Reasons why you should improve your memory

Memory is important. We use it in our daily lives but often we take it for granted. Not many people realize the important function that memory has in our lives. But this should not be the case. Having a great memory is vital to our survival. Thus, it is important that you take steps to better your memory. Here are some of the reasons why you should:

1. It defines who we are
The memories in your lives define who you are. Try erasing all your memories and you will not have a sense of who you are. It is the experiences that we have in the past that will determine who will be in the future. Without a memory of the past, we will find it hard to go forward in the future. We will have to start building relationships again and have a sense of who we are like what we did when we were still growing up.

2. It helps us learn
We use our memory to learn new things and develop new skills. Memory is actually important in school where we need to memorize a lot of information in order to pass our subjects. Memory is the one what we rely on when it comes to examinations and recitations. But memory is not just for memorizing. Knowledge is also acquired with the use of memory. We learn to do things because of our brains work.

3. It helps us with our jobs
Although we will not be answering examinations when we are on the job, we need memory to help keep up with our schedules and the meetings that we have had with people. There are professions who rely a lot on excellent memory. You need it as a secretary when you have to be on top of your boss schedules. You need when you are a journalist especially in remembering statements that your interviewees have made. You even need it as the owner of the company. You need to remember all the products that you are manufacturing, the capital that you used and the income that you get for the second quarter of the year.

4. It helps build relationships
People who easily remember the names of people are seen as much warmer and more intelligent than those who cant remember names even on the same night. This is why personal relations employees are trained to remember names on an instant as this shows respect and appreciation for others. When people remember our names, we feel a sense of importance and we in turn forward those feelings of good will to that person.

Having an excellent memory also helps people remember birthdays. This is especially true with men who usually forget dates of anniversaries and birthdays. People who remember special dates come across as more thoughtful and more caring as opposed to those who forget all the time. Even if remembering birthdays are not really a sign of love or a measure of love, people still see it that way.

Memory is actually a reflection of our mental processes. Having excellent memory usually means that you have great brain power. Thus, when you are making an effort to better your memory, you are also improving the way you think. And with that, you dont really need so many reasons.

Rejuvenate your Mind with Essential Oils

With all the responsibility and worry that a person needs to juggle in todays world, mental fatigue has become a hugely common. The fatigue that is suffered takes a toll on your energy and eventually even your mental health. Using essential oils in aromatherapy to help you fight mental fatigue will improve your memory, your health, and your overall mood. You will find yourself more revitalized and you will even sleep better after a few days of burning the essential oils.

Working life for many is usually more than the typical eight hours a day. Ten or twelve hour work days sometimes through the weekend are not uncommon for many people. The long work days and hectic schedule take a toll on your mental health and cause mental fatigue. The fatigue that is suffered can make you more irritable during the day especially at work. It harms your mood balance, your emotional state, and it can be seen by coworkers and customers.

Using essential oils in aromatherapy in the office will help balance your mood and help you cope with the stress and struggles at work. Just burning a few drops during the day in the office will improve your mood almost immediately. You will be able to function better and concentrate on your work. Your stress will drop and you will be able to complete your job function more accurately with fewer mistakes due to the mental fatigue.

Not all mental fatigue comes from the work environment. Some stress and mental fatigue comes from home. A housewife or stay at home mom can also suffer from mental fatigue and stress of keeping schedules, taking care of the kids, and making sure the home is in perfect condition. Burning a few drops of essential oils in your home can help prevent mental fatigue from occurring. Aromatherapy can also be used if you feel the days stress getting the better of you. It can calm your nerves and help balance your emotions.

Using the below essential oils will help revitalize your memory and help remove the mental fatigue that plagues your mind. Using Lavender, Peppermint, and Rosemary will help you rid your body from the stress that creates the mental fatigue. You can use the essential oils separately for their individual effects, but they can also be used in combination for an extremely potent mental fatigue remedy.

Lavender French

Lavender French is a relaxing essential oil that soothes your mind from the effects of mental fatigue. It is an exotic plant that is grown in France, and it has been long used for its relaxing fragrance. It has been used therapeutically for ages. It has been used in Europe to relieve tension, soothe aches and pains in the muscles, and help you feel more rejuvenated throughout the day.


Peppermint is a well known essential oil for its cool scent that revives the senses. The essential oils scent penetrates the senses and helps you regain your mental and physical energy. The aromatherapy is especially pleasing after a hard days work at the office. Just a few drops will soothe your mind and help you relax for a good nights sleep. It is an extremely powerful oil that will cure you from aches and pains associated with work.


Rosemary is a good follow up essential oil to the others that relieve your stress and aches and pains. Although it is a stimulating essential oil, it is also a therapeutic way to clear your head and help you relax for a better nights sleep. Rosemary is also said to help your short and long term memory helping you concentrate and focus on important work.

Use the above essential oils separately or in combination for an effective way to relieve yourself from mental fatigue. Just a few drops burned during the day will improve your mental health almost immediately.


Word Count 652

Increase your Memory with Essential Oils in Aromatherapy

Our memory is one of the most important functions that should be maintained and carefully exercised. Your memory can fade or it can be inhibited from stress, environment, or sickness. Memories can be triggered from certain events as well. Memory also should be exercised to help you increase your ability to retrieve information from long term memory. While short term memory only lasts a few seconds, it can still be exercised to increase its abilities.

Essential oils in aromatherapy can help you exercise your mind which will eventually increase your memory. Using essential oils in your home or office will help you concentrate on your work for the day, revitalize short term memory, and even help your long term memory retrieve information. Better memory will help you better understand customer needs and even help you listen and deal with your children more effectively.

If you have a poor memory, essential oils in aromatherapy can help improve your memory from only a few days of burning the scent. The fragrances will stimulate your mind that helps your memory. Using essential oils in aromatherapy in the office will help you remember important dates, deal with customers better, and help you concentrate better on important documents or work. You can use the aromatherapy essential oils during the day as a preventative from becoming moody or irritable as well.

Essential oils in aromatherapy for your home are also good for your memory. Using the essential oils while you are home after a hard days work will help you relax and get a better nights sleep. A better nights sleep will help your wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day. The relaxing essential oils help you rest the mind properly at night so that it can concentrate more efficiently during the day. Resting properly at night stimulates the brain by bringing essential nutrients during a relaxing night.

Using aromatherapy is also good for the college student. It is hard to juggle classes and homework without suffering from anxiety and low energy levels. The lost sleep from studying many hours can take a toll on your memory. Using essential oils during the college years can greatly increase your ability to concentrate, study, and remember what you have read. The oils can also help you remember lectures from professors when attending classes.

The following list of essential oils will help you relax and ultimately increase your memory. They will help you sleep soundly which is one of the best ways to increase your long and short term memory. Whether it is a need to have better memory at school, work, or at home these essential oils will increase your memory almost immediately after using the aromatherapy techniques. Rosemary is the perfect way to help your mind focus and increase your memory.


Rosemary is a stimulating essential oil that helps you focus and maintain proper concentration to better information retrieval. Burning rosemary in your home, office, or dorm room can rejuvenate tired muscles and help soothe weary feat from a hard days work. It allows you to think clearly while studying or analyzing paperwork at work.

From just a few days of using the essential oils in aromatherapy during your days stressful events will help you immediately lose the stress and continue to focus on the work or study material. Although memory can fade, the essential oils can help your memory return. Short term memory and long term memory will slowly return to you. You will feel sharper and full of energy.

Removing stress from your life is also an important way to help your memory return. The essential oils in aromatherapy will help remove the stress from your mind and body which is better for your health. Try using a little rosemary the next time you feel stressed and unable to relax. You will start to feel refreshed from just a few days of aromatherapy.


Word Count 659