Secrets on how to make memory better

It will start with some small incident like forgetting the birthday of a colleague. Then you will start to forget the birthdays of people close to you. After that, it will be the turn of the directions to your favorite restaurant and then god forbid, you will forget your own keys inside your home. We all suffer from moments of forgetfulness but sometimes, things go worse that you find ways to make your memory better.

Although we are not all blessed with a photographic memory, there are ways to at least improve what we are given and make us a little less forgetful. This is especially true with people who are already growing older. As we age, the neurons in our brains also age. Some die while others perform slower than usual. This is why people who are older have faultier memories than their much younger counterparts.

But hey, as mentioned, there are ways to improve memory. Here are some of them:

1. Use visuals or sounds
Depending on what kind of learner you are, people can either use visuals and sounds to remember something. For instance, if you are trying to remember a to-do list, all you need to do is stare at the paper and you will be able to see in your mind the list. There are people however who need to hear the list of their to-dos before they can remember everything that they have to do. To find out which technique will work for you, try remembering how you memorize in school. Do you read the words silently or read them out loud?

2. Use associations
Our brains also need help when it comes to remembering things. The easier we make the remembering task for the brain, the better it will be able to remember the information. This is where associations come in. Associating information with things that we already know or things that we can see is a technique that has been utilized in improving memory. For instance, have you heard of mnemonics? When memorizing a set of words, we often take the first letter of that word and then form a sentence or words from those letters. Associating the word that we are trying to memorize with the first letter makes it easier for our brain.

3. Visualize it
Do you ever wonder why photographic memory is the term use for people with really excellent memory? This is because people who really memorize well or have great memories do not see one item or one information when committing them to memory. They see a picture of the words in group. For instance, a person with a grocery list will usually memorize the items one by one but people who learned to improve their memories will memorize it as a whole. They will look at the list and visualize it as a whole until they can see the list in their minds eye.

4. Eat right
Another important way to improve memory is to check what you eat. Your diet will factor a lot in your ability to memorize things. Eating nutritious foods will help your brain perform better and faster. This is especially true when eating known brain foods like tofu, milk and fish.

There are many ways to make your memory better but the most important thing is to commit to the task and promise to improve it no matter what.

Reasons why you should improve your memory

Memory is important. We use it in our daily lives but often we take it for granted. Not many people realize the important function that memory has in our lives. But this should not be the case. Having a great memory is vital to our survival. Thus, it is important that you take steps to better your memory. Here are some of the reasons why you should:

1. It defines who we are
The memories in your lives define who you are. Try erasing all your memories and you will not have a sense of who you are. It is the experiences that we have in the past that will determine who will be in the future. Without a memory of the past, we will find it hard to go forward in the future. We will have to start building relationships again and have a sense of who we are like what we did when we were still growing up.

2. It helps us learn
We use our memory to learn new things and develop new skills. Memory is actually important in school where we need to memorize a lot of information in order to pass our subjects. Memory is the one what we rely on when it comes to examinations and recitations. But memory is not just for memorizing. Knowledge is also acquired with the use of memory. We learn to do things because of our brains work.

3. It helps us with our jobs
Although we will not be answering examinations when we are on the job, we need memory to help keep up with our schedules and the meetings that we have had with people. There are professions who rely a lot on excellent memory. You need it as a secretary when you have to be on top of your boss schedules. You need when you are a journalist especially in remembering statements that your interviewees have made. You even need it as the owner of the company. You need to remember all the products that you are manufacturing, the capital that you used and the income that you get for the second quarter of the year.

4. It helps build relationships
People who easily remember the names of people are seen as much warmer and more intelligent than those who cant remember names even on the same night. This is why personal relations employees are trained to remember names on an instant as this shows respect and appreciation for others. When people remember our names, we feel a sense of importance and we in turn forward those feelings of good will to that person.

Having an excellent memory also helps people remember birthdays. This is especially true with men who usually forget dates of anniversaries and birthdays. People who remember special dates come across as more thoughtful and more caring as opposed to those who forget all the time. Even if remembering birthdays are not really a sign of love or a measure of love, people still see it that way.

Memory is actually a reflection of our mental processes. Having excellent memory usually means that you have great brain power. Thus, when you are making an effort to better your memory, you are also improving the way you think. And with that, you dont really need so many reasons.

Lifestyle Habits that will Assist you with Maintaining a Healthy

Lifestyle Habits that will Assist you with Maintaining a Healthy Mind

Taking care of our body is important because we want to have a long and happy life. Taking care of the mind is equally important and that is why you will find so many messages out there about brain exercises and finding new ways to think. In order to gain the most from these forms of activities though you need to take a close look at your lifestyle habits. If you take part in those that are preventing your brain from being as healthy as possible then now is the time to stop.

Too much stress is very damaging to the brain as a whole. When you are under too much stress you arent going to be able to focus you attention where it needs to be. You will also not be in the best of moods to encourage your mind to develop positive memories from various situations. When you have too much stress your brain produces large amounts of cortisol as well. This can make you feel very sluggish and it can cloud your judgment.

Getting adequate rest is another area where may people dont make the grade. It can be hard to get everything done in a single day that we need to. People tend to take on more and more these days. Yet you do have to take care of your basic needs properly if you want to accomplish anything the next day. A healthy mind starts with getting enough sleep each night. Try to get into a routine of going to sleep at the same time and waking up at the same time each day. This will help your mind to be well rested for what it needs to process when you are awake.

Making a commitment to exercise at least 30 minutes each day is also important. You want to do this for your physical health. However, it is also going to impact your brain and your mental well being. Dont make excuses that you cant find the time to do it. Make sure you know your own fitness level and that you dont go beyond that.

When you take part in physical exercise more oxygen gets to the brain. This will create chemicals that protect the brain cells. As a result you will be less likely to suffer from mental health problems and memory loss. You will also have a better attitude and more energy.

Avoid common harmful activities such as consuming alcohol and smoking cigarettes. Both of them will reduce the amount of oxygen that gets to the brain. As you make a commitment to eliminate such lifestyle choices from your daily routine you will find that your efforts to maintain a healthy mind are going in the right direction.

Take a close and personal assessment of your own habits and lifestyle. Make those changes that need to be in place so that you are going to live a long and healthy life. Too many people dont think these aspects of their live really matter but they definitely do. There is plenty of scientific evidence to show that when these elements arent in place it is harder to maintain a healthy mind. You may be trying your best in some areas but without all of them there will be key pieces of the puzzle missing.


Word Count 563

Improve your Memory with Brain Exercises

Our memories are a very precious part of us because they remind us of the good times and the bad times that we have experienced. Not everyone has a memory that is as good as they would like. Sure, we all laugh when we forget what we were going to say or we walk into a room to do something and then have no idea what it is when we get in there. Your memory isnt something that you want to see weaken so it is important for you to engage in a variety of brain exercises. They will help you to improve your ability in this department.

There are basic memory games where you have to match two like things. You can do this with a deck of cards or you can buy a memory game. Turning over two of them, if they are a match you get to remove them from the pile. If they dont match you turn them face down again. Then you turn over one more card. The objective is to remember what you see where so you can match up pairs with those cards that have been exposed so far. You can even play such games online by clicking your mouse to show what you want to turn over.

Association is a great way to improve your memory. This type of scenario allows you to connect something new with something that is familiar. For example you can associate a persons name when you are introduced with something that is familiar to you. Then when you see them again that familiar thing will be triggered by your brain and you will remember their name as well as were you met them. This is a handy tool when you are continually meeting new individuals for business or socially.

Most of us really like some form of music, and so you can use what you are interested in to improve your memory. As you sing along to the songs at home or in the car you would seem to know all of the lyrics right? Now try to write them down on a piece of paper without hearing the song. Changes are that key parts of it such as the chorus will be the most to stand out in your mind. Try to play the song in your mind from start to finish and to write down as may of the lyrics as you can. This is a fun way to improve your memory as well as to discover how much you really do know about the music you listen to.

The key to being successful is to find those types of brain exercises that you find to be challenging and fun at the same time. This way you will be looking forward to doing them each day instead of avoiding them. The more you work at it the more you will see that brain exercises do improve your memory.

This of these strategies as a workout for your mind. There is always room for improvement no matter how old you are or what your recalling level is right now. It is important to remember that after about the age of 30 the mind can start slowing down on a cognitive level. Dont wait until then to start exercising your brain. Do it at an early age so that you are very on top of things as you do get older.

It can be a challenge to improve our memory with brain exercises. At the same time though it can really be a great deal of fun. Try to fit such activities into your daily schedule for at least 15 minutes. You will be surprised at how much more you remember. That will be a very good feeling for you at any age. The loss of memory can be short term in nature but it can still be frustrating. Give yourself every opportunity to have an exceptional memory that doesnt forget those things that are important.


Word Count 675