The Effects of Low Estrogen Production in the Body

As the women grow older, the production of estrogen decreases resulting to the last stage of menstruation, which is better known as menopause. Estrogen is the main hormone responsible for the cessation of menstruation. Many studies have proven that low production of estrogen in the body causes the permanent absence of menstruation.

Estrogen is a female hormone produced by the ovaries. These particular hormones are responsible for the regulation of the different reproductive functions of the female body. It is one among the two female hormones that are responsible for the different shapes of the female body. It is done merely by the even distribution of fats in the body of a female.

Aside from that, estrogen is also responsible for the development of the uterus and the reconstruction of bones and tissues in the bones and brain. If you maintain a safe level of estrogen in your body, it will help in the maintenance of proper blood flow; it also controls the cholesterol level and functions as an antioxidant of the body that filters harmful chemicals found in the body.

With lower estrogen, the ovaries will produce minimum numbers of eggs as well. And with fewer eggs produced, menstrual cycle will stop. Usually, the cause of low estrogen production is aging. It can stop your ovaries from producing estrogens that will cause the absence of menstruation or menopause. The production of low estrogen also affects the holistic balance of the womans body or the homeostasis. Your body will find it difficult to maintain your natural anatomy. Low estrogen in the body also affects the normal function of the brain.

There are many studies that tell that estrogen can prevent the existence of Alzheimers disease. This is because estrogen increases the blood supply to the brain causing it to function well. With minimum amount of blood in the brain, women will have problems with recalling memory that sometimes leads to Alzheimers disease. Low production of estrogen has relatively strong effects to the normal functioning of a womans anatomy.

Low estrogen production, causes irregularities in the menstrual period of some women. Compared to other normal estrogen producing individuals, these people produces small amount of menstruation. It can also be a reason for some emotional problems like depression and aggression towards other people with no valid reason.

This is why maintaining a normal estrogen is essential especially to women. For more information about low estrogen, you can consult your doctor to know more about it.

Possible Side Effects of Taking Estrogen Hormone

Estrogen hormone is a group of compounds called steroid. It is dubbed as estrogen because of its big importance in the oestrus cycle. The main function of it is, as female sex hormone.

This hormone is found in both men and women but women of reproductive age have high levels of it. Estrogen hormone helps in developing the breast of the women, thickening of the endometrial, affects the discharge of hormones from pituitary gland and changing the menstrual cycle.

There are a total of six estrogenic substances in the womens body. However, there are only three top occurring estrogens in women namely: estrone, estradiol and estriol.

1. Estrone this is the most powerful among the three. This is the main estrogen being produced in the ovary.

2. Estratiol this is the most common estrogen. It is adapted to estrone. This is the most powerful estrogen produced by the ovary before menopausal stage.

3. Estriol – this is the least powerful among the three.

Since these estrogen hormones can be taken, they have the same effects and side effects especially if the doses are the same. The hormones should not be used when a woman is pregnant because it can lead to miscarriage. If taken at the earlier stage of pregnancy, it can badly harm the developing fetus.

For most senior women, they take the hormone even without any preventive measures. What they do not know is the risk of its side effects increases as they become older and older.

What are the possible side effects when a woman takes an estrogen hormone? The most common side effects with estrogen hormone are:

Softness of the breast, either men or women
Inflammation of the ankles and legs
Lesser cravings for food
Sudden changes in weight
Abdominal pains
Skin Irritation

Other side effects are:

Bleeding gums
Vaginal bleeding and spotting
Changes in menstrual flow
Painful menstruation
PMS or the pre-menstrual syndrome
Vaginal infection such as Candida
Loss of scalp hair
Increased sexual desires
Decreased sexual desires

Rare side effects include:

Blood clotting
Sudden feeling to urinate
Unclear speech
Changes in vision

Estrogen hormone should always be balanced. When a woman has an imbalance or has a lesser count of hormone, chances are, she has an irregular menstrual cycle. This is the reason why there are women who resort to different estrogen hormone therapy just in order to make her hormone balance.

Though this is important still, women should be aware of its side effects before taking it.

Benefits of Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Maintaining the hormonal balance of a person is difficult. A woman is advised to take an estrogen replacement therapy to improve the level of estrogen that decline due to a disorder called hysterectomy after the menopausal period.

It is given for women who undergo either the premenopausal and postmenopausal period in their menstrual cycle. This is usually done in order to avoid possible discomfort and health problem brought by the imbalance estrogen hormone in the system of a woman.

The therapy is classified into short-term and long term relief. The short term relief usually lasts for one or two years. On the other hand, there is no exact duration for a long term relief because as long as the patient needs cure in order to lessen the risk, she will be recommended for a thorough treatment.

Estrogen replacement therapy replaces the hormones that are no longer produced by the ovary. It also provides relief for the unpleasant risks and effects that are brought by the symptoms of menopause in a womans body specifically the hot flashes and the night sweat.

Aside from merely using estrogen it is also sometimes associated with progestin. This is another type of hormone that is important during the menopausal period. It still varies on the doctors advice whether the patient still needs to have the progestin replacement.

There are some women who make use of herbal treatments for treating their hormonal imbalance. However, most of the doctors still prescribe the use of conjugated estrogen because this is proven to be more effective. Several arguments rise regarding the use of conjugated estrogen, but it was also studied that it can even help in reducing the risk of heart diseases.

Due to the great effect that has been brought by estrogen replacement therapy in curing other types of illnesses, this paves the way for the American women to support the use of estrogen replacement therapy to cure the disorder in their estrogen hormones. At present, the therapy is patronized not only in America but in many parts of the world.

For most women who are going through estrogen therapy, they are required to have salivary hormone testing to gauge the level of the saliva hormone as well. According to some studies, this is an important factor for recommending the dosage of medicines that will be given to the patient. Thus, it will prevent the person from overdosing on medication or lack dosage on the medications of the therapy.

Stress and Your Health

Have you ever wondered if what you know about stress is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on stress.

Dangers of Stress

Stress is a constant part of most people’s lives. And although it is quite common, it at peace needs to be addressed given its impact on an individual’s health condition. When you experience stress, your body produces chemical changes in your brain that could also affect your health.

While some sources of stress are temporal, there are those that are produced over a long period of time so that it builds up. Before you know it, it becomes so serious that veritable affects your health in various levels. Even if you organize not have member existing health condition, it can actually boom your risk of developing them.

You can exhibit the following symptoms of stress, which eventually contributes to the health problems associated with stress:

sleeping troubles
lack of energy
high blood pressure
pain in the back or neck
weight loss or advancement, etc

Stress Related Illnesses and Conditions

Continued research is being done to show more of the impact that stress has on one’s overall health. But despite of this, there has been several scientific claims linking stress to several health conditions from backaches, to insomnia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

When a person experiences stress, it produces chemical changes in the frame that consequently alters some biological processes. For instance, some women who had to deal with stress in their lives suffer abnormalities in their menstrual cycle. Others miss their menstruation, hour some suffer from abnormal down. Aside from that, stress could also result to hormonal imbalances that cause symptoms for fibroid tumors and endometriosis to exhibit.

Heart disorder is another common illness associated with stress. It intervenes with your cardiovascular condition such that people with stress can suffer from conditions twin heart attacks, heart palpitations, high blood onus, and stroke. Particular common illnesses suffered by highly stressed individuals include prostration, emotional disorders, headaches, ulcers, IBS, infections, colds, and lowered immunity system responses.

Taking Care of Your Body

Having known the impact that stress has on one’s body, it is then marked to take all the necessary steps to not only combat stress but also keep yourself free ride from organ type of illness. Some people are too consumed with stress that they fail to pay attention to their body. Be more sensitive to your body and health needs.

The following are helpful tips on how you can handle stress and improve your health:

Take time off work to relax. Give your constitution a chance to recuperate.
Get enough price of sleep, especially if you are going to work excessively during the day.
Eat well. Include enough amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, as well as proteins.
Engage in a physical activity during your free time. Working out releases endorphins in your system, which is why it improves your mood.
Never resort to unhealthy methods of dealing with stress, such as drugs, smoking, or alcohol.

Seeking Professional Help

When stress begins to concern your health, undeniable is important to seek professional guidance on the matter. The case is more important when stress has affected your health to a large extent. Unquestionably, there are professionals that can help you deal with the situation and overcome stress so your health can doctor up as well.

But a person can be too consumed with their stressful situation that they fail to recognize when help is necessary. The following are symptoms of radically much stress and requires immediate professional attention:

sleeping problems due to anxiety
suicidal thoughts
loss of wish often leading to weight loss
feeling of isolation or desire to be isolated from other people
high irritability

Those who only know one or two facts about stress can be confused by misleading information. The best way to help those who are misled is to gently correct them with the truths you’re learning here.