How Do I Choose an Essential Oil?

Depending on your needs, you should carefully choose which essential oil is best for you. Essential oils can be used in aromatherapy or even as a diluted topical cream for different skin breakouts. Most mood enhancing essential oils are used in aromatherapy for mental fatigue, stress, and anxiety. If physical uses are the focus of your needs, then using essential oils that help with rashes or acne problems would be more beneficial. It is important to use the proper essential oil or you may find yourself frustrated from inactivity.

Before choosing an essential oil that is perfect for you, doing research and reading articles related to several essential oils will help you decide. Some essential oils are better as mood enhancers. If you suffer from depression or low self esteem, certain essential oils will properly help lift your spirits and increase your mood so that you can be more active during the day. You can also ask a professional or qualified consultant to help you choose. A professional can help you choose which essential oil will quickly help your condition with the best efficiency.

After you choose an essential oil it is important to test it prior to using it. Essential oils should never be applied without testing a small area of the skin. The oils should also never be used without first diluting the extract. Essential oils are potent, so using them on the skin without diluting can cause a rash or burn. Conversely, dilute a small drop in a few milliliters of vegetable oil. Spread the essential oil cream on a small area of your skin and observe for twenty four hours. If your skin becomes irritated or red, then you may be allergic to that specific oil. Use this method even before burning essential oils for aromatherapy.

After checking for allergies, it is time to use the essential oils. There are several different methods that you can use. Below is a list of ways to inhale or apply the essential oils for the different therapeutic effects. It is important to use them the way they are intended for the best benefits.


A diffuser will allow you to inhale the essential oils. Put a few drops of essential oils into the diffuser with water. Some essential oils can be used just with the heat, so make sure to read the directions. A diffuser will evaporate the essential oils into the air, and most come with a timer so that they can be used while sleeping.

Dry Evaporation

Dry evaporation is a more simple way to inhale the essential oils. You can place a few drops on a cotton swap or tissue and allow it to evaporate into the air. If you need a quick, strong scent inhale the fragrance directly from the cotton swap. For a less potent effect, allow the essential oils to evaporate on the tissue or cotton swap and leave it in the general vicinity of where you will remain for about an hour.


Steam is a simple way to inhale the essential oil aroma. Place a few drops into a steaming bowl of water. The oils will quickly vaporize into the air. Place a towel over your head and place your head close to the steam and inhale. The fresh fragrance of the essential oils will penetrate your senses and help you feel refreshed.


Word Count 569

Feel No More Anxiety with Essential Oils

Anxiety can inflict its horrible symptoms on people of any age. Anxiety comes in all different forms including social, panic attacks, or simply an inability to cope with the stress and hectic schedule of a busy work day. Anxiety raising the heart rate, causes mental fatigue, and it is overall dangerous to ones physical health. Some people will choose to see a therapist and use drugs or other chemicals to help rid themselves from daily anxiety. Some of these drugs have unknown side effects, and it can cause future health problems. Essential oils in aromatherapy are naturally relaxing ways to help relieve you of stress, calm your nerves, and help you get a better nights sleep.

Anxiety can stem from multiple places in our lives. Work environments with strict deadlines are places that foster anxiety, stress, and mental fatigue. The anxiety caused from these places can cause you to have problems concentrating and being efficient at your job. It can cause you to be sick more often than usual, and it can ultimately cause you to lose your current job.

Poor relationships can also cause anxiety. If your relationship is failing or you suspect adultery, worrying and focusing on the negative can make you ultra stressed and cause you to become anxious. Essential oils can help soothe and relax your mind from all the negative and help you worry less. Worrying about a failing relationship can also harm your physical health, so using aromatherapy can help keep your body strong and relieve the stress from the day.

If you find yourself crippled from the anxiety from work, school, or your home life, trying essential oils can lift your spirits and help you fight back. Regaining control of your emotions can be done without the need of drugs and chemicals. The drugs used to treat mental issues can cloud your mind and alter your personality negatively. Essential oils are naturally relaxing methods to help you battle the anxiety and stress that plague you. Burning just a few drops of essential oils in aromatherapy can help you clear your mind from the clouded behavior.

The following essential oils are great ways to eliminate the stress and anxiety in your life. Bergamot, cedarwood, and lavender are three essential oils that are important for proper meditation and anxiety elimination. They can be used individually for their separate benefits, but it is recommended to use them in combination. Used in combination, the essential oils can create a potent solution to debilitating anxiety and daily stress.


Bergamot is a refreshing and uplifting essential oil. It is extracted from the peel of the fruit, and its citrus aroma helps lift you spiritually and rid yourself from negative thoughts. It helps your emotional balance and keeps you focused on important issues.


Cedarwood is a soothing essential oil that helps you remove stress from your body and mind. The oil is extracted from the Virginian Cedar tree, so its fragrance is woody and refreshing to the mind.

Lavender French

Lavender French is one of the most popular flowery scents that rejuvenate your mind. The scent is French-born and it has long been considered a therapeutic fragrance. It relieves stress from your mind, and it can even alleviate the aches and pains from your muscles.


Word Count 554