leaving the person excessively fearful, or sometimes incapacitated, which affects life, relationships, happiness and peace of mind.

Symptoms of Anxiety Attack

A person undergoing an episode of anxiety attack shows the following symptoms:

Heart palpitation (increase in heartbeat)
Hot flashes or chills
Surge of overwhelming panic
Feeling detached or unreal
Trembling or shaking
Trouble breathing
Feeling of losing control, going crazy; or fear of dying
Choking sensation
Nausea or stomach crams
Chest discomfort or pain

Handling anxiety attacks

Anxiety attacks usually peak within 10 minutes and rarely last for half an hour. But during this time, a person can totally lose control of himself and show symptoms mentioned above. To handle this attack, a person must:

Relax Although it is often impossible to relax during an attack, it is very crucial not to submit yourself to your emotion. Breathe. Deep breathing helps calms and relaxes your mind and body. During an anxiety attack, focus your breathing to slow down your heartbeat. This also diverts your attention from the attack which helps you recover faster. Take some time and practice deep breathing exercises even if you are not stressed or feel anxious.

Think positively Again, during an anxiety attack, it is often impossible to relax or even calm yourself, but you have to be in control. Push more positive thoughts to your head. Instead of thinking that others will humiliate you or you are going to faint because you cannot take the pressure, think of the good things. Do no anticipate that something bad will happen because in reality, there isn’t. Keep in mind that the more you think negatively, the more anxious and panicky it is going to be.

Think that it will be over soon and it will. Anxiety attacks do not last for more than an hour so there is no reason for you to think and feel that your world is over. You don’t have to be mindful of the time. You don’t even have to count every minute that passed. What you should be doing is be conscious that it will not going to last forever.

Start an exercise program We have heard that exercise has lots of benefits both to the body and the mind. It is also a great stress buster and anxiety reliever. Experts agree that as little as 30 minutes of exercise, 3 to 5 times a week is enough to lower the level of stress and reduce the chances of having episodes of anxiety attacks.

Talk to someone you trust It can be your friend, your wife (husband), a relative or a therapist. Often, having someone who listens and understands what a person is going through will make a lot of difference. This is because it allows you to bring out your emotion rather than keeping it to yourself.