Never Make Excuses for the Alcoholic

When you live with an alcoholic, you need to put up with a lot. The one thing that you should never do is may excuses for their actions or their drinking. You have to tell the truth, but in some cases, just not saying anything is better. If you make excuses for what an alcoholic does or why he or she drinks, you are just helping them keep on drinking and not taking responsibility for their actions. Sometimes it may be easier to make excuses than admit the true, but it just compounds the problem. One way to think about it is that if you have nothing truthful to stay, then just say nothing.

Excuses make you look bad. When you make excuses for why someone drinks, you are not helping them at all. In fact, when you make these excuses to someone else, they look at you differently. They wonder why you would make excuses for someone’s attitude or drinking. If you have ever joined a group for family members of an alcoholic, you would be told that it is unacceptable to make excuses for any reason. This just helps the alcoholic keep drinking without taking responsibility for their actions.

Never hide the problem or you will enable the alcoholic to continue to fool everyone. This can cause more problems. If one day, the person you have protected and made excuses fro does something that is really bad, no one would believe you because you helped them hide behind excuses. You have to remember that if you want people to believe in you, you have to be honest and not lie or make excuses for the person the drinks. If someone asks you a question, answer it truthfully and never make an excuse.

If you are abused in some way, never cover up this fact. Many men and women have done this every day that they lived with an alcoholic and ended up regretting it. Women, especially can be abused and live with it. However, if one day, the man in your life decides to take the abuse one-step farther and you protect yourself, who would believe you. You had spent all your time covering up for what they did that no one would believe that this person could do this. You have to be honest and not cover up the abuse. You need to tell someone that can help you.

After the fight is over and he or she wakes up, do not be afraid to tell them once again what they have done. Many alcoholics do not remember what they did the next day when they wake up. Some even remember and feel remorse. Letting them off the hook for their actions will only make it okay the next time. They will know that whatever they do is okay because you will forget and forgive without a second thought. Make them understand what they did and how it has to stop. This is always a good time to mention that they need professional help.

If they miss work, you cannot keep making excuses. Many people with drinking problems have problems making it to work every day. Eventually they will have to explain to their boss why they are missing work. If you are asked to call into work for them because they just do not feel good from drinking the night before, the answer you give should be no, do it yourself. If they are going to keep drinking it is going to keep happening and sooner or later, you will be judged because you helped that person lie to get out of work.

Take control of your life and distance yourself from the fighting and messes that the person makes. This is hard to do especially if you love the person. Living with an alcoholic in your life is never easy. You have to avoid the fights and stay out of any messes that the person may get himself or herself into because of their drinking. Alcoholics will mess up more than once and they will always apologize, but the next time they take a drink, they forget and do it all over again.


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Business Travelers Need Air Ambulance Service Coverage

Do you travel frequently away from home due to your specific job requirements? Business travel has increased dramatically over the past few decades. More and more, men and women are sent hundreds of miles away from home to perform business duties. In many cases, travelers are even sent out of their home country on business.

The good business traveler comes prepared for the trip with all of the appropriate luggage, business files, and a laptop, but often something is missing. You may think you leave home fully prepared for the trip, but in reality, you are vulnerable. The business traveler may not be prepared for a medical emergency during the trip. Emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere. Just for this reason, people who travel away from home on frequent business trips should be prepared for such an emergency.

Although no one ever wants to use air ambulance services, it is possible that such a need may arise. The cost of a trip in an air ambulance can be extremely expensive. Fees can range from $10,000 to $75,000 per trip.

Business travelers really should consider purchasing air ambulance service coverage for those times when they are away from home. Not all air ambulance service coverage providers offer equal coverage. Carefully read the fine-print and examine the policy with caution. It is important to know when air ambulance service is covered, when it is available, and at what charge to you.

Do your best to select a plan that will allow you to be transported by a medically staffed air ambulance under any health condition. Be certain that you are able to determine the destination. It won’t be helpful to be dropped off at some random hospital along the route that is still miles from home. It is important that you be transported to the hospital of your choice, especially if you are concerned about being near family or at a hospital in your health insurance network.

Locating an air ambulance service coverage

Plan that has no conditions about pre-existing health conditions is very important. As you read the details of the coverage plan, try to look for any loopholes that exclude coverage. If too many exclusions apply, look elsewhere for reputable coverage.

Companies and corporations can supply air ambulance service coverage for business travelers at a reduced rate to the employees or as part of a benefits package. Speak to your employer today to find out if this option is available for you. If coverage is not available through your employer, it is wise to search for this coverage on your own to protect yourself, your family, and your finances.

The next time you travel away from home, don’t just grab your files and your computer. Bring with you confidence and peace of mind that you are covered in an emergency. Should you need to be transported by an air ambulance while away on business, you will know that you can protect your wallet with service coverage. When an emergency arises, you can quickly be transferred to a hospital near home and family without incurring the outrageous expense.

Women Can Relieve Stress-Find The Information On How

I think we can all agree that we live in a stressful society. While both men and women suffer from stress,women may have a little more stress to deal with than men. There are unique challenges that make it important to find information on how women can relieve stress. When you have the situation where a women works and is also a mom, she will have demands coming at her from all angles. Her boss, her husband, her children, her household will all take a toll on her stress level. That’s a lot for any person to handle at one time and it is very important that she take care of herself as well as her health so that she can meet the demands.

There are many techniques for relieving stress that a woman could start right away, I will list some of the more popular ones below:

1. It is okay to say no. Women often try to take care of those around them and forget to care for themselves. You may have a big heart but you do not have a lot of time. There are times when you won’t be able to chaperon a field trip or make cookies for the school bake sale. In many cases women are the primary care givers in a household and many times they feel as if they let those around them down if they don’t jump up to take care of everyone. If you care for yourself first then the rest tends to follow. Think of this, when you are on an airplane the flight attendant will tell you to put an oxygen mask on yourself before helping any other people. In the real world you should do the same. Learn to say no. That is one of the most important things a woman can learn.

2. Take a walk. Take yourself on a hike, a walk, a swim, a jog, or a bike ride. Take time to exercise. Exercise will help clear your mind,blow off steam and keep you healthy. Many women have a hard time voicing their frustration because we are not brought up to get angry and show it, however strenuous exercise added to your daily routine can help with anger. Working out and exercise is a great way to work off stress.

3. Get Selfish. This step is related to step 1 and what I mean is that you need to take time to do things for yourself. Go have coffee, meet with friends, get yourself a massage, etc. Make sure that your time is a priority not just when you have time to do them. Set an hour or one day per week to have a little fun. Do something for yourself without feeling any guilt. You have earned that time. If you follow this information on how women can relieve stress and use it, you will see many benefits including, lower blood pressure, a raise in your spirits and a happier family.